IanB said:
Sam said:
I wasn't being sarcastic Satch! I really do think that this ridiculous position with its funny little rituals and outdated moral teachings fully deserves our ridicule.
I think you have to be sensitive to people who believe in these things. I sometimes find myself wondering if religious discrimination, is the same as sexual discrimination or if poking fun/ridiculing someone because of their religious belief is any different to poking fun/ridiculing someone because of there sexual preferences?
Ian, ordinarily, and in most cases I absolutely agree with what you said... however, and may be it is worth a check in here, as to how many of the gay dudes were brainwashed into being gay? Or dragged as a child to gay services, where you are going to Hell if you are not gay or became heterosexual, or were forced to around knocking on doors to tell other people they must be gay to rescue their souls, or give their money to a gay bar so they can "help" other people along the absolutely correct gay path - and that whilst they should respect heterosexuals they are wrong, and only gay is the true path of life...
If someone is a Christian who chose to be one, as an adult, without being forced or brainwashed into it then fine. Take me, I come from atheist parenting, but with family lineage as lay preachers, whom built churches in the community still standing today. Something I am proud to be a part of, as hearts of those communities.
I don't however, go there to worship, and do not class myself as religious - though I openly admit to feeling spiritual, and being a seeker and investigator of faiths and religions and theology/theosophy. You can happily take the pee because it is a choice I made, and I am OK with that.
What I am not OK with however, is the endless guilt tripping, brain washing, religious bigotry and ring fencing that it has - and how it divides families, results in family being cast out for
FAITH (remember, it is not called FACT for a reason), and has resulted in murderous slaying and plundering of riches such as the conquistadors throughout history - as well as manipulation by the hand of evil men bent upon power and dominance.
Spiritualism, and peoples choice deserves respect, as I believe does our connection to something far greater than we know, should you
choose to believe in such - otherwise, it should be treated with the contempt for which it deserves! I find great wisdom in the Bible at times, to read it as a book of decency and moral code - when you strip out how many slaves you are allowed (?) and all the other stuff I am sure God wrote...
Choosing the right religion, is akin to a bet on the races - everyone claims every other is
wrong - and this creates divisions, wars, and vile acts.
Those who choose a religion, faith or path of some kind, of their own volition, will have gone through a thought and consideration process with their own conscious, which will make them less likely to be reactionary at a bit of fun pokery... the brain washed however?
Well, why don't you mosey on over to YT and take a look at Tom Cruise talking about his love of Sea Org and Scientology? ...