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TBC: SW9 Speculation

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Wasn't April 1st the date that "reliable" Twitter source referenced something announced/teased on? I can't remember the account or what was said, but folks on here said he was reliable. Might be making all this up but I'm sure I've not imagined it :sweatsmile: I might have though so this post might have to be largely ignored :tearsofjoy:
I’d love a great big new thrill coaster to be announced tomorrow as much as anyone, but I’m just thinking from Merlin’s perspective. Say we get a major permanent flat in 2023 which can be marketed, Nemesis completed for 2024, a new attraction in the dungeons in 2025 followed by another major thrill flat in 2026 and then either another indoor attraction or large family flat in 2027, 2028 for SW9 doesn’t sound too unreasonable does it? That’s without taking into account any new minor attractions, TLC, sub Terra etc
This sounds infinitely preferable to a new coaster to me and exactly what the park actually needs.

I’m probably not alone in considering Islands of Adventure my favourite park and AT has more coasters than it. Coasters isn’t what is needed (although a new world class one would of course be welcome), it’s the park as a whole which needs to be broadened as an experience and a day out which may obviate the requirement for fair ground rides in a park operated by a company allegedly ‘second only to Disney’
This sounds infinitely preferable to a new coaster to me and exactly what the park actually needs.

I’m probably not alone in considering Islands of Adventure my favourite park and AT has more coasters than it. Coasters isn’t what is needed (although a new world class one would of course be welcome), it’s the park as a whole which needs to be broadened as an experience and a day out which may obviate the requirement for fair ground rides in a park operated by a company allegedly ‘second only to Disney’

The sad thing is Merlin don't have £100m to spend on a dark ride of the quality to rival those at Disney or Universal. I'd take one in a second over any new coaster at Towers, but you just know any dark ride they attempt would be done on a shoestring like GG.
The thing it though is that Rita still seems to be massively popular with the general public. All of us on here know that it isn’t a fantastic ride, it’s ok for what it is, great launch but bland layout. But the GP look at it and think “Wow, what a great fast coaster”. If Rita’s job is to provide some moderate thrills and sell lots of fast passes than arguably it’s doing its job and there’s not much incentive for Merlin to replace it. Personally I’d love to see Towers get something along the lines of Taron, a good twisty modern multi-launch but I’m not sure that will happen. Merlin are too fixated on “World’s firsts” and now “high but short” to give us just a really good solid coaster-person’s coaster that we’d all love to see.
Oh I agree, I just think space for major new rides at Alton Towers is running out unless you start removing stuff. There is the old coaster corner but I suspect getting planning permission for a major rollercoaster there would be difficult. Cross valley has its own challenges. They could expand on to the car park behind Galactica but that would be a very significant investment of more than just a ride.
Oh I agree, I just think space for major new rides at Alton Towers is running out unless you start removing stuff. There is the old coaster corner but I suspect getting planning permission for a major rollercoaster there would be difficult. Cross valley has its own challenges. They could expand on to the car park behind Galactica but that would be a very significant investment of more than just a ride.

I still think building a warehouse on the old coaster corner for an indoor coaster and having a good facade (like the Haunted House) would be a good option. Or if not a coaster a decent dark ride. But yes there are fewer sites for coasters. Plenty of room for flat rides though.
I still think building a warehouse on the old coaster corner for an indoor coaster and having a good facade (like the Haunted House) would be a good option. Or if not a coaster a decent dark ride. But yes there are fewer sites for coasters. Plenty of room for flat rides though.
Great idea. The Black Hole is perfect evidence that you don’t need any groundbreaking hardware if you’re going to theme it properly and place it indoors. An indoor family coaster that sits on the thrill level in between RMT and Spinball is definitely needed. Then get the theatre open and a couple of other mothballed units in that area and you’ll have a quality fairly major area.
The sad thing is Merlin don't have £100m to spend on a dark ride of the quality to rival those at Disney or Universal. I'd take one in a second over any new coaster at Towers, but you just know any dark ride they attempt would be done on a shoestring like GG.
Yeah I get that.

I’m not suggesting that they’re going to reach the levels of those parks in terms of dark rides, its more that they should build more different types of rides rather than just coasters.

At the end of the day they had 2 very good ideas for dark rides in DBGT and Sub-Terra which were just poorly executed. It isn’t beyond them to do so.

Even investing in flats with good theming like croc drop ( I mean they should replicate the theming level not the ride), would be a good start.
Just clocked this blog online. Apparently red markings have been spotted in The Dark Forest.

Could be anything though of course!
It's probably just average TLC for the area, or additional theming, or an other flat ride like Roller Disco.

Like you said, it could be anything, which makes it more exciting!!!
It's taken me this long to post due to reading the comment "beautifully themed area" and not being able to stop laughing. I have a stitch now.

As if, in the 21st century, major engineering projects such as rollercoaster investments are built based on a bloke with a red paint can spraying queue line posts.
As surprising as it sounds, they do actually mark up areas in the very early stages! Back when they were considering a cross valley coaster, random red flags in the ground appeared in the valley. It’s almost as implausible as the notion of them sending balloons up to check for high point sight lines but they do that too.

Could be for anything though so nothing to really get excited about.

Maybe the blogger is really into the whole abandoned theme park look 😛
As surprising as it sounds, they do actually mark up areas in the very early stages! Back when they were considering a cross valley coaster, random red flags in the ground appeared in the valley. It’s almost as implausible as the notion of them sending balloons up to check for high point sight lines

No, that doesn't sound implausible to me at all. A red paint marking on a queue line post causing speculation about SW9 being built on the site of a mere 17 year old coaster in an area described as "beautifully themed" is a massive leap for me however.
A red paint marking on a queue line post causing speculation about SW9 being built on the site of a mere 17 year old coaster in an area described as "beautifully themed" is a massive leap for me however.
You might need to buckle in then... this is the next however many years. Everything from here on out will cause speculation. Badly worded signs, merch sell-offs, oddly placed shipping containers, small children letting go of a helium balloon in the mere vicinity, JW being spotted having a cup of tea whilst enjoying his well-earned retirement nearby. I guarantee that at least some of these will appear as solid sources of speculation in this very thread in the coming months.

Especially if they occur anywhere near Rita - a stopgap can only last so long.
The only thing I would say, why would they spray fences.

I get flags on the floor, balloons, etc bit a fence?

Unless they are reimagining Rita’s queue line of course and these are the fences that need removing?
That's a possibility but considering they ripped out and re-fenced Rita's queue line in its entirety before the 2021 season that's probably unlikely. Maybe some fence posts that need re-seating or securing perhaps?
That's a possibility but considering they ripped out and re-fenced Rita's queue line in its entirety before the 2021 season that's probably unlikely. Maybe some fence posts that need re-seating or securing perhaps?
Potentially, but that doesn’t explain the alleged markings on the floor too. Either way, only 1 person has reported this so far and if the markings were substantial then I’m sure more people would have clocked it?

I’m still hedging my bets on the Air Car Park being the location of a new themed area with SW9 taking that spot too, but not until 2026/2027 so it doesn’t steal the limelight from Nemesis’ retrack. I just don’t think there is any major ride that’s beyond it’s useful life to warrant its removal for SW9. SW8 took The Flume’s spot which was falling apart, SW7 took The Black Hole’s spot which was removed years before, SW6 took Corkscrew’s spot which was a relic when compared to the park’s other developments and SW4 took the site of The Beast, which was removed some years beforehand anyway.

Whatever these red markings mean it’ll be interesting to see what, if anything, comes of them.

I do love a bit of speculation.
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