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Rank the Europa Park coasters

Matt N

TS Member
Favourite Ride
Shambhala (PortAventura Park)
Hi guys. Seeing as Europa Park is the other main theme park covered on TowersStreet, I thought it might be a fun idea to do a ranking poll of the Europa Park coasters, if you’ve been!

I’ve never been, so can’t contribute, but I’d be intrigued to know; how would you rank the 13 rollercoasters at Europa Park?
Hi guys. Seeing as Europa Park is the other main theme park covered on TowersStreet, I thought it might be a fun idea to do a ranking poll of the Europa Park coasters, if you’ve been!

I’ve never been, so can’t contribute, but I’d be intrigued to know; how would you rank the 13 rollercoasters at Europa Park?
1. Blue Fire
2. Silver Star
3. Wodan
4. Euromir
5. Poseidon
6. Matterhorn Blitz
7. Arthur
8. Alpen Express (with VR)
9. Swiss Bob Run
10. Eurostar Can Can Coaster
11. Atlantica Super Splash
12. Pegasus
13. Baa Express
1. Wodan Timbur Coaster
2. Silver Star
3. Blue Fire
4. Euro-Mir
5. Eurosat - CanCan Coaster/Valerian Coastiality
6. Arthur Im Königreich der Minimoys
7. Atlantica Super Splash
8. Poseidon
9. Pegasus
10. Matterhorn Blitz
11. Alpenexpress
12. Schweizer Bobbahn
13. Ba-a-a Express

Old Eurosat would have sat in 5th place for me also. It's also worth baring in mind I rank coasters by how they ride track and train. By overall attraction experience, the above list will be a little different, though I've not given it much thought.
  1. Blue Fire.
  2. Wodan.
  3. Silver Star.
  4. Matterhorn Blitz.
  5. Posiedon.
  6. Arthur.
  7. Euro Sat.
  8. Atlantica.
  9. Pegasus,
  10. Euro Mir.
  11. Alpenexpress.
  12. Schweizer Bobbahn.
  13. Ba-a-a Express.
1. Wodan
2. Silver Star
3. Can can
4. Blue Fire
5. Poseidon
6. Euro Mir
7. Matterhorn Blitz
8. Arthur
9. Alpen Express
10. Atlantica
11. Pegasus
12. Schweizer Bobbahn
13. Alpen Express VR
14. Ba-a-a Express

All based on overall experience for me rather than nuts and bolts layout.

Sent from my VOG-L29 using Tapatalk
Excluding VR, as I'm not really that fussed about it

Blue Fire
Silver Star
Eurosat CCC
Atlantica (dubious cred - I probably wouldn't count it as a coaster if RCDB didn't)
Schweizer Bobbahn
Baaaaaaaaaaaaaa Express

Mir is an approximate average placing as my ranking of it varies significantly defending on which way I'm facing for the 2nd half - if forward it's in 4th, if backwards its top.
1. Wodan
2. Silver Star
3. Blue Fire
4. Arthur
5. Atlantica SuperSplash
6. Eurosat
7. Alpen Express
8. Matterhorn Blitz
9. Swiss Bob
10. Euromir
11. Pegasus
12. Poseidon
13. Baa Express

Old Eurosat possibly as high as second for me. A real shame that the new version doesn't have the same bite to it.

Poseidon and Euromir are pretty rough and I'm always surprised they're as highly rated as they are - although Poseidon has pleasant theming and Euromir a banging soundtrack.
1. Wodan
2. Silver Star
3. Blue Fire
4. Eurosat (original)
5. Euro-Mir
6. Eurosat Can Can Coaster
7. Poseidon
8. Atlantica Super Splash
9. Matterhorn Blitz
10. Alpenexpress
11. Pegasus
12. Arthur
13. Schweizer Bored Barnes
14. Ba-a-a Express
1. Wodan
2. Silver Star
3. Blue Fire
4. Eurosat (original)
5. Euro-Mir
6. Eurosat Can Can Coaster
7. Poseidon
8. Atlantica Super Splash
9. Matterhorn Blitz
10. Alpenexpress
11. Pegasus
12. Arthur
13. Ba-a-a Express
No opinion on Schweizer Bobbahn?
Out of interest, how come a lot of people here seem to rate Cancan Coaster below the original Eurosat?
Out of interest, how come a lot of people here seem to rate Cancan Coaster below the original Eurosat?

The new CanCan Coaster slows the trains down more on the block sections, meaning the ride itself is not as thrilling. As an overall themed experience though it is better!
Am I right in saying that old Eurosat was quite similar to Space Mountain at WDW from a track and train standpoint? I liked Space Mountain, as it seemed fast-paced and had quite a few pops of airtime, but I wouldn’t have said it was one of my favourite coasters, as I found the seating position quite odd, and it was quite rattly. I would certainly have enjoyed the ride more had it been smoother and had more traditional seats.
Am I right in saying that old Eurosat was quite similar to Space Mountain at WDW from a track and train standpoint? I liked Space Mountain, as it seemed fast-paced and had quite a few pops of airtime, but I wouldn’t have said it was one of my favourite coasters, as I found the seating position quite odd, and it was quite rattly. I would certainly have enjoyed the ride more had it been smoother and had more traditional seats.
Not really. Euros has always had traditional coaster trains. 2 side by side seats per car, lots of cars per train.
The only change they made between old and new was to slightly increase the length of each car (the old seats had less leg room) and remove a few rows to allow for the turntable to the VR station.

In terms of track it was similar to Space Mountain in its compact nature but far more dynamic in motion. There's a model of the ride on RCDB (taken at the park, it was on display last time I was there). If you want to see the rough layout.

Compared to Florida's Space Mountain which is showing its age I much preferred old Sat. Havn't ridden CanCan.
I'm not all that keen on Florida's Space Mountain either. I much prefer the Space Mountain at Disneyland California. It's about 8 years since I last went to California but I really liked that version. If I recall correctly you sit 2 side by side. Regarding Eurosat Can Can I really don't like what they've done to it and that includes the theming on the actual ride or the music. I actually think it's quite tacky and a rare fail for EP. I much preferred the original version even if it was a bit rough on my body.

My current ranking at EP is as follows:

1. Wodan
2. Blue Fire
3. Silver Star
4. Euro Mir
5. Matterhorn Blitz
6. Alpen Express
7. Arthur
8. Swiss Bob Run
9. Can Can
10. Poseidon
11. Atlantica
12. Pegasus
Er, hmm, let's see. I'm going to organise this list by favouritism and re-rideability (i.e. anything below 7th place I rarely attempt to re-ride more than once per trip).

1. Eurosat / Can Can
2. Blue Fire
3. Alpenexpress
4. Matterhorn Blitz
5. Silver Star
6. Euromir
7. Wodan
8. Pegasus
9. Poseidon
10. Schweizer Bob Bored Barnes
11. Atlantica Super Splash
12. Ba-a-a Express
13. Arthuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur
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Right; I can finally do this now! Let’s give it a go, shall we?
  1. Silver Star - This is just absolutely glorious from start to finish for me, and intensely rerideable! The airtime is sublime, it’s reasonably smooth (if not quite as glass smooth as Mako), the sense of speed is great (particularly in the front), both halves really deliver in very different ways, and all in all, I just think that this is a phenomenal roller coaster that is so fun and rerideable! The only thing keeping it from being my number 1 overall is that compared to Mako (my current number 1), no individual airtime moment on Silver Star has quite the same impact as Mako’s strongest airtime moments for me, and that it’s not quite as glass smooth as Mako (SS is smooth, don’t get me wrong, but Mako’s glass smoothness was one of the things I loved about it). SS’ airtime moments are all pretty damn impactful in their own right, however, and all in all, I absolutely adored this ride; it always left me buzzing afterwards! 10/10, #2/91
  2. Wodan Timbur Coaster - It may have just missed the top spot, but Wodan is an absolutely exceptional roller coaster in its own right, in my opinion. It may be the single most unhinged roller coaster I’ve ever been on; it is absolutely relentless. In fact, I’m not sure that relentless quite does it justice; it is phenomenally fast-paced! Also, it has loads of really fun airtime moments, seemingly throwing you from the seat at most chances it gets, and as is typical with GCI, the twists and turns are really good fun, and the ride is also very smooth and comfortable by woodie standards. Overall, Wodan is absolutely nuts, but in a fun way; it’s not too intense in terms of positive g-forces, and it never hurts or feels too much, but it’s so, so crazy, and every ride had me buzzing and crying with laughter on the brake run without fail. It’s super fun, it’s thrilling without being too intense, it’s got stacks of airtime, it’s rerideable; Wodan certainly ticks all my boxes, and is a truly brilliant ride, in my opinion! 10/10, #3/91
  3. Blue Fire - Blue Fire is perfectly good fun, but definitely a distant third among Europa’s big 3 coasters for me. However, I think that merely reflects the phenomenally high quality of Wodan and Silver Star as opposed to implying that Blue Fire is vaguely bad or even anything less than great; it’s an excellent coaster, in my opinion, and definitely one I had fun riding! One thing I will grant it is that compared to the other 2 Mack launch coasters I’ve ridden (Icon and Slinky Dog Dash), I was quite taken aback by how punchy the launch was! It properly pinned you into your seat, and felt almost hydraulic in strength; easily up there with Rock’n’Rollercoaster as one of the most intense non-hydraulic launches I’ve done (the hydraulics really are on another level)! And in terms of the actual body of the ride itself; I thought it was fun, with a very smooth ride experience and some nice inversions. The big loop offered some nice hangtime, and the last inversion really threw you out of the seat in such a glorious way; the final roll gives Swarm’s brilliant roll over the station a run for its money, although I’m not sure which I prefer! However, I felt like the ride as a whole was missing a certain spark to elevate it to that 10/10 tier for me. It does lack airtime, in my opinion (even on the back, I could only count one moment of straight airtime, and not an overly strong one compared to the likes of Wodan and SS in the same park), and although the ride as a whole is very smooth, I thought 1 or 2 of the transitions felt a tad… off. Both the pull up into the MCBR and the whip out of the roll into the final brake run made my head hurt a tiny bit (hardly a cracking headache, however; just a very minor thing), and they felt kind of unnatural in the way they were done. However, that’s petty nitpicking on my part; Blue Fire is a great ride overall, and in any other park, I think I’d be raving about it. It’s just that the pure brilliance of Wodan and Silver Star leaves it feeling somewhat eclipsed, in my opinion. Perhaps controversially, I also prefer Icon by a fair distance, which might not help. 9/10, #10/91
  4. Cancan Coaster - This is just great fun, in my opinion! It’s fast-paced, it’s reasonably smooth, it’s surprisingly thrilling, and it’s also quite long; what’s not to like, really? Definitely a superbly fun all-round family roller coaster; it has great universal appeal, and is just very light-hearted and really nice to ride! 8/10, #21/91
  5. Arthur - This was a huge surprise for me! I didn’t expect to overly rate it, as I was expecting quite a tame, kiddified attraction here, but I thought this was a real hidden gem among Europa’s coaster lineup! This joins the likes of Gringotts in being one of the few coasters that I wouldn’t feel comfortable ranking by virtue of its track and train hardware alone, as a significant percentage of its ride duration goes towards dark ride sections, and I must say that these are done superbly, with excellent theming throughout! And the coaster sections themselves are surprisingly vigorous; the ride feels much faster than it is! Overall, I thought Arthur was a great little attraction; don’t dismiss it, as it’s far more worth your time than you might expect, in my opinion! 7/10, #26/91
  6. Pegasus - This was another surprise! I was expecting something akin to a Vekoma Rollerskater like Flight of the Hippogriff here, but it was a fair amount more thrilling than that! I’d liken it more to Thirteen’s outdoor section, with perhaps even a tad more punch than that, and there are a couple of surprising pops of airtime! It’s also very smooth, and overall, I think Pegasus is a really solid coaster for what it is that definitely took me by surprise! 7/10, #27/91
  7. Alpenexpress - This is a really good fun powered coaster, in my opinion! There are some good fast helixes, the layout is fun, and it keeps good pace; what more can you ask from one of these? Definitely up there with RMT at Towers as one of the strongest powered coasters I’ve done, in my opinion! 6/10, #35/91
  8. Schweizer Bobbahn - This isn’t quite as good as Avalanche at Blackpool Pleasure Beach for me, but I still think it’s quite good fun! There are some fun helixes in there, and it does pick up some speed towards the end! However, I don’t think it feels as fast as Avalanche, and it also has a slight rattle that Avalanche doesn’t. However, I still think it’s a fairly fun little ride overall! 6/10, #36/91
  9. Atlantica SuperSplash - I was hoping I might quite like this, as I do like a good drop and airtime hill, but I honestly found it rather disappointing. The coaster functionality felt a bit pointless, if I’m being honest; the backwards drop didn’t really seem to serve any purpose aside from merely being there, and even the big drop and airtime hill themselves, while OK, didn’t have the fun factor I was hoping for. I got decently wet on it while still staying within the realms of fun wetness, so it did deliver as a water ride, in fairness, but it wasn’t really a favourite of mine even in that department. This undeniably looks really nice, but I wasn’t a huge fan; it’s not something I’d go out of my way to ride again unless it had a short queue. 4/10, #61/91
  10. Matterhorn Blitz - I’ve got to say that the elevator lift was very fun and novel on this, and it felt a bit smoother than other wild mice I’ve done, but it’s not a ride style I generally enjoy, so I’m afraid this wasn’t one I overly rated. 4/10, #72/91
  11. Poseidon - Ouch. This was very rough, and I didn’t think the coaster section itself did much of interest. It seemed to get horrifically jolty and bash me to pieces whenever it turned or did anything overly forceful, and even the straight sections had an odd roughness that really hurt my bottom (that sounds odd, I know, but that’s how it genuinely felt…). Granted, it delivered as a water ride, getting me pretty wet while remaining within the realm of fun wetness, and it looks absolutely stunning, but the roughness meant that I wasn’t a fan at all, sadly. 2/10, #81/91
  12. Euro Mir - Ouch. As with Poseidon above, this seemed to get horrifically rough whenever it turned or exerted force, and it was phenomenally painful for most of the thrilling body of the ride. The ending is possibly one of the single roughest sections of coaster I’ve ridden, and there are many other sections of bad bashing throughout the ride. Granted, Euro Mir is quite forceful for a ride of its type, and it’s certainly a novel ride, but it was just too rough for me, sadly. 2/10, #82/91
Wodan (4/219)
Euro-Mir (24/219)
Blue Fire (25/219)
Eurosat Can Can Coaster (51/219)
Silver Star (52/219)
Atlantica Super Splash (56/219)
AlpenExpress Enzian (82/219)
Matterhorn Blitz (118/219)
Arthur (147/219)
Pegasus (149/219)
Poseidon 150/219)
Baa Express (198/219)
Schweizer Bobbehan (209/219)
Last edited:
Wodan (4/202)
Euro-Mir (17/202)
Blue Fire (19/202)
Silver Star (20/202)
Cancan Coaster (31/202)
Atlantica Super Splash (35/202)
Arthur (50/202)
Alpenexpress (79/202)
Matterhorn Blitz (84/202)
Poseidon (87/202)
Pegasus (142/202)
B-a-a-a Express (149/202)
Schweitzer Bobhan (154/202)