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Netherlands Tour 2018


TS Team
Favourite Ride
Voltron Nevera
Last week I flew to the Netherlands, to visit a number of popular and, erm, more rare, theme parks and fairgrounds! We visited 9 parks and 3 fairs over the week, all of which were brand new to me, and included over 30 new coaster credits. Despite the coasters being the main attraction for the trip, we made sure that at every park we experienced a range of attractions, some of which were fantastic, whilst some were not.

I travelled out with two friends (@JAMMYD778 and our friend Matt), and we stayed at a friend's house in Venray, in the east of the Netherlands. Each day we drove from Venray to the different parks, driving the entire breadth of the country on most days!

I intend to post a concise report of each park on the day we visited, albeit a week later. Our first park was on Monday 6th August, so...

Walibi Holland
Mon 6th August
Ridecount: 26

Lost Gravity x3
Mack Big Dipper - such a crazy ride! The queue line is very inventive and the first drop is great, pulling you under itself. There's some good airtime throughout.

Crazy River x2
A fab log flume, with three fun drops (one of which is backwards), and an acceptable level of wetness!

Robin Hood x2
A Vekoma wooden coaster, which meanders a lot and then surprises you on the drops and airtime hills. The back row of each car can be pretty rough, especially at the back of the train with "jackhammering", so the middle row of each car is recommended.

Merlin's Magic Castle x1
A Vekoma Madhouse, with a weird pre show and a pretty decent ride section. Overall a good madhouse, but it just sticks out like a sore thumb somewhat, in the middle of the park.

Goliath x2
A very good coaster! It certainly warms up by the end of the day, but it's still good any time of the day. The final bunny hops are great and my favourite part of the ride is the final turn into the station.

Space Shot x2
The first S&S shot tower I've done. It didn't pack much of a punch at all, and felt more like a very quick observation tower. I still enjoyed the experience though (hence doing the reride), and the single rider queue works really well due to each side only having three seats.

Los Sombreros x1
Lovely bit of nostalgia from Drayton Manor, though it seems to be much quicker than what Drayton's did.

El Rio Grande x1
A rapids ride which has a rapids section pretty much the whole way through. A good fun water ride with acceptable wetness. It does seem a bit short though and it lacks a tunnel section in my opinion.

Speed of Sound x1
I'd heard really good things about this boomerang, but unfortunately the on-board audio was broken, along with 90% of the lights in the lift hill tunnel. I'm not a huge fan of boomerangs as coasters anyway, so I was left all round rather disappointed.

Spinning Vibe x1
A Huss Magic, which was fun to start with, then just went on for too long and was bored barnes.

Drako x1
It's a kids coaster at the end of the day. I did it for the cred but it's nothing special.

Xpress: Platform 13 x2
As a clone of Rock 'n' Roller Coaster at DLP, I prefer the Paris version, which is much more fun to ride with the lighting effects. The walkthrough part of the queue line was very stressful for me though, the first time at least... Terrifying!!!

Le Tour des Jardins x1
Old Timers. It's long with not much to look at.

La Grande Roue x1
The big wheel - offers great views of the park!

El Condor x1
The original Vekoma SLC. I made the mistake of riding front row... ow!

Vlot x1
A particularly "LINDA" self operated raft ride across the lake.

Excalibur x1
I had heard that it's very wet. The fountains were not being used however, so it was a pretty standard top spin.

Tomahawk x1
My first ever Frisbee. It made me feel ill somewhat, due to the back and forth swinging motion.

Walibi Express x1
It offers some good views of the park from the ground, though it is quite a short ride, with only two stations.

Walibi Holland is a really nice park! It reminded me of Drayton Manor a lot in a number of ways, but perhaps what Drayton "could have been." It feels quite surreal there, lots of wacky colours and some bizarre rides, almost like it's been pulled out of an episode of Family Guy, being "larger than life." We were fortunate enough to visit on a quiet day, hence getting as many rides in as we did, without rushing and even with leaving early, but even so I can't imagine it being any more than a one-day park any time.
Welp, I forgot I visited a Kermis on the Monday too, so will just bolt onto the Tuesday report!

Venray Kermis
Mon 6th August
Ridecount: 2

Super Mouse x1
A spinning wild mouse, which happened to be pretty intense, albeit the same standard layout as the one at West Midlands Safari Park.

Power Dancer x1
My first breakdance - and wow it was good! Great fun and very intense when the turbo kicked in (four times in our sequence).

Venray Kermis is a great little fair! A fantastic atmosphere with some decent attractions including a 90m drop tower, and Afterburner and a Polyp. We only visited as it was a short walk from where we were staying, but was good fun nonetheless.

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Tue 7th August
Ridecount: 15

Mine Train x1
A fun kids coaster, though it is short enough for it to do two laps really. It does mean the queue moves fast though.

Enterprise x1
A Schwarzkopf Enterprise, one which actually goes vertical!

Monorail x1
It offers some nice views of the park and has a few bizarre dark ride sections. It only has the one station and the ride time is quite long, so when it's running just one train it can result in quite a long queue.

El Torito x1
A Schwarzkopf Polyp, which was nowhere near as fun as the last Polyp I'd ridden, Jukebox at Liseberg. I came off quite disappointed.

Free Fall x1
A Fabri drop tower. It's not very tall but it is a forced drop so really packs a punch.

Apollo x1
A wave swinger around a giant revolving moon. It is very strange to ride as the seats don't lift up at all, and tall people like myself will find that their legs will drag along the floor at times!

Ripsaw Falls x1
The log flume with a pretty standard layout (same as Pleasurewood Hills), but it is quite wet!

Cable Car x1
A classic two-seater cable car across the main street of the park, which joins the two park areas together.

Gold Rush x3
A fantastic coaster! The launch is fairly intense and the hang time is great towards the rear of the train after the backwards launch. It's a fairly smooth ride for a Gerst, but feels too short. A second lap certainly wouldn't go amiss, and the short ride time wouldn't affect throughputs that much anyway.

The Eagle x1
I've always wanted to ride one of these since I used them as "Phoenix" in RCT3. It was really nothing special at all. A nice view of the park but you can get that on several other rides in the park too.

Wild West Adventure x1
A pretty well themed water raft dark ride (similar to Bubbleworks). Certainly worth doing the once, though the only thing that ruins it is the singular domed roof which covers the entire ride. It makes it all feel like you're in the same scene throughout, and far too "open", whereas roofing over each individual scene would work better in my opinion.

Tomahawk x1
A Huss Troika. I don't have much to say other than it's more fun than the Polyp! A rare flat ride nonetheless.

Old Timer x1
They move quickly around a very short track, with not a lot to look at at all.

I renamed Slagharen to "Faff: The Park." It did my head in! I appreciate it's more of a kids' park, but when there's queues they could really do with speeding up their operations. It was very unpleasant being stood there in the baking sun. Aside from this, it's a very quaint park. It's got a wild west theme throughout and is reminiscent of American Adventure. Perhaps the love child of the late AA and Pleasurewood Hills in its heyday. Don't go out of your way for it, but certainly consider a visit if you're passing... or if you want the credits. I'm not sure Gold Rush is worth a long trek to the park on its own.

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Cranger Kirmes
Tue 7th August
Ridecount: 5

Höllenblitz x1
A very bizarre spinning roller coaster in an extravagant indoor light show that goes straight through a waterfall....... I thoroughly recommend!

Alpina Bahn x1

It seemed like a non-looping version of Olympia Looping to the untrained eye, but was good fun to ride, and certainly impressive to look at with its size.

Hexentanz x1
A Zierer Hexentanz. Not much to look at but hilarious to ride! Ostensibly the last operational ride of its kind.

Shake & Roll x1
A Mondial Shake, which looks like an inverting Breakdance. I didn't find it as good as the Breakdance though, and it was very hard to get to flip.

Wilde Maus x1
A standard layout Mack wild mouse, which didn't feel particularly intense. I preferred Super Mouse at Venray.

Cranger Kirmes is a fab evening out! The atmosphere is electric and there's so much to do for all interests and ages. It is quite expensive (between €5 and €7 for most, if not all, major attractions), though this can be expected at such a major event. It's great to go with a group and just soak up the atmosphere, even if you don't want to ride anything, as entrance is free/absorbed into the price of each ride.
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I am sure they had one of these at Lightwater Valley in the late 90s too.

Im sure that is the one rusting away in Scotland at Loudoun and came from Slagharen, funnily enough.

Great report @Burbs, I was looking forward to your review of Slagharen, gutted it sounded a bit of a kerfuffle. Shame as Gold Rush sounds and looks fun.


After reading up, Diogo, AT86 and myself were all talking about the same ride :eek: Apollo was in Slagharen, then Margate, Lightwater and now Loudoun.


The article has a cool picture of when both were in Slagharen.
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Great report @Burbs, I was looking forward to your review of Slagharen, gutted it sounded a bit of a kerfuffle. Shame as Gold Rush sounds and looks fun.
It's a lovely park, just they faff so much. Still, we didn't have any trouble getting on anything we wanted, and I believe we left early. It's got a really nice atmosphere.

Quite a few more obscure park reviews to come too, @Robert Jones!
Ah that's not too bad then, glad it wasn't detrimental to you trip.

Awesome! Looking forward to them :)
Busy yesterday, hence no trip report, but I'll bolt Wednesday's onto Thursday's!

Wed 8th August
Ridecount: 15

Boomerang x1
A great family coaster, set indoors which picks up a fair amount of speed.

Villa Fiasko x1
The fun house. It's good but very short, so don't waste your time if the queue is more than five or ten minutes long.

Troy x3
A brilliant GCI! It's fairly different from Wodan, and whilst Troy is great, I do prefer the Europa-Park equivalent. Maybe it had been overhyped so I didn't think much of it? Still, back row at night is something else.

Fēnix x2
It's very swooshy and wishy-washy, to be technical. I found it to be rather short and it's clear that the theming hasn't been completed yet! Absolutely nothing wrong with the ride itself though. The queue line is very atmospheric and well themed, as though Wodan's and Voletarium's queues had a love child.

Dwervelwind x2
Another fab family coaster, which is so much fun! Especially at night, it's certainly the highlight of Toverland for me.

Maximus' Blitz Bahn x2
A powered toboggan. I'd heard very good things and it certainly didn't disappoint! The queue moves VERY slowly but it's well themed, which makes it great fun to walk through and somewhat barable to stand in for a while.

Magiezijn x1
An interactive "magic show", where an actor talks in Dutch for ten minutes, gets someone to wave a wand around and things move in the room. Don't waste your time with this one, kids! It's the only attraction in the new entrance area and would have worked better as a pre show to a dark ride.

Merlin's Quest x1
I'm not going to lie, the outdoor parts are dreary with nothing much to look at to do with the ride itself, apart from watching Fēnix flying overhead. BUT! The indoor dark ride section is brilliant! SO well themed, you can really see where the budget went.

Booster Bike x1
The original Vekoma Motorbike coaster. I've not ridden any others so I can't compare it to anything, but the launch is pretty forceless and I didn't feel like it did much. The bunnyhops at the end are pretty fun though.

Expedition Zork x1
The log flume. It's nothing special at all. There's a backwards drop which is ok and the main drop is pretty big, but that's about it.

We visited on an 11pm close day, the park didn't feel busy as such but the queues were very long and slow moving most of the time. We arrived at 12pm ish, and noticed no coasters running, before they all slowly started up again on one-train services. They slowly added second trains on all possible coasters later in the day which helped, but first impressions were far from great. It seems the park couldn't cope with the crowds. Aside from this, the theming of the newer rides is absolutely delightful, and the park looks stunning at night. It is however very small, and didn't live up to my expectations, but maybe this was down to the bad first impressions. I would like to revisit on a quieter day.

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De Waarbeek
Thu 9th August
Ridecount: 3

Rodelbaan x1
The oldest operational steel roller coaster #INTHEWORLD. It had better operations than Toverland, running two trains from opening! ;) It's a fun little coaster.

Hully Gully x1
A classic fairground attraction. There were a few pops of airtime and it was genuinely good fun.

Swing Mill x1
Another classic fair ride, similar to the whip, but you rotate in a circle and create the whipping motion manually with a rope connecting the central rotation with the ride car. It's quite tiring though, and bored barnes.

Don't waste your time or money with this park unless you really want the credit, which to be honest is worth riding due to its rare status. The park is very small and certainly aimed at small children.

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Avonturenpark Hellendoorn
Thu 9th August
Ridecount: 11

Tornado x2
A Vekoma Tornado. It's surprisingly smooth, however sitting close to the front of the train can be quite painful on the turns into and out of the corkscrew as they're not banked. It's quite short too.

Donderstenen x1
The kids coaster - it's... fine if you want the credit, otherwise don't waste your time.

Rioolrat x1
The final coaster we rode - it seems to be very similar in theme and style to Sewer Rat at Lightwater (although I've never ridding this). The ride itself is really short, but it does do two laps to make up for it. The theming in the queue line is really atmospheric and effective - it certainly builds the tension, but the ride itself is completely in the dark.

Sungai Kalimantan x1
The park's rapids ride. You don't get particularly wet but there's nothing wrong with it really. It's got a waterfall and tunnel so that's something, at least.

Montezuma's Revenge x1
A Huss Top Spin, which only seems to run one sequence per ride. Without a queue it's fine but with one it might not be worth it just for the one programme.

Het Drakennest x1
A Zamperla Disk'o. It's very standard but the theming is nice.

Wild Watervall x1
Hellendoorn's log flume, with dual station and all! It's pretty short and just has the one drop, but it's good fun nonetheless.

Jungle Monster x1
A very long, slow and bored barnes boat ride, with a short dark ride section at the end.

Discovery Club x1
A shooter dark ride, which seemed to be set in an old abandoned house with lots of artefacts. The theming inside was very good and was about the right length, although could have done with going a bit slower to fully appreciate it all.

Monorail x1
Good for a view over half of the park, though capacity is quite low, only accommodating up to six people per train, or just three adults due to the seating arrangement.

Avonturenpark is a really nice little family theme park - probably my favourite non-major park of the week. Fortunately for us it was very quiet (all rides a five to ten minute wait, if not walk-on), but this could have been due to the forecast thunderstorms. It's certainly worth visiting if you're in the area, though it will take no more than half a day to do everything. There is a good range of different types of attractions there.

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Preston Palace Indoor Kermis
Thu 9th August
Ridecount: 5

Energy Storm x1
A horrible ride! I don't know how to describe it, but being spun around on the X axis whilst upside down was not nice. 0/10 would not ride again.

Polyp x1
The Zamperla model. Bored BARNES! Hilariously it didn't seem to have any brake on it so it spun around for a while before finally coming to a halt.

Discovery x1
A Zamperla Discovery, but very small as it is inside. It certainly gets going pretty quickly, but just doesn't get any sort of height, which ruins it.

Disk'o x1
Yes, two Disk'os in a day, this one being another smaller model, but it did feel faster than the one at Hellendoorn.

Extraordinary Bikes x1
No idea what this model of ride is, but it's certainly bizarre. Something to do with pedalling the bikes to do a loop, but it's definitely not designed for people like myself with long legs!

The Indoor Kermis is part of the Preston Palace resort complex, and a €7.50 entrance feel will get you unlimited rides, access to certain video games in the arcade, and unlimited soft drunks (fizzy drinks, hot drinks and milkshakes), ice cream and snacks that are put out (such as donuts). There are a few other attractions which we didn't go on, but we certainly got our value for money, despite being there for just an hour.
De Waarbeek is a fab little park and I won't hear another thing against it... I expected it to be a run down place but actually it's surprisingly lovely with a lot of old school attractions...

The self propelled Whip is so adorable <3
De Waarbeek is a fab little park and I won't hear another thing against it... I expected it to be a run down place but actually it's surprisingly lovely with a lot of old school attractions...

The self propelled Whip is so adorable <3
This is true. Maybe if we'd had spent a bit more time there I'd have appreciated it more.
De Efteling
Fri 10th August
Ridecount: 22

Joris en de Draak x2
Two great GCI coasters! I only rode each side first thing in the morning and it was already pretty nippy, so I imagine in the afternoon/evening it flies! The dragon animatronic, winner banners and station sound effects are really nice touches.

De Vliegende Hollander x2
The queue line is delightful throughout and the station has a real harbour atmosphere to it. The dark ride section is fantastic, but the coaster section leaves a lot to be desired.

Python x1
A really smooth ride after the re-track. It's very enjoyable but perhaps the least well themed attraction in the park. The compulsory reserve and ride queue system is atrocious however, with the queue line being nearly empty but the pathway leading up to it having a huge "pre-queue" stretching past the monkey fountain. It's concerning that Efteling consider this to be a success and want to roll it out to other attractions. One of the park's only flaws.

Vogel Rok x2
What Temple of the Nighthawk should have been! I won't spoil it, but watching from the queue it seems as though the ride will be really short, but it's actually pretty decent in length. It's one of the park's big cattlepen queue lines, but its capacity is high enough at 1400/hr ish for the queue to be constantly moving.

Carnaval Festival x1
Racist It's A Small World, effectively. It certainly makes you feel uncomfortable near the end! The Dutch seem to love it though. This has another of the park's almost constantly moving cattle-pens as the queue line.

Efteling Museum x1
A museum of Efteling's history, including old animatronics, park maps, etc.

Villa Volta x1
Bored barnes! I hope you understand Dutch, otherwise the two LONG pre-shows are going to be very dull for you. The main madhouse is fine, but is very brightly lit and doesn't build up particularly well. The music however... fantastic!

Droomvlucht x1
This dark ride is certainly a hit with families, consistently getting a huge queue. The ride is ok, the theming's lovely and the fast part comes as somewhat of a surprise to a first time rider.

Sprookjesbos x1
The infamous fairytale forest. It's worth having a wander through if you have an hour or two spare, as some of the fairytales have rather bizarre showcases. But it is very easy to get lost as it takes up about half the park, there's barely any signs and no set route through it.

Fata Morgana x1
Aka "Pirates of the Arabian." Aka "Fat MORGAN." Bored cattlepen barnes (Aka "Istanbul Bus Station"), but it's worth it for the rather dark and bazaar "plot" and theming. See what I did there? Ha.

Piraña x1
Yet another cattlepen special. One of the better rapids I've done, with a somewhat acceptable level of wetness!

Baron 1898 x1
Aside from the bewildering theming, the ride itself is somewhat underwhelming. There's a pop of airtime near the end but the drop is just too short. This is the first mini dive coaster I've done, and it doesn't excite me for any others at all.

Spookslot x1
The queue line is nice and atmospheric. But once you get past the initial "ooh! Pepper's Ghost!" factor in the main show, it's pretty boring. Some of the animatronics are quite amusing though, and the music is a classic.

Pagode x1
The only one of these still operating? It's great for some nice views of the park in a unique variation of an observation tower.

Symbolica x2
Wow this ride of GOOD! The single rider queue works really well as it only has three seats per row, the only downside of which is that you don't get a choice of which route you take (it's trackless and with three possible journeys), which the main queue does. There are some fantastic moments throughout, some of which are highly amusing, though there's nothing particularly spellbinding. The pre-show though... delightful!

Volk van Laaf x1
The kids monorail. It's fine, but don't bother unless the queue is five minutes or less.

Stoomtrein x1
A relaxing steam train ride around the outer rim of the park. The engines are great!

Aquanura x1
We only saw the Tiësto version, but it was very impressive! Not particularly "Efteling", but good to have a mini rave to at the end of the day.

Efteling as a park is SO GOOD. The theming is a whole other world away from anything I've seen before, and everything just blends in to its surroundings. I did get a bit fed up with cattlepens by the end of the day, but there tend to only majorly be used on older rides, which have a capacity big enough to eat through the queue anyway, so it's somewhat forgiven. We visited on a busy 10am-11pm day and managed to get almost everything we wanted done by 7.30pm ish. It helped that we visited with Efteling annual passholders so we didn't ever get lost, which could have easily happened.

Most people would kill to see the DECENT version of that show, rather than the visual diatribe they normal put on.
"Only" as in, didn't get chance to see the normal versions. It was very good though. :)
Sat 11th August
Ridecount: 12

Dynamite Express x1
A compact powered mine train coaster, which is not all that bad once it picks up speed, but it does happen to slow down for the station far too early, resulting in much hand time on the final banked turns.

Kopermijn x1
Kopermijn KoperPAIN. It's a Maurer wild mouse with a couple of decent drops between switchback sections. However it can be quite rough and intense on sharper turns, hence the nickname.

Spookmuseum x1
The most unimaginative layout for a ghost train in the history of ghost trains... probably ever. It's very "classic" with crap animatronics which perhaps make it somewhat eerier for a first time rider.

Goldcurse x1
A Huss Troika, which is pretty good fun!

Formule X x2
A launched X Car coaster, and the park's headline attraction. The track layout is very short, no more than thirty seconds, and gets fairly slow towards the end. The rolling launch is good fun though and quite forceful.

Draaikolk x1
A very slow Breakdance, which was very disappointing after riding a Kermis one earlier in the week.

Nautilus x1
A KMG Afterburner which has a similar sensation to the Freakout model.

Glijbaan Brigade x2
These waterslides are situated right by the park entrance and are really good fun! You do get somewhat wet on one or two of them due to the drops and turns, and water coming into the boat as a result. The great thing is, you get batched on to the slide of your choice, then it is self operated! You get a proper op panel next to the start rollers and press the green button to set yourself off down the slide. A geek's dream come true!

Drievliet Museum x1
A small museum showcasing the history of Drievliet in its 80th year.

Twistrix x1
An original Gerstlauer spinning coaster, which doesn't really do anything at all!

We nicknamed Drievliet as "Will It Work?: The Park," due to the fact that several major rides were broken down throughout the morning, though fortunately they got everything working pretty quickly. It was a sunny Saturday and we managed to get everything we wanted done within three hours. It's a really small park with nothing you can't get better at other parks, so it's definitely another "don't go unless you want the creds" job. It does have its own charm though, and clearly puts an effort in with theming for such a small park.

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Sat 11th August
Ridecount: 1

Tyfoon x1
A Zierra Comet coaster, which is certainly nothing special and aimed at younger children. The brakes are very harsh and it rattles somewhat.

This is truly a credit grab affair. It's very uncomfortable to visit with a group of adults without children as it's essentially a kid's soft play area with a few rides out the back. Unfortunately the wacky worm credit Dolle Pier was under maintenance, so we effectively paid €12.50 for Tyfoon.
Sun 11th August
Ridecount: 12

Kikkerachtbaan x1
The kids coaster of the park. It's Zierer Tivoli Large, and good fun! It's decent in length and has a high capacity. Perhaps the best kids coaster of the trip.

Dragon Fly x1
Genuinely a great family roller coaster! It's what the coaster section of Thirteen should have been, in my opinion. Potentially better than Falcon.

Falcon x1
A half decent Gerstlauer Eurofighter, and it's fairly smooth. I prefer Saw: The Ride overall, but it's not bad at all.

Waterspin x1
A Huss Top Spin, which attempted to use the fountains, but couldn't have been much lower... quite laughable really. Nothing wrong with the ride itself though.

Mad Mill x1
I felt very ill riding this again, as if I hadn't learnt from Walibi Holland! The sequence was far too long for my liking, though everyone else seemed to enjoy it. It's a travelling model as it has the drive tyre.

Rodelbaan x1
Since when did toboggans break down?! We must have queued up to an hour for this in the end, after two breakdowns and very slow mechanics, but still, a huge lift hill would mean a fantastic ride, right? This has got to have been the most boring, slow toboggan ever. It was utter balls. If you ever visit this park, do not waste your time with this.

Wild Wings x1
Your standard Sky Fly, though with coaching from a friend, I managed to get a good few flips for once.

Aqua Shute x1
A water slide on a tea tray type thing, though one of the slides had a significantly greater amount of water flowing down it, so I got a rather wet side.

Rick's Gallery x1
A short walk through attraction for kids, themed around the frog park mascot.

Katapults x1
Self-operated pay per ride Nautic Jets! Fantastic fun at just €1 per ride.

Wonderland x1
Mini Efteling? A very small fairytale forest type area, with a couple of little self-operated attraction for the kids. Very quaint.

Bumper Frogs x1
A particularly slow dodgems ride, nothing to write home about.

Duinrell was the busiest of the regional parks we visited, and there were a significant amount of brits there, probably because of how close it is to Amsterdam. It's a nice little park with a variety of attractions for everyone, and a huge pay extra water park in the middle, Tikibad. The park didn't seem to be too badly operated, but it did take us most of the day to do what we did.

Couple of notes on Duinrell

One of the reason for a lot of Brits is because it's got a mobile home holiday park on site, Eurocamp offer holidays in the challets, having been on holiday to this park, it's very good, When I first visited those camping got unlimited access to the tikibad...

As for the Toboggan, I remember this fondly from my visit, as long as you kept your break released, you went flying around some of the curves. Definetly faster than the poor example at Oakwood.

You appear to have missed a few rides including Splash and the massive slide thing!
As for the Toboggan, I remember this fondly from my visit, as long as you kept your break released, you went flying around some of the curves. Definetly faster than the poor example at Oakwood.
I’ve not been to Oakwood so can’t comment, but I did have the brake released all the way around, as did the rest of the group, and it was appalling.

Also, I’m not sure what you mean by the “massive slide thing”, except for Aqua Shute and Nautic Jets, both of which we did. We skipped Splash due to long queues for the closed boat and not wanting to get soaked on the open boat.