So... a handful of you may have noticed I've not posted in a while, and that's because my life may once again have gone a little bet mental - I shall explain.
As you know, I joined this site looking for a safe haven to meet people to laugh at silly things with and chat about geeky theme parky stuff, without any of the 'personal politics' that had plagued my time on other sites. But I suspect a handful of you had guessed that I'd really fled 'my old forum' to escape an ex-girlfriend who'd been driving me up the wall for the last few years. Without going into too much detail, it appears the pair of us
may have FINALLY sorted our lives and differences out, and grown up enough to have another go at what we started all those years ago (and let's face it, a long distance relationship with someone who'd just started uni was always going to end in tears!). That, combined with the fact that an entry level job in banking complaints is actually more demanding than I'd expected, especially with my unfortunate habit of upsetting managers, is why I've had next to no time the last few weeks. That nasty car crash that I'm still amazed I walked away from unmarked at the beginning of March may have been a pain to sort out, but reminded me to go after any chance you get at happiness, because you never know if you'll make it around the next corner

[Yuck, I sound like a hippy-dippy self help book.]
Anyway - as I've said a hundred times, I've really taken to TST and was appreciative of how quickly I fit in and was accepted and so forth, even though I've only made it to one mini meet so far. I'd planned to be at the Smiler meet, but assuming it sorts its life out for the 18th, I'll be on park with old friends and Herself that weekend, but looking at the calendar, I still reckon I can make it to the North in the Summer

That's about it - just me 'sharing the love' and saying don't worry, I've not forgotten you, it's a lazy (rainy!) Sunday afternoon, and this is still the perfect place to relax