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Ride Availability/Operations 2022-25

Ride availability not looking good today.

Wow that's awful. I'm surprised people aren't marching down to customer service and asking for money back.

Oblivion being down so much this season is odd given that it's fairly reliable.
I have been lurking on theme park forums for twenty-five years and visiting Alton Towers for thirty, and I'm struggling to remember a time when ride availability at the park was this poor. Either they are simply lacking the resources to keep such a complex portfolio operating these days, or formerly reliable workhorses such as Oblivion are increasingly, visibly clapped out.
I have been lurking on theme park forums for twenty-five years and visiting Alton Towers for thirty, and I'm struggling to remember a time when ride availability at the park was this poor. Either they are simply lacking the resources to keep such a complex portfolio operating these days, or formerly reliable workhorses such as Oblivion are increasingly, visibly clapped out.
Well Smiler and Oblivion haven't broke down today as far as I'm aware. Whenever they've been shut its been due to the wind. Shame that one of the most popular areas becomes useless as soon there's a little bit of wind
It is significantly windy where I am as well, about 50 minutes away from Towers. The wind here would be enough to close them if they were here, so if it's similar there, I'm not surprised.
Spinball being closed for ‘planned annual maintenance’ is funny, are they sure it was actually planned seeing as it only reopened a couple of weeks ago. Very poor planning if so but that’s just merlin in a nut shell right now.

I do like how on the app they have started showing reasons for rides going down under certain circumstances, Smiler and Oblivion both currently showing as closed due to a ‘weather delay’. Rita is showing as just closed so you can assume that that is probably a technical issue. It gives a bit more context which helps.
It’s nice to see Alton towers adding more information regarding ride closures on their app. Drunk Poland me was just looking at the app for some reason and spotted “Weather delay” listed on the x sector rides.
I reckon Thirteen has probably become one of, if not the most reliable coaster here recently, which is not something I thought I’d be saying. Add its great operations to that also.
Don’t worry, it will make up for it from September onwards as the slight drop of moisture it will slam shut!

Rita has been pretty good this season. It is also riding very well.

Unfortunately the above is eclipsed by significant downtime on Wickerman, Spinball and Galactica. We’ve also seen downtime for Oblivion and Smiler (not just because of weather). Ride availability was poor last season and even worse this. Unless they invest in significant maintenance the rides will not just get more reliable with every passing year.
Operations seemed ok today. We got in the queue for spinball first thing as it was only 15 minutes and wanted to get smallest child on it for the first time (passed the height check with flying colours!). Unfortunately it broke down for a further 15 minutes, but glad we hung around as once we got off, the queue was up to 75, no thanks! It was running 5 cars today. Staff seemed to be batching efficiently, doing the best with what they have really. It seemed to have downtime multiple times during the day though, so glad we got it done when we did.

Thirteen has spent a significant amount of the day closed, I couldn’t tell you if this was due to the rain or not, but it was shut for a good couple of hours at least on one occasion, could have had a different issue though. We gave it a miss for today which is a shame as I wanted to see how the operations had improved since opening weekend as lots of people have been saying good things.

Wickerman operations fantastic as always. Smiler operations were also very efficient. The station however, absolutely reeks, and looks a state both inside and out. Worst looking ride on park by far.

It does seem like a lot of the operations have improved over the last few weeks which is good to see. New staff must be starting to get the hang of it now.
There was mould in Smiler's station at the start of the season. Glad to hear Spinball was on 5 for you! Steady progress!

Operations have definitely improved in recent weeks - notwithstanding issues re: Hex, Skyride and frequent Spinball breakdowns.
There was mould in Smiler's station at the start of the season. Glad to hear Spinball was on 5 for you! Steady progress!

Operations have definitely improved in recent weeks - notwithstanding issues re: Hex, Skyride and frequent Spinball breakdowns.
I don’t use the sky ride unless with the niece and nephew, so I don’t seem to miss it myself but for families it’s a massive loss! A park of towers size really needs that internal transport! So let’s hope it’s back for the main summer period. I don’t want to have to carry little Frankie on my shoulders across the valley all day 😂
I don’t use the sky ride unless with the niece and nephew, so I don’t seem to miss it myself but for families it’s a massive loss! A park of towers size really needs that internal transport! So let’s hope it’s back for the main summer period. I don’t want to have to carry little Frankie on my shoulders across the valley all day 😂
Imagine trekking across the park with kids only to find the ride you want is closed. Skyride should be a priority for the park, we use it every time we go and as you said with kids it's essential. Does anyone know what this issue with it is?