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Ride/Park Accidents

Unfortunately the park haven't filed their accounts so we don't really know their financial situation (although their 2023 accounts show the park is 79k in debt)

The ride is hired in from Spencer Stokes. I would assume it was operated by Stokes staff too.
Chairlift collapses in Spanish ski resort, multiple casualties

Italy a couple of weeks ago, really odd looking contraption ejects rider. Minor injuries.
Italy, 41 year old woman dies falling from zip line. Reports suggest she was not properly harnest in

USA 74 year old woman who recieved spine injuries from falling on Harry Potter moving walkway recieves 7.25m dollar payout from universal. Bedford magistrates court wouldn't issue such a fine.

NI following 2021s starflier riders into furniture incident, a slightly more sensible fine and a suspended custodial sentence for safety failings to the operator and independent safety engineer who signed the ride off.
Are they supposed to stop the moving walkway each time someone wants to step off it?
If I got hurt because the system they put in place to increase throughput made me more likely to lose balance I'd be suing too. Regardless of it being feasible or sensible to suggest they stop the walkway each time a guest wants to step off the fact is someone was hurt because of the walkway moving.

Obviously her lawyer is going to try paint it as a 'corporate greed over the safety of guests' angle to try ensure she wins money for her client.
Are they supposed to stop the moving walkway each time someone wants to step off it?

There are some details lacking in everything I've read about it, but reading between the lines I think they might have been taken off outside of the normal loading area, potentially with insufficient reasonable time to react to the moving walkway coming to an end or possibly where signange isnt clear as it is not usually used. I don't think this occurred during a 'normal' loading or unloading but was a rushed reaction to an issue occurring.

Still seems a crazy payout though!
Mexico- 13 year old girl thrown from trebant, injured hip. Indication lap bar was not secured.

USA - multiple people injured with cuts when waterside develops crack in fiberglass.
