Ive never understood how they can be so slow, is it special training they undertake?My only real complaint about the staff is just how fracking slow the bar staff are in the hotels. They wouldn't make it to the end of a single shift in a real bar without getting fired.
It's subjective of course. Personally, my days at Towers in 2016 have been a lot better than just "fine".
Fair enough. It depends on what your expectations actually are though. For me, the main attraction of Towers has always been the coasters, way before anything else. I definitely consider myself a coaster enthusiast over a theme park enthusiast. And I still think Towers has the best line up of coasters in the country, so in that respect, standards haven't slipped. I've never gone to theme parks to watch parades or sit through shows, no matter how good they are.
I see the closure of rides as a very bad thing, but from a purely selfish point of view, I was never *that* bothered about any of them, bar Hex. My day at Towers certainly isn't any worse now that Wobble World is closed. I don't like the message closed rides sends out, and I do understand the major grievances enthusiasts are having with Towers right now, but speaking purely for myself, the standard of my day at the park is basically no different to how it's always been.
Plus the coasters at Flamingoland are generally rubbish, so I doubt I'd ever be able to have a good day there.
To be fair, that's in most jobs that deal with customers. There's always someone in management who assumes customers will be mortally offended if they're not asked how their day's been by a total stranger.
I can't stand the miserable staff at Towers. It's 90% of them. Occasionally you meet a happy chirpy one, usually at the entrance gates, but that's it. Try the Resort Box Office on Towers Street if you want to see an example of people who are genuinely sick of their life.
Other noteable mentions for top misery guts:
- staff on Rita
- staff on Nemesis
- staff on The Smiler
- the various drink/snack huts around the park
- Burger Kitchen staff in Cloud Cookoo Land
It's even worse when you approach someone in a positive way and they give you nothing back, won't even crack a smile!
My only real complaint about the staff is just how fracking slow the bar staff are in the hotels. They wouldn't make it to the end of a single shift in a real bar without getting fired.
Ive never understood how they can be so slow, is it special training they undertake?![]()
I've always assumed it must be intentional to try and prevent people getting drunk.
You know, because they don't want their guests to enjoy themselves.
Have you ever done a menial service job for low pay?
People in a menial service job (as you put it) on minimum wage should consider themselves very lucky because there are so many other people out there who can't get a job at all.
Would you class caretaking or general maintenance jobs as menial job?
Great post, there are two problems with attitude to work in this country.I don't think any job should be classed as menial really. I mentioned about the fine line between can't and won't find work and that's because there are a lot of British people who think these so called 'menial' jobs are beneath them. I respect anyone who chooses to become a toilet attendant, I've often said to oafish clients of mine who refuse the idea of cleaning work as they see it as menial or 'beneath them' "Yeah, actually you need a good standard of education, an understanding of health and safety laws, health and hygiene and knowledge of COSHH, plus the resilience and drive to do this admirable job"
No you don't.Then on the other hand you have the Jeremy Kyle types who choose to sit at home all day, smoking, drinking, watching TV and eating takeaways (because they are too bone idle to cook), with the benefits they receive.
Lolstripping feckless scroungers of the benefits to which they think they have a lifetime right.
Ooh you're hardI don't do politically correct
Happier staff, better performance.
We actually seem to agree on more things than we disagree... either way, thanks for the debate... opinion respected.Oh my god we've turned into the Daily Mail comments section again haven't we? How a discussion of the horrifically slow service at the bars turned into weird shouts about the the welfare system I don't know. I know I'm dragging it even further off topic replying but seriously hahahahahaha. That last post, you were doing so well then it all went wrong, can't believe the numbers it's got too hahaha.
No you don't.
Ooh you're hard
"You should be grateful you have a job" absolutely not. No one should be grateful for having a job, it's a basic need and the whole economy relies on it, there's nothing to be grateful about being a cog in the machine. As someone said before, it's an excuse to take the Michael. Absolutely nothing worse than people who feel entitled to have people on minimum wage bend over backwards for them and treat them like their proverbial doesn't stink. It's part of staff's job to help customers etc but be reasonable. If you (general you not aimed at anyone etc) think staff are unreasonably unpleasant it could be you that's making them like that, or, of course, the conditions of the job, people don't like to consider that though because everyone is selfish and empathy is dead, apparently. I wonder how many people talk about jobs being 'out there' have any experience of being unemployed recently, particularly with no major qualifications, or live in areas where most jobs are low paying? It's horrific how easily people buy into all the nonsense that gets thrown at them, people who are otherwise sensible enough to see workers are exploited, the people at the top are greedy, that there's nothing wrong with 'menial' employment and recognise the importance of these jobs in society. Then these people at the top start saying it's actually people even worse off that are the real bad ones and without any evidence everyone buys it. Jesus Christ. It's so paper thin as well, throw in a few token shouts about workers being sound and you can get away with regurgitating any old drivel and people lap it up.
Anyway to get this back on topic seeing it's been days since the last reply, Merlin need to treat and pay their staff better, they have the money to. Happier staff, better performance. With their little obsession with Tripadvisor lately they better had start making their staff feel better if they want to boost their scores.
Oh yeah, rant over, or something.
And less horrifying, life changing accidents.