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Ride Availability/Operations 2022-25

How many time do we as a team have to labour this point:

This is a thread for discussion about operations and ride availability at Alton Towers.

If you do wish to discuss or post about queue times, then there is a thread for that. However this forum is also not for a running commentary of your day at Alton Towers, and we as a team have had to make this point recently as well. If you wish to tell us about your day, please do post a trip report afterwards, or do one post at the end of the day summising things. This allows for better discussion across the forum.

Thank you.
@Mikw Galactica was on 3 crafts yesterday for the first time in a while. Is it on 3 today aswell? Ops are much better on 3 it makes such a difference
I would imagine now with it being school trip season then all the rides will be on full capacity including galactica on 3. Of course unless there are technical issues or a slow time for techies to sign stuff off.
I have to say operations have drastically improved in my opinion since the start of the season. Granted joining the queue for Spinball is a real gamble, I've not experienced downtime on anything else yet. Great to see Smiler regularly on 4 trains as its so much better than 3. Galactica is the only ride that always annoys me operations wise. Its been on 3 craft a handful of times this year which is a real shame.
They almost certainly have, as well they should do.

Typically, mechanical headaches get better over time, tweaks are made and things are typically more reliable as they are run in. Staff get more au-fait with what they're doing, etc.

Furthermore, from a staff perspective, it shouldn't be a factor ... but it is - if you have a 10 minute queue, your desire to be efficient is, in my experience, far less than if you have a 100 minute queue.
Is it normal for them to do such work during park hours rather than before/after park hours ?

(they may do both?).
Operations pretty good today. Fastrack is terrible, oversold for sure. Not queued long for anything apart from Wicker which was nearly 2 hours.
Edit: the queue for fastrack on Rita is currently nearly the same length as main lmao glad I didn't buy any
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