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Planet Coaster 2: Confirmed!

I've been having a blast again recently with it. Working on my thrill island park. I love the sunny weather in the game but I do hope we get weather with the next version.
Agreed! I will be more than happy if they just update the Planet Zoo engine and run with that. Its like night and day playing them both and the far superior lighting engine and weather etc really makes it.
Agreed! I will be more than happy if they just update the Planet Zoo engine and run with that. Its like night and day playing them both and the far superior lighting engine and weather etc really makes it.

Yeah I'm pretty sure it will be on an evolved version of the engine that Planet Zoo uses, considering that was an evolved version of the Planet Coaster engine. Exciting times.
Isn't there talk of a Jurassic Evolution III too? Maybe, just maybe, they could integrate the two. That'd be very cool. Best of both worlds, maybe a Jurassic campaign mode alongside the regular one. Then again though, the jurassic games get away with looking so good because each guest isn't individually simulated. Unless they can do that now with new technology?
They won't combine Jurrasic World and Planet Coaster. JW has to follow strict IP guidelines. Planco is 100% their own game, giving them full control, and with the exception of a few of the DLCs all profits go back to them.

That's before considering that the two games play very differently.
I would LOVE a Planet Dino style game but yeah, very different games with very different purposes. Now combine Zoo and Coaster and throw in some Resort and we're talking!
Isn't there talk of a Jurassic Evolution III too? Maybe, just maybe, they could integrate the two. That'd be very cool. Best of both worlds, maybe a Jurassic campaign mode alongside the regular one. Then again though, the jurassic games get away with looking so good because each guest isn't individually simulated. Unless they can do that now with new technology?

Jurassic World Evolution 3 has been officially announced recently. It is due out in 2025/2026. That would make it the CMS game they disclosed to shareholders that they are releasing in fiscal year 26. They also announced to shareholders that there is a CMS game due out in fiscal year 25, which we are now in until June next year. This currently is unannounced.

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Looks like it's happening, though I will await Frontier's confirmation...but please for the love of god be true.
I don't have X so can't source the @HypeYourGames tweet and it's not on the Reddit post afaik.

Reddit source Resetera Source epicdb planet coaster page (currently down)

Awesome stuff!!!

Even though they never announced it this week. They still have an unannounced CMS gaming coming this year. Highly likely to be Planet Coaster 2. I suspect an announcement within a few months.
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While we wait for what I think is this inevitable announcement. David Braben, President of Frontier Developments, did state in an investment call back in January, that this year's CMS game was a very heavily requested one from the fans.

There is only one game the forums, comment sections on social media and the community at large have been asking and asking for. You guessed it.
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Double post, whip me.

I thought this was quite cool. Searching "planet coaster 2" on Google. Brings this very thread as the top result...go TST!!

Is that the same for anyone else?


Still waiting on that news for Planco2, I think they may have internally delayed the game a little, this fiscal years CMS game will still come out in the same fiscal year as has always been stated. But it may have been pushed back until after Christmas. They did have alot of layoffs last year which no doubt affected schedules. Unless of course, we are imminently due an announcement, I would assume it would need to be announced soon if they plan releasing it this calender year in order to get the marketing machine spun up.

If it's next the calender but the same fiscal year, they wouldn't need to announce yet I wouldn't have thought. I think we will hear sooner rather than later though either way.

Clutching at straws no doubt. But there we go.
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Doing the same for me but might be because we're frequent visitors to this site?

I've been too saddened by my self generated hype and subsequent let downs to think too much about where it's going right now, but Gamescom is in August where they launched/announced the first game, I think? If it's not then, I give up. :sweatsmile:
I'm 99% sure it'll be coming the end of this year or first half of next year.

Frontier have been struggling so it would make sense for them to release a title that is guaranteed to shift copies.
I'm 99% sure it'll be coming the end of this year or first half of next year.

Frontier have been struggling so it would make sense for them to release a title that is guaranteed to shift copies.

100% it is coming in this fiscal year, they have said that in the shareholder updates. That takes us up until June 2025.

My suspicion though is that is was scheduled for this calendar year to get the Christmas sales, but for whatever reason have pushed it back into the next calendar year. They haven't stated a calendar year in their shareholder updates, just a fiscal one, so it is very plausible.

Combined with the fact they did lay off staff late last year, this is going to be a very high profile game for them and the recent, avoidable, disastrous launches of a few games in the same circles of players, Cities Skylines 2 being one, which has done far more damage to the companies reputation than it should have, will be on the minds of Frontier for sure. An avoidable mistake had they not pushed the game out the door too early and spent a bit more time developing it. People have a zero tolerance approach to those tactics these days and companies do suffer financially due to them pushing unfished, buggy messes of games out the door early. This is something Frontier will want to avoid at all costs, I would rather they delay it, if the final game is going to be more polished on release. They will no doubt do that. You wont solve the financial issues by pushing an unfinished buggy game out the door to get income and sales, and then fixing major game breaking bugs in the months later through updates. That doesn't work anymore, your companies reputation will get destroyed in the process, as we have seen time and time again in recent years in the games industry.

It will guarantee sales yes, but the game has to actually be finished and in a working state for that to happen, they could be behind in getting the game to that point.

Even so, it is not a 'delay' as they haven't announced a release date, just a 12 month release window. So it would only be a delay from our own expected release date.
Is this the first tease for whatever is coming next? They have streamed it for a while today and it sure sounds like an amusement or water park. No video just audio.

Bump. Highly likely the hype train for Planet Coaster 2 starts right here. The official Planet Coaster Facebook page has posted the link too...just audio right now but it is clearly theme park ambiance audio. Frontier are noted for having excellent sound design.

Here we go guys!! Finally! (I hope!)

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