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Should Splash Mountain have been rethemed?

I’ve been watching him for years, and him praising the ride was something I’d put less money on in a bet than if Walt’s head is under pirates!

Yes it’s brilliant if, like me, you promise yourself you’re going to play the PlayStation after you finish work/gym and then can’t be arsed so want to lay in the sofa and watch YouTube videos.

Defunctland is also absolutely brilliant although most have heard of that one.
It's a real interesting conversation this. I think it spans beyond splash mountain.

When I visited the park for the first time 6 years ago. Splash mountain was the first ride I went on. I have alot of affection for this particular ride.

Disney, especially since Disney+ came into our lives has really had to look at it's past self and, to their credit. Haven't changed the classic films to remove the racial content, but have put a warning before to say, "hey, we know. Walt could be a little, you know what"

Song of the south is an interesting case study. The fact that this film was deemed too racist in 1946. In a country where, if an audience went to see this film. Would be sat in whites and coloureds section. With different toilets and refreshment stands. This want the only thing that was banned for being racist at the time, with walts signature in the closing credits. Donald ducks war propaganda films were also deemed a little too far. Even during WW2 when Japan was the enemy.
Crazy to think now.

It's clear in the early 80s. Someone at Disney had an idea to use the soundtrack. Write a new story around that and hey presto we got splash mountain. I would argue that then, knowledge of song of the south was limited by the audience and there was less pressure to not do it.

Is it right it's changed. I would say 90% yes. With the 10% held back for the nostalgia vote only.

You only have to look at how much pirates of the Carribbean has evolved over time to know that Disney is very conscious of cultural change in the audiences thinking. Think I'm right in saying the auction seen was announced to be changed in the same press release of splash mountains death notice. I remember have a "discussion" with trump supporting American on that discussion. Not just the Disney fanatics who object. I suppose as a Brit. It's hard to understand the Disney's parks are an American institution and must be defended at all cost.
The thing is Disney is an institution that must be preserved at all costs, that is absolutely agree with.

Preservation doesn’t mean never evolving, never looking at things which were deemed okay 40 years ago and asking yourselves whether it’s still okay now.

The people that can’t see that are the problem.

What I would say, however, is it’s all well and good making a big song and dance about re theming a ride due to the content being deemed racist, but it means little if the same process isn’t ongoing internally within the company, with sufficient levels of access to the top positions within the country for black people and ethnic minorities. The cynical side of me says there’s an element of ‘hey look at us, we’re doing the right thing’ whilst retheming a ride which they may have wanted to retheme anyway and getting the added publicity and visitation which comes with that, rather than actually dealing with the real crux of the issue.
For what it’s worth, it’s a ride. If people aren’t having fun anymore, actually what’s the point.

But I also bring that point to how boring the new ride is.. I find it *especially* odd how the animals don’t sing. There’s kind of that hole in the park a little bit now.

In my ideal world, it would’ve followed the plot of the movie, with the guests getting cursed by facilier too. Then you would see all the animals sing and stuff, the laughing place could be mama odies hut thing, and the final drop can be facilier’s comeuppance, with you being caught in the crossfire. This could lead nicely into the finale scene, where it’s Tiana and naveens wedding form the movie, and you can even keep the showboat as there’s one in the movie too.

Think of it like an alternate telling of the movie. I think you’d keep the southern-singing animal kind of ride, and keep it as a thrill.

Kind of like guardians cosmic rewind. No on actually cares about the guardians in that ride. They like the thrill and the pop music. It’s a good combo.

I think it’s also a bit harsh to say it’s the imagineers fault, I think this is a corporate slip up.

Bit of a shame, the whole thing really
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To lay blame anywhere is harsh. I've no idea about the current theme, never seen the film. Always difficult to shoehorn something new in

The worlds changing fast. Everyone Is tripping themselves up keep up
They can always modify the theme to give it a proper narrative

The real problem is the name, it's the same overly corporate and unnatural branding thing Jenny Nicholson pointed out in that 2 day long video about the Star Wars hotel.
To lay blame anywhere is harsh. I've no idea about the current theme, never seen the film. Always difficult to shoehorn something new in

The worlds changing fast. Everyone Is tripping themselves up keep up

The last sentence here hit the nail on the head.

The world is changing to fast. Everyone is offended by something, and having to fit into an ever changing bracket.

Social media and the accessibility to call out people is going to be the downfall of the civilised world.

That’s not to say I don’t support Disney change etc. when you look back some of the films are cringe. Times change.
We are now in a month where rainbows galore will decorate every corporate logo. Truth is, no one cares.

Businesses will give it the big un about being kind to the planet. In truth, it's a way for them to make even more money.

Disney are different. It's under the spotlight 24/7. Everything must be seen to be inclusive. Everything must be all things, to all people.

Disney has a major issue in that it will be still criticised for something that it produced 70 years ago. The native Americans in Peter Pan anyone? That's just one out of many and the ones who produced, acted and drew those films. Are no longer in the company or Ali r

It then has another issue. Everything is sacred, iconic and part of the furniture. Deleting scenes and removing old films from Disney+ won't do. Yes it would solve an issue, but cause a far greater one in the community. Splash mountain is a victim of this "rock and hard a place" scenario.