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Should scare rooms be brought back?

Should scare rooms be brought back?

  • Yes

    Votes: 26 63.4%
  • No

    Votes: 15 36.6%

  • Total voters
I did one the first year. It was awesome. The company I had that night made it the best for me though.
Rooms were themed, there was a shackle chair in the corner that an actor was tied in to and kept calling at us to release them. We just sat and talked.

I know a lot of complaints from other guests were made about noise. A lot of comped nights were made was feedback from some in the business we spoke to.
The rooms were out of the way and I think they were due to be decorated over close season so they could trash them.
We went down to Ma’garitas afterwards and had a pizza with some of the actors.

I’d love it again but also when I reflect upon it we were waiting a lot between “scares” although that may also be that we missed one of them sneak in to the bathroom and only knew he was there when he turned the shower on!

I miss these times too. Like the scare maze they had in the function rooms next to Dragon Bar. You’d be chased out through a door that exited into the bar where people greeted you with a laugh if you looked too scared. It was simpler times and actually was a little more intimate and felt special. Rather than the mass event Scarefest is today.
Jump scares in the middle of the night. Finding someone hiding in the bathroom. This is starting to sound more like just owning dogs the more I think about it.

Seriously though although I never did a scareroom (and not sure if I ever would) I think it's a shame they stopped. I can see the appeal for some people, and can you imagine the buzz it would get nowadays from vloggers.

I was actually surprised to learn how unique an event this was when it started appearing on "crazy theme park events you've never heard of" videos a few months back. I just assumed this was a normal thing other parks did as well.
Now, a scare room in the Towers. THAT would be how to do it. Away from people actually sleeping.
Isn’t that effectively what the “Ultimate Sleepover” thing was a few years back?

Edit: apparently this was 10 years ago and my perception of time is well off!