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Smoothest rollercoasters per park?


TS Member
Which park do people think has the smoothest coasters?

After this week Efteling is the clear leader for me as every single rollercoaster of 6 felt smooth.

Outside of that my experience is mostly limited to the UK. Mandrill Mayhem at CWOA is a favourite for this but Vampire and Dragon's Fury can both be varying degrees of roughness.

Would be interested to hear other peoples experiences, especially across Europe for future recommendations!
Phantasialand is generally good for coaster smoothness. All of the big hitters (F.L.Y., Mamba and Taron) are like butter, and I can’t think of any of the family coasters that exhibit any (maybe Crazy Bats but I don’t remember even that being too bad).

EP would also be up there if it wasn’t for Mir, which can’t exactly be described the smoothest coaster in the world even by its biggest fans!
I know none of the coasters there are exactly big thrill rides, but I have to say that I think Paultons Park does very well for coaster smoothness. All of their larger coasters are very smooth and have a good, comfortable feel; they’re excellent, modern family coasters!

The roughest coaster there that I rode is probably Cat-O-Pillar, and even that only had the odd minor moment.
Liseberg is pretty good. Even the woodie is smooth.
Lisebergbanon has a pretty harsh break near the end that if you aren’t braced can really jolt you against the restraint. My wife only rode it once because she found that part so painful. I’d agree that so the other coasters are nice and smooth though.
I found Joris at Efteling rougher that Stampeda actually. But still enjoyed both, as long as a coaster isn't inflicting pain, I find I'm cool with it as long as it's enjoyable. Roughness doesn't always detract from enjoyment of a good ride, I really enjoy Saw, and Grand National for example. I even have some fondness for Baco, even though it dishes out an unparalleled level of discomfort.

But I'd go for Phantasialand. Crazy Bats and both sides of Winjas are fine. Taron, Raik and Black Mamba are all very smooth. Although I didn't get on with the leg restraints, FLY probably sits alongside Shambalha as one the smoothest coasters I've ever been on.
Sounds like Phantasia needs to go up my wish list!

Joris wasn’t silk but it wasn’t headache inducing or at risk of causing an injury.
Per Park I’ve visited

Alton - Th13teen is definitely one of the smoothest coasters in the uk, literally feels like butter, oblivion CAN be butter smooth, but can also shake a bit in the tunnel.

Thorpe - TWD is the smoothest, but the smoothest big 6 is hyperia, and swarm also has no roughness or ‘bounce’ based on my experience.

Chessie - Haven’t been in 9 years but excl. mandrill, honestly I’d say dragons fury, given that scorpion is basically defunct.

PortAventura - shambhala.

Roughest per park:
AT: The smiler - when it runs well it’s fine but it can be really painful sometimes. Controversially I don’t think Rita is rough at all (although I am 5’11, so the chance of head banging is slim to none)

TP: Saw - used to say colossus but it’s been running alright recently, saw on the other hand has been running extremely rough after the midcourse in particular.

PortAventura - literally every coaster excl. shambhala (haven’t done red force or uncharted but I assume they’re smooth) - dragon khan’s zero g roll was one of the most jarring and whiplash inducing moments I’ve ever experienced on a coaster, but maybe I just didn’t brace myself
PortAventura - literally every coaster excl. shambhala (haven’t done red force or uncharted but I assume they’re smooth)
Uncharted is beautifully smooth, red force is actually a little rough but it's my favourite ride on the entire resort, shambhala is obviously still glass smooth even though it's 12 years old it rides smoother than a brand new b&m and could pass as something that opened yesterday.
I found Joris at Efteling rougher that Stampeda actually.
Really? I don't remember it being rough whatsoever when I visited in May as for Stampeda I don't ride the wooden coasters with bad reputations as I'd rather just enjoy my day than queue for something that I'll come off complaining about.

For me I enjoy smoother coasters but some rides I find too smooth and not intense enough I like coaster's that are like RMC's those are very smooth but are completely unhinged and really push the limits or rides like RtH, Kondaa and Taron spring to mind, really smooth but certainly have a umph to them.
I know ir gets a bad wrap, but I really don't find the smiler and saw to be that rough (just the janky profiling of the cobraroll / brake entry)

I didn't expect disneyland paris to be quite rough (although a lot of them are old vekomas / intamins so can't do much about them)

For each uk park:
AT: galactica / 13 kinda a tie although 13 may be a bit more as I think gal has a bit of bouncing before it's heart line rolls.

TP: I don't recall finding anything about roughness when getting off stealth, inferno, walking dead, swarm or hyperia overall they all seem very smooth, although I don't go here as often as AT only like once a year or so.

Chessington: mandrill mayhem and vampire seemed very smooth when I went (scorpion was closed them)

BPB: dose smoothness exist here? Icon has to be the winner.
Really? I don't remember it being rough whatsoever when I visited in May as for Stampeda I don't ride the wooden coasters with bad reputations as I'd rather just enjoy my day than queue for something that I'll come off complaining about.
It's probably worth pointing out that, to the best of my knowledge, I believe Joris had some retrack work done shortly after I last rode it. It's probably much smoother now. I found it a little dull to be honest, but I thought Stampeda had a good layout so I enjoyed it. I may have been lucky, but I don't see what all the fuss is about Stampeda and roughness. Not smooth, but just rides like a lively woodie I felt. No worse than Megaohobia before it had work done on it in my opinion.

I think for me it's about restraints and layout. I enjoy Saw, even though it gives me a headache, but the small restraints don't line up with my ears so no bashing. Same with Smiler too, and both have seats that are comfortable to sit on. I've never not enjoyed a woodie no matter how rough, and I'll do any I'm presented with, because I have freedom to move with just a lap bar. Some of the joltier parts of Big One I can forgive for this reason also.

But the likes of Dragon Kahn has big thick B&M over the shoulders, so there's no escape from the jolts and head smashing. Colossus isn't necessarily too rough per se, but the restraints and seats I find are so restricting and uncomfortable, I just can't tolerate it and I absolutely despise it.

I'm not bothered about rattles, vibrations, and even some jolts as long as I'm having fun, the seat is comfortable, and I'm not smashing any of my body parts against something hard. I don't expect a contraption that's designed to exert forces on the human body to be completely smooth. Now I'm middle aged and starting to feel it a bit when riding coasters, if I got too hung up on smootheness, there'd be hardly any coasters left I would be able to ride, and I'd give anything a go once. Blue Fire is smooth as silk, but that could be why I fund it so boring.
vampire seemed very smooth

Vampire cited as smooth is a surprise! Not that it's awful but it's a ride my wife refuses to go on as it gives her a headache. She has a policy of she'll try anything once and then only re-ride if it's not too rough or intense. She's quite short so it's probably more about the restraints.

OTSR could be phased out now really, i don't see any reason why a new ride should be built with them.
OTSR could be phased out now really, i don't see any reason why a new ride should be built with them.
Part of it is the general public not knowing how safe lap bars are, alot think that they will fall out of them. Could you imagine if they used lap bars with the smiler.

Edit: It also is about clearance an over the shoulder can restrict you more allowing for closer elements so some coasters may not be able to be changed due to supports comming too close etc.

Vampire cited as smooth is a surprise!
I have only been twice so it is very possible I got lucky and didn't have a rough ride I just didn't find it that rough or Jolty and came off feeling fine (unlike some other coasters *cough* grand national *cough*)
Part of it is the general public not knowing how safe lap bars are, alot think that they will fall out of them. Could you imagine if they used lap bars with the smiler.

Edit: It also is about clearance an over the shoulder can restrict you more allowing for closer elements so some coasters may not be able to be changed due to supports comming too close etc.

But for those you can have vest restraints which provide even greater coverage whilst eliminating head banging (to my knowledge).

Python at Efteling and Space Mountain at DLP both switched to these, presumably for this reason and they're basically the biggest family theme parks out there so will have the most focus on passenger comfort.
But for those you can have vest restraints which provide even greater coverage whilst eliminating head banging (to my knowledge).

Python at Efteling and Space Mountain at DLP both switched to these, presumably for this reason and they're basically the biggest family theme parks out there so will have the most focus on passenger comfort.
True, but not many manurfactures have vest b&m have the best I have been on and vecoma have the type on space mountain, to my knowledge gerstlauer and many more manurfactures don't have vest restraints. Intamin to have the type used on the accelerators (stealth, rida etc) although they aren't the best.

Also many people don't like the vest restraints, and there may be problems with adding vest restraints as I think they require more space (wasn't nemesis reborn having to use the old style narrower trains for clearance so couldn't use them)
True, but not many manurfactures have vest b&m have the best I have been on and vecoma have the type on space mountain, to my knowledge gerstlauer and many more manurfactures don't have vest restraints. Intamin to have the type used on the accelerators (stealth, rida etc) although they aren't the best.

Also many people don't like the vest restraints, and there may be problems with adding vest restraints as I think they require more space (wasn't nemesis reborn having to use the old style narrower trains for clearance so couldn't use them)

Sure but the original point was all new rides having them going forward rather than everything being retrofitted.

I've not heard any people cite preference of OTSR over vest but would be curious to hear!

But yeah, if some manufacturers simply aren't using them then not much we can do about that except REFUSE TO GO ON THEIR RIDES UNTIL THEY ARE BLACKBALLED FROM THE INDUSTRY.
I've not heard any people cite preference of OTSR over vest but would be curious to hear!
I have seen quite a few people not like them due to how tight they fit round their chests and how much it restricts their movement.

But yeah, if some manufacturers simply aren't using them then not much we can do about that except REFUSE TO GO ON THEIR RIDES UNTIL THEY ARE BLACKBALLED FROM THE INDUSTRY.
Not entirely possible for a small number of people to do, and consider each manurfacture has to design and engineer their own version, it isnt like they can pick them up off a shelf to install.

In addition there is a maintanence required in the restraints
I have seen quite a few people not like them due to how tight they fit round their chests and how much it restricts their movement.

Not entirely possible for a small number of people to do, and consider each manurfacture has to design and engineer their own version, it isnt like they can pick them up off a shelf to install.

In addition there is a maintanence required in the restraints

I was kidding with the capitalised part ;)

Are restraints trademarked? Guessing not…
Each design is likely to be patented to a certain extent.

Over the shoulders are becoming less common it seems, but are still a staple for some reason. I can understand why back in the day, but not now. I don't think the majority of people are that stupid to believe that you'd fall out of a ride without them. Those that are probably shouldn't be let loose in a theme park in the first place.

I big on massively big in vests. Swarm is a lot better now that they don't pin you down, but many others do. They eliminate head banging, but I found the ones on Python dug into my collar bones and shoulders. Tight ones also restrict movement by pinning you into the seat.

The B&M over the shoulders are comfortable and seem well designed for most of their rides. They seem quite ergonomical and sit nicely, whilst not tightening during the ride like the thin Gerstlaur ones do. It's when you have the rare occurrence that a B&M is rough you have a problem. Looking at the layout, I would probably have absolutely loved Dragon Kahn if it had Shambalha clam shells, and old Nemesis (RIP you beauty) would have not necessitated the need to brace for the corkscrews and the zero g had it had vests.