"The court heard how there were estimated winds on the day of 45mph. But the manufacturer's manual said the ride should not be operated at speeds above 34 mph." Thats pretty shocking. Did anyone read the manual? Wasn't a wind speed monitor installed on the ride if this was a known limitation?
Judge interrupts mitigation - "Has anyone resigned as a result of the incident." Merlin team shake heads "No"
I thought they did?
Really? In my experience, the bigger the company, the more they try and save pennies by cutting corners. After all, they have huge legal teams that ensure the fat cats will get away with anything.I find it almost unbelievable that a park such as Alton Towers run by one of the biggest entertainment companies in the world had such deficiencies when it comes down to the training of staff in technical services. You would think anyone with a responsibility for a ride would be trained to have a full understanding of how it worked.
Really? In my experience, the bigger the company, the more they try and save pennies by cutting corners. After all, they have huge legal teams that ensure the fat cats will get away with anything.
Smaller companies actually have something to lose if things go wrong, so tend to care more about such things.
Wait, so are they now trying to shift the blame on to Gerst?