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Ride Availability/Operations 2022-25

When I worked on Rita, we regularly achieved 980-1,040 per hour - which equated to 49-52 dispatches. I believe the record is 54 dispatches (1,080 per hour). Then, around 2010 or 2011, they took staff away and left the ride with only 2 platformers :( - never been the same capacity since.
Wow I wish it was still like that now. Feels really slow now days
How many dispatches do you reckon the big 7 can achieve on maximum capacity?
I reckon it'll be something like:
Oblivion- 60 (960 pph)
Smiler- 56 (896)
Th13teen- 55 (1100)
Wicker man- 42 (1008)
Galactica- 41 (1148)
Nemesis- 40 (1280)
Rita- 35 (700)
Those pph figures are obviously assuming that each train is full which won't be the case but I reckon the dispatches will be something similar to that.

60 dispatches on oblivion would be 1,920 per hour.
I imagine sometimes it’s not always on purpose, smiler for example was on 3 trains when I was there on Friday (10-4) and was pretty walk on most of the day. I guess there could have been an isssue with one of the trains the day before which meant it was on two. And if the parks quiet then there wouldn’t have been a rush to get it fixed or even put it on the ride if it’s not needed.

The worse possible thing is when they can’t react to change of guests or a great days weather, etc. you can always spot this with oblivion because it can have the longest queue on park if it’s only on one station when the parks packed.

Thorpe used to be really bad for one train operation, and you were often better visiting on a busy day than a fairly quiet day as the queues were awful on one train. Luckily they have stopped this and you’ll find they usually operate their rides with all the trains now all the time.
I think it seems worse than it actually is on park when looking at the app alone and seeing a few coasters still closed at 1015. If you’re in a queue for a coaster from 10am and it doesn’t open due to late testing until 1015, you’re not really going to notice it that much and you certainly won’t notice if other rides don’t open until 1030, because you’re already in a queue.

I think (me included) we often assume that “closed” on the app means the ride is completely shut down and the queue line is closed.
Definitely the busiest day this year so far. Great operations though so kudos to the staff. Managed to get on 5 of the big coasters so far and the operations for them have been good. Overall:
Oblivion- 5 trains 2 station (35 mins)
Smiler- 3 trains (90 mins)
Th13teen- 3 trains (70 mins)
Wicker man- 3 trains (80 mins)
Nemesis- 2 trains (40 mins)
Definitely the busiest day this year so far. Great operations though so kudos to the staff. Managed to get on 5 of the big coasters so far and the operations for them have been good. Overall:
Oblivion- 5 trains 2 station (35 mins)
Smiler- 3 trains (90 mins)
Th13teen- 3 trains (70 mins)
Wicker man- 3 trains (80 mins)
Nemesis- 2 trains (40 mins)
I wonder why The Smiler isn’t back on 4 trains when all other coasters seem to be back at maximum capacity
There's very little excuse for late rides. The park is closing TWO HOURS earlier than 2021 and ERT doesn't exist.

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I am especially thinking of the Skyride here, it usually opens around 12pm making it a pain to get to the back of the park. If it opened on time (or preferably a little early) then that would help spread guests more evenly around the park at the start of the day.
Not 100% confirmed, but apparently Hex's closure is due to "staffing issues". Is a shame if that's the case, but kind of understandable given how staff-heavy it is.