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Ride Availability/Operations 2022-25

I wish Alton would make the tweaks necessary to increase throughput. The below changes would help them get an extra few dispatches an hour.

The exit gate and staff gate on RMT...

Oblivion's chaotic RAP...

Smiler baggage coming and going...

Th13teen narrow exit...

Rita too few staff...

Galactica batching hosts...

Spinball/WM: Can't complain.
To be fair, I'd also say that Smiler had absolutely stellar operations on my most recent visit. My two averages, both obtained over 10 readings, were 916pph and 865pph, and I saw that on numerous occasions, a train was near the top of lift 1 just as the train in front was only just starting to ascend lift 2... that must be near dispatch interval, surely? When I timed, there was the odd reading or two that was just on a minute or perhaps even slightly under... for Smiler, that's incredible!

With the baggage hold in operation and 4 trains in action, the operations on Smiler last weekend were so fast you could have been in Europa Park! Having observed them first hand, I struggle to see how the staff could have physically operated the ride much more quickly.

The main thing that stunts Smiler is when they don't have the 4th train in operation. They did have it in operation last weekend, so the queues were never especially bad and the operations were stellar, but it does stunt the throughput a fair amount when the 4th train isn't in action... that lowered the throughput to 600-700pph on the last two occasions where I saw that the ride was only running 3 trains.

I'd also say that Wicker Man is operated to an almost Europa-esque standard; the staff on that batch and check restraints with obscene efficiency! The only thing that holds WM back, from my experience, is when they have to push the lap bar down further for someone who's struggling to fit; it happens a surprising amount, and it does delay proceedings. I'd hoped that the test seat might have helped with that, but it doesn't seem to have, from my experience.
Smiler won't get such good dispatches if baggage is not in use. When in use, Smiler should achieve over 1000/hr on 4.

It's not EP levels. Just watch the new Voltron construction video on Veejoy for that.... ;)

WM is the best operated ride at Alton. 100%. Spinball is brilliant too, but is limited by the system.
WM is the best operated ride at Alton. 100%. Spinball is brilliant too, but is limited by the system.
I’m always stunned that Wicker Man’s theoretical throughput is only 952pph. Whenever I’ve timed it, I quite often get it at above 1,000pph, with quite a few consecutive readings of around 1,080pph or a train roughly every 80s (which I assume to be the ride’s dispatch interval given that the operators on WM are often finished checking the train before the system will physically let it send).

I wonder why GCI got such a pessimistic estimate for Wicker Man’s throughput? More times than not, my readings have seen the ride beat that estimate quite comfortably, and the actual maximum I often see it attain is around 1,080pph, as I said above.
To be fair, I'd also say that Smiler had absolutely stellar operations on my most recent visit. My two averages, both obtained over 10 readings, were 916pph and 865pph, and I saw that on numerous occasions, a train was near the top of lift 1 just as the train in front was only just starting to ascend lift 2... that must be near dispatch interval, surely? When I timed, there was the odd reading or two that was just on a minute or perhaps even slightly under... for Smiler, that's incredible!

With the baggage hold in operation and 4 trains in action, the operations on Smiler last weekend were so fast you could have been in Europa Park! Having observed them first hand, I struggle to see how the staff could have physically operated the ride much more quickly.

The main thing that stunts Smiler is when they don't have the 4th train in operation. They did have it in operation last weekend, so the queues were never especially bad and the operations were stellar, but it does stunt the throughput a fair amount when the 4th train isn't in action... that lowered the throughput to 600-700pph on the last two occasions where I saw that the ride was only running 3 trains.

I'd also say that Wicker Man is operated to an almost Europa-esque standard; the staff on that batch and check restraints with obscene efficiency! The only thing that holds WM back, from my experience, is when they have to push the lap bar down further for someone who's struggling to fit; it happens a surprising amount, and it does delay proceedings. I'd hoped that the test seat might have helped with that, but it doesn't seem to have, from my experience.
Totally agree Matt, Smiler and Wickerman are both being operated very well at the moment.
I got in 8 rides on The Smiler on a very wet day, including 4 in 25 minutes and the dispatches were rapid. Only slight delay was a problem getting the restraint down on a larger guest.
Wickerman similar. On a couple of occassions the pre show finished and the station was completely empty, literally no riders in there at, they'd cleared the station completely since the last pre-show and were waiting for guests.
Got me thinking that the pre-show actually might inhibit throughput
Got me thinking that the pre-show actually might inhibit throughput
It is indeed about time they consider the future of the pre show. Heard plenty of guests moaning about having to watch it. Sure that most people would prefer to skip the faff of the pre show and get on the ride quicker
I’m not sure if Galactica is on maximum crafts yet, but the ride is currently closed because the queue line is at full capacity
Blimey! I thought they only did that during COVID, when social distancing prevented queues from spilling out onto the paths?

It must be very busy, in that case…
They've probably only opened half the queue line to limit waiting times which I think is a good idea. Do remember on 2 crafts it's been getting 90-100 min queues recently which isn't ideal
It’s the busy Easter period, all extended queue lines will be open. There’s an hour wait just for Funk’n’Fly so I’m willing to bet the entire Galactica extended queue line is completely full
Out of interest, has Thirteen’s third train appeared yet?

I notice that it’s on a 90 minute queue, so I’d hazard a guess that it probably hasn’t, but I could be wrong.
Out of interest, has Thirteen’s third train appeared yet?

I notice that it’s on a 90 minute queue, so I’d hazard a guess that it probably hasn’t, but I could be wrong.
Not as of Sunday, was still running two.

Air was also on two crafts and keep breaking down with lots of delays.

Rita has been the only reliable coaster this year. That’s saying something!
It's interesting as in August 2013 - a busy summers day - I remember queueing 45mins for Air with only one extension open. I doubt the park isn't nearly as busy today, so it's interesting that the queue allegedly has reached capacity. Similar on Sunday too - can't remember the exact length but it was certainly over an hour - with no extensions open in the evening.
It's interesting as in August 2013 - a busy summers day - I remember queueing 45mins for Air with only one extension open. I doubt the park isn't nearly as busy today, so it's interesting that the queue allegedly has reached capacity. Similar on Sunday too - can't remember the exact length but it was certainly over an hour - with no extensions open in the evening.
2 craft instead of 3 makes all the difference
I'm really not sure what's been going on with tech services over winter this year.

Deadlines seem to have been missed all over the park. It's Easter holidays for goodness' sake.

Increased queueing times and unavailable attractions affectsthe park's success and reputation.
Four months is a long time, but I’ve noticed it seems to have every year recently. Do they start later than they should or something? I’m not really up on this but I’m sure train 3 on Thirteen and Galactica could’ve been in action for the start of the season if they’d pull their finger out.

I know things go wrong and trains have to taken off etc but it doesn’t even look like maintenance work has even began on Thirteens third train.