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Parent swap?


TS Member
Hi, we've just booked to go to Alton Towers for 2 days in October Half Term. We'll be taking our children aged 4 and 2 years. They're not tall enough to go on the large Rollercoasters so we'll be using the parent swap option. From what I can understand on the Alton towers website you have to get a parent swap ticket from guest relations then the first parent queues up get the card signed goes in the ride then the second parent takes the card and joins the fasttrack queue once you've swapped the kids over. I'm wondering if we were to purchase a fasttrack ticket, would they still let the second parent fasttrack too? Just trying to think of ways to avoid queuing for too long and lots of hanging around for the girls. Thanks for any answers or advice Kate
Hi Kate, welcome to the forum :). There's no official mention of whether you can do this or not from Alton Towers directly, but I can't see it being an issue. The Parent Queue Share pass is just signed in the station to indicate one person has been on the ride and queued legitimately (be that Fastrack or main queue I guess) so there should be no reason why this isn't possible.
I'd imagine you'd need to have a fast track each not just one, though I take your point. However, because when one parent essentially takes the queue time for both that you would both be in the main queue, you actually add a little to your queue time over all doing it - however, if you are to fast track the first, and then the second, you're dramatically reducing your time (supposedly) and therefore I would imagine that would you both require fast track tickets. In which case one can do it, then the other, without too much issue anyway, and that is how I have always worked it when I've taken my daughter and there's been rides others don't want to go on etc.
I'm not 100% sure on this, if you have Twitter you could always send them a tweet, they reply quite quickly usually.

I would say you probably can do it, as its the person in the station who would sign your parent queue share pass, and not the person on the fastrack entrance.
True about Twitter, they're fantastically response now on there and I got an answer to a quite complex problem really quickly. They were exceptionally helpful.
Plus they're always a laugh to have a chat with when you're bored!