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Ride Availability/Operations 2022-24

Spinball has 8 cars if I’m remembering RCDB correctly, but I’m unsure if it runs all of them.
a lady on Twitter stated this morning that guests in the hotels were being told the park was on a delayed opening today, affecting the early ride availability. Not sure why, as there was no reasoning
a lady on Twitter stated this morning that guests in the hotels were being told the park was on a delayed opening today, affecting the early ride availability. Not sure why, as there was no reasoning
Weather maybe. Its quite warm this morning already. What's the maximum temperature the rides can run in? Rita struggles when it's warm doesn't it
Weather maybe. Its quite warm this morning already. What's the maximum temperature the rides can run in? Rita struggles when it's warm doesn't it
It’s not that hot that it would cause a delayed opening. It seems more people are complaining but no one actually knows why. All 4 dark rides are closed, so I’m willing to bet it’s not weather
a lady on Twitter stated this morning that guests in the hotels were being told the park was on a delayed opening today, affecting the early ride availability. Not sure why, as there was no reasoning
My friend is at the park today has messaged to say the park was hit by lightning last night and cables were affected. Not sure how much truth in that though 🤔
My friend is at the park today has messaged to say the park was hit by lightning last night and cables were affected. Not sure how much truth in that though 🤔
Well quite a few rides are closed currently, including whole areas, so that could well be the case.
I think FV got some over yesterday around half 5 as Shed Terra and Galactica both died big style and the monorail was stopped there (too far forward for the shunt) as well. Only F&F and Blade were up, things easy to restart.
My friend is at the park today has messaged to say the park was hit by lightning last night and cables were affected. Not sure how much truth in that though 🤔
If this is the case and they're unsure how long it'll take to fix then surely the park have to give free returns to everyone visiting today
Just looking now at the app, wow, a lot of closed rides:

Nemesis sub terra
Wicker man
Rapids (not open at 11:05)
Gangsta granny
Tree top adventure
Go jetters
Postman pat
Curse Alton manor

All closed….. be a lot of complimentary tickets handed out today I think. If it was a lightning strike then it’s unfortunate for towers.

Only thing I don’t understand is there are so many social media channels and there is nothing from Alton this morning to advise guests what is happening.
Todays event completely out of their control so I feel for them in a way. On the other hand, it sounds like communication with guests has been pretty appalling/non-existent - aside from the app notification.
There is no excuse for the poor communication, especially when the cause of the issue is seemingly completely out of Towers control.
Back in my days working at Towers the only time you could be specific about the reason a ride was "down" was if it was weather-related.
The worse thing about towers is their lack of communication, other merlin parks are open and honest (Thorpe and chessie have availability pages on their websites, towers have nothing.)

They haven’t even tweeted once today, which is very poor on their behalf, and it’s always the same when it goes wrong, it’s as if the marketing/guest service team just go home and ignore their social media.
I would also be interested to know at what time the maintenance staff realised they were going to have severe ride reliability problems. If they had put an announcement out then, they would have far fewer complaints about the time and money required to get to the park to discover there was little open.
At least today's Monday, could have been far worse if it happened at the weekend.
Another issue is that any sort of announcement nowadays tends to come via socials or the app, so for guests who do not have access to those things or are not as technology savvy like some others , will struggle to get any information or updates unless they go out their way whilst on the park, i.e visiting guest services. Information should be much more widely available and better communicated and not just via these more modern routes/systems.
Another issue is that any sort of announcement nowadays tends to come via socials or the app, so for guests who do not have access to those things or are not as technology savvy like some others , will struggle to get any information or updates unless they go out their way whilst on the park, i.e visiting guest services. Information should be much more widely available and better communicated and not just via these more modern routes/systems.
And for those who turn the notifications off, i I don’t get notifications as it turned it off years back when they used to bombard you with messages advertising fastrack and other rubbish (no idea if they still do that?) so I didn’t get anything through today.