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Ride Availability/Operations 2022-25

If it’s anything like when I went, it won’t only be Fastrack either. RAP usage also seemed to be at a level I’ve never seen before last weekend. Wicker Man had an obscene RAP queue stretching almost back to the ride entrance, as did Rita and RMT. I could also observe a rather significant RAP queue on Thirteen.
I think the only way to solve the RAP pass queue length is to have an automatic gate at the entrance to it with a scanner on it and one at the merge point. Scan your RAP as you leave it to merge, system records the time of day and the current queue time on your RAP. The gates on all other RAP queues will then not let you in until that previous queue time has expired or if that queue is at capacity. Of course, the timing thing is how it should work now but it doesn't stop people joining the queue while waiting for that time to expire, whereas entrance gates would.

I watched an opening day vlog the other day and the 2 doing doing it openly admitted that they "normally get a RAP pass but it had sold out for the day so couldn't get one". They said this while stood in a slow moving 2hr Nemesis main queue. I know not all disabilities are visible etc, but isn't the purpose of the RAP queue for those who can't queue for long periods and/or can't deal with crowds? Probably a discussion for the RAP thread!
I think the only way to solve the RAP pass queue length is to have an automatic gate at the entrance to it with a scanner on it and one at the merge point. Scan your RAP as you leave it to merge, system records the time of day and the current queue time on your RAP. The gates on all other RAP queues will then not let you in until that previous queue time has expired or if that queue is at capacity. Of course, the timing thing is how it should work now but it doesn't stop people joining the queue while waiting for that time to expire, whereas entrance gates would.

I watched an opening day vlog the other day and the 2 doing doing it openly admitted that they "normally get a RAP pass but it had sold out for the day so couldn't get one". They said this while stood in a slow moving 2hr Nemesis main queue. I know not all disabilities are visible etc, but isn't the purpose of the RAP queue for those who can't queue for long periods and/or can't deal with crowds? Probably a discussion for the RAP thread!
This doesn't solve the problem of groups with more than one RAP holder either. One gets timed out, use the other pass, rinse and repeat.
I'll have to take my hat off today and despite the long queue the Wickerman ops team have been fantastic since it reopened! 3 trains service.1 on lift hill as the one on track is coming round the last corner into the brake run!
Brief review of the day as we sit in Mutiny Bay finishing off our picnic:

Arrived at 09:30, in at 09:50 (walked it, two monorail carriages broke seemingly that we walked under!)

Spinball Whizzer (advertised 30, waited close to 50)
Thirteen (advertised 100, waited 2 hours and 37 minutes)
Raj’s Arse Explosion (advertised 10, waited 15)
Cuckoo Cars (advertised 30, waited 15!)
Curse at Alton Manor (advertised 10, walked on)
Nemesis Reborn (advertised 50, waited 60 - great to get on it finally)
Congo River Rapids (advertised 45, waited 30 ish)
Wicker Man (advertised 70, waited 70)

Not withstanding the frankly bad first half of the day, we’ve had a decent day in lovely weather. We’re going to have a round of Extraordinary Golf if it’s looking sparse and we don’t have to wait on holes.
I have no idea how anyone can wait 157 mins for anything?!
When the queue time is vastly understated and variables such as Fastrack and RAP make it hard to predict the length, it's surprisingly easy.

After a certain point, it almost becomes a sort of sunk cost fallacy, a case of "I've already wasted so much time, so I may as well see it through to the bitter end!". I know it certainly felt that way once we'd surpassed about an hour in our 2.5 hour Wicker Man queue last weekend... that decision actually paid off, because by the time we got on, it was so late that I actually got my originally desired night ride, in a somewhat pyrrhic victory!
It was not, I was there.
I was there too, and I thought it was open?

I grant you, this may have been the Sunday rather than the Saturday, but I could have sworn that I walked past it and saw people getting on it.

The queue times website also registered it as having 59% uptime within the last 7 days when I checked yesterday. That admittedly isn't amazing, but it's operational time nonetheless.
I was there too, and I thought it was open?

I grant you, this may have been the Sunday rather than the Saturday, but I could have sworn that I walked past it and saw people getting on it.

The queue times website also registered it as having 59% uptime within the last 7 days when I checked yesterday. That admittedly isn't amazing, but it's operational time nonetheless.

It was definitely closed all Saturday, could have opened at some point on Sunday.

I’m only certain because it’s one of the 4 rides my son wants to go on and I was checking all day.
Smiler is defo on 2 trains which is just shocking operations - this is when the park really needs filler flats to eat some of the queues up
It was on 3

We had just got onto the stairs and it went down..was down for quite a while and the announced they was taking a train off and warned waiting times would be 2-3 hours
Not surprised it’s down to two trains with the way it’s riding this season. Absolutely awful.

To be at 2/4 is poor. The issues on that ride run deeper than trains being out of service.

Good to see things a bit more reliable today but 2 and a half hours for 13, I wouldn’t wait 30 for it anymore.