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The Chef Thread

Just perhaps, Mr pluk, the burger assembler was somebody who you had acquaintance with in the past, with regard to your employment.
Community payback possibly good sir?
Only kiddin'
Another pint owed in Crevettes.
Cooking is one of those things that I can really enjoy if I’m in the mood for it. Any other time though it feels like a chore.

For the best part of 3 years we did meal kits from Gousto or every week night, but after building up an extensive recipe collection we now just make them ourselves. One of the things it really helped me with was properly understanding stuff like seasoning, balance and hacks to speed things up. I’m still constantly told off for treating cooking as a science rather than an art though. If the recipe says 150ml of water and boil it for 5 minutes you can be sure I have a timer set and the most accurate measuring cups out 🤣 What can I say. I’m a stickler for the rules and direction!

One of my favourites to cook is Carbonara Hot Wet Rice Risotto. Essentially you make a chicken and pancetta risotto, then just before you serve, gently stir through a beaten egg yolks until it’s just starting to bind (this adds the “carbonara”). Top it off with some cherry tomatoes halves, drizzled with a bit of balsamic vinegar and blistered on a baking tray, and a bit of rocket to the side.


We also discovered I can make a pretty decent quiche lorraine, including the pastry!

For the best part of 3 years we did meal kits from Gousto or every week night, but after building up an extensive recipe collection we now just make them ourselves.
I've gone the same way with Gousto, did it for over four years on and off but now just use the recipes we like or search for similar. Helps that the range of spices Gousto use isn't too broad so easy to keep them all available. Often have way more vegetables than the original Gousto recipe called for though as Tesco don't sell small enough packs of green beans or spinach!

Doing a new Gousto recipe tonight (we've got a box for the first time in three months), stove-top lasagne.
Often have way more vegetables than the original Gousto recipe called for though as Tesco don't sell small enough packs of green beans or spinach!

Yep we found this so either use frozen (great for stuff like spinach and diced onions if you CBA chopping them) and add a couple of minutes on here and there to allow them to defrost while cooking, or we try to plan the week to use meals with shared ingredients for things that aren’t available in the freezer.

We use an app called Paprika to load all of the recipes into. It has a calendar to plan what you will cook each day and it’ll then produce a shopping list (it can also do pantry management to know what you already have at home and if you need to buy more to fulfil a recipe). On a Sunday we’ll sit down and plan out our dinners for the week ahead and if we see a recipe calls for something we know only comes in big portions (spring greens are always a good one!) we’ll find another recipe that also needs the same thing.
Yep we found this so either use frozen (great for stuff like spinach and diced onions if you CBA chopping them) and add a couple of minutes on here and there to allow them to defrost while cooking, or we try to plan the week to use meals with shared ingredients for things that aren’t available in the freezer.
Thanks for the suggesting, hadn't thought of frozen spinach. Whereas additional green beans in a thai curry doesn't alter the flavour so much so I just add them, feels healthier too!
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