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Ride Availability/Operations 2022-25

Hex and Enterprise aside, reliability appeared to be 100% today, no issues at all.

Operations across the park were also excellent, Nemesis, Oblivion and Wickerman especially were hauling. The huge glaring exception was Cbeebies Land, which was an utterly infuriating place to be. Batching one family per ITNG boat, GoJetters must be the least efficentky operated ride on the planet.
Can confirm the operations on Flavio on Monday were tragic. They would send one row up, seat them and pull their restraint down then send the next row up. Repeat for 12 rows. Ugh...
It was like this a few weeks ago. Why is it? The other showman operated rides aren't. No Sizzler I've ever been on is like this. It's almost as if they're purposely taking the Michael. 25 mins for 3 ride cycles when I went. Never seen anything like it anywhere.
Yeah Flavio’s operations are the pits. On a separate note, I hope whatever needs to arrive for Hex arrives soon (it’s very much missed) also hope they can sort Enterprise as I like going on flats but with no enterprise and when the retro squad depart there will be nothing (not counting The Blade in this as i often pass it up)
Couldn't tell you how many trains it was on Thurs and Fri, but I can tell you single rider queue was perpetually walk on while the queue was always 30 mins plus.
I’ve been on park today, and I did manage to get a look at a few things on the operational front. In terms of what I examined:
  • Galactica: I did not get a throughput timing, but at a guess, the ride appeared to be running on 2 trains/2 stations. For what it’s worth, there was a decent gap between a train leaving and the train in front reentering, and there was occasionally periods where both stations were empty.
  • Nemesis: I did not get a throughput timing, but the ride was running 2 trains. Dispatches were quick, with trains often leaving the station before the train in front re-entered; often no stacking at all. Great job!
  • Runaway Mine Train: Throughput on this was 567pph on the one interval I was able to time.
  • Wicker Man: The ride was running 3 trains, and the throughput average was 931pph across 10 dispatches. It did appear as though they were struggling to maintain a consistent dispatch interval compared to usual; there were dispatches going out at the usual quick interval, but others that were more than 2 minutes after the previous dispatch. For what it’s worth, I briefly double stacked on both rides, which has not happened for me since opening weekend in 2018. It might not have helped that one of the trains appeared to be having some sort of issue by the end of the day, where they had to send it empty every time.
  • Oblivion: The ride was running 6 shuttles, and the throughput average was 913pph across 3 dispatches.
  • The Smiler: At a guess, the ride appeared to be running 3 trains, and the throughput average was 649pph across 6 dispatches. For what it’s worth, the baggage hold was open.
  • Thirteen: The ride was running 3 trains, and the throughput average was 1,044pph across 5 dispatches. Considering the baggage hold was closed, I thought this figure was smashing!
  • Rita: The ride was running 2 trains, and the throughput average was 742pph across 10 dispatches.
A pretty good picture overall, I think! I’ll try and gather some more data tomorrow!
Didn't happen to see three geeks wandering round, one in Phantasialand merch, one in EP merch and one in Thorpe merch did you?
I saw a guy in a Steel Vengeance shirt on Thirteen, and my mum said she saw two people with lots of pin badges and Wicker Man apparel on RMT, but I didn’t see anyone fitting that description, no.
One train was running empty and there was a manager in the cabin. Also they were having issues with it not wanting to dispatch.