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Ride Availability/Operations 2022-25

Internet connection yes, but isn't Closed Circuit Television supposed to be just that - Closed Circuit? I have no idea how Towers system works by the way. I'm just trying to get my old fashioned head round why you would want to link your CCTV to any form of cloud server? Sounds dangerous with how sensitive the footage is under GDPR.

Didn't EFT's used to work down the phone lines (extremely slowly) without a Broadband connection back in the olden days? I've seen no end of internet problems at work with the store regularly going offline but the EFT's always seem unaffected? I always thought they were completely independent of each other?
I don't think you can assume closed circuit TV is closed circuit any more in the traditional sense. Likely IP based, could be as simple as router/switch/proxy failure at a critical point. Would explain why it impacted both. Surprised they would put the demand of IP video feeds and payments through the same network but equally wouldn't be surprised.
Lots of ransom attacks on systems that aren't up to date and fully protected.
Maybe Merlin haven't been paying their protection fees on time.
What an absolute mess. A lot of people can’t stay till 7pm anyway, because of getting lifts, needing to be home in time for childcare etc. Merlin keep using the extended ride closes as consolation for issues happening in the day, but that doesn’t work for everyone. They should, at very least, be revalidating tickets for everyone when chunks are being taken out of their day for things like this.
Given the magnitude of so many rides being unavailable AT should have given them a free return ticket for the next 12 months, not to come back before the end of the season doesn't give much time given the costs involved.

I'm sure if you email them they'll make it for next season. They're usually pretty accomodating.
Loads of new CCTV cameras have been added to the Rapids in the past few years, no idea how that stayed open given that the HSE seem to want pretty much continuous monitoring of every boat on the ride.
This CCTV issue seems silly, surely there's a way for them to operate at least some of the rides with closed CCTV systems that can send a live feed to the security office, however if the stream goes down you could have a member of security in the op both with the operator watching the CCTV. Let's hope this doesn't become a common problem,
Since Smiler though, they now have CCTV actually watching the operators, so I guess there’s concerns that, even on small rides like Frog Hopper where the op doesn’t watch CCTV, if the operator made a mistake and they had no CCTV to investigate and see what the operator did wrong, then they’d be in a potentially sticky situation.
The issue could have been caused by a dodgy network switch or router, and because they are all IP cameras then they would go offline until the issue is resolved.

I agree that no CCTV system should rely on any external internet connection, but if you have a faulty piece of network equipment then you will have issues.
Since Smiler though, they now have CCTV actually watching the operators, so I guess there’s concerns that, even on small rides like Frog Hopper where the op doesn’t watch CCTV, if the operator made a mistake and they had no CCTV to investigate and see what the operator did wrong, then they’d be in a potentially sticky situation.
Don't be so quick to jump to the negatives, the CCTV watching the operators could also be used to prove that the operator did everything right, so whatever happened wasn't their fault ;)
It was once one of the most reliable rides on park. I gather it had a major mechanical issue which was resolved during the year of "TLC". Was it making weird noises (not thunder lightning etc) when operating this year?