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Theme Park Worldwide

I do wonder if they’ve thought about hiring an editor now ?

It would address nearly all of the concerns on the thread already brought up, refresh the brand and make the video content more dynamic too, without Shawn and Charlotte fundamentally changing their presentation style

It would be an expense for them but probably well worth it
I do wonder if they’ve thought about hiring an editor now ?

It would address nearly all of the concerns on the thread already brought up, refresh the brand and make the video content more dynamic too, without Shawn and Charlotte fundamentally changing their presentation style

It would be an expense for them but probably well worth it
I'd suggested an editor earlier on in the thread, but I also think that they'd benefit vastly from a producer too. Someone to help them shape the show, to give Shawn / Charlotte some of the cliff notes for where their knowledge is otherwise lacking. Someone to help prepare them when they visit somewhere new, to research which rides may not be operational for their visit, to liaise with the parks for filming permits, to find out local holidays and traditions. Someone to take them to the next stage, essentially. They've got the bare bones, but it really does need polishing.
I do agree with the above that having a small team behind the scenes helping them out is a good thing. As a channel grows then it will outgrow for what just Shawn and Charlotte can do on their own and I suspect that the idea has be discussed between them before but likely haven't had the time do commit to the idea just yet. Maybe after they're married it might come up again?
I do agree with the above that having a small team behind the scenes helping them out is a good thing. As a channel grows then it will outgrow for what just Shawn and Charlotte can do on their own and I suspect that the idea has be discussed between them before but likely haven't had the time do commit to the idea just yet. Maybe after they're married it might come up again?
I would have thought that Charlotte becoming full time was an attempt to get her to fill the producer role, allowing Sean to focus on the content. The problem these two have is that they don't have any 'industry' experience. They're incredibly experienced in quickly turning around mostly passable, and seemingly enjoyable, content. They're just not experienced in packaging and shaping it to professional standards. If they could get over this last hurdle, it's not entirely without possibility that the channel could break out into the mainstream a little.

I can't see them bringing someone else on, unfortunately. Cost will be a major factor and I'm not sure how much control Shawn will want to cede and give over, especially given his burning by previous unsavoury collaborators.
Someone to help prepare them when they visit somewhere new, to research which rides may not be operational for their visit

This surprised me on their recent Japan trip. On the one hand they were savvy enough to have timed their trip for the opening of the new area at Tokyo Disney Sea, relatively low crowds AND obtained the rather elusive unlimited fast passes. On the other hand they seemed to have no idea about the advertised ride closures at Universal Osaka.

I also sometimes get the impression that their trips don't reflect what the average person might experience.
I'm a little curious about the ideas that this channel has somewhere else to go. Is it not one of the most popular theme park vlog channels on the planet? They have some of the best "two people go on all the rides at a given theme park and tell you if they're fun or not" content around, but that seems like a very niche sort of product with a limited audience. I watch this channel when I want to check out "two people go on all the rides at a given theme park and tell you if they're fun or not" videos but am not expecting much more, and given the amount of videos they put out, I don't expect that they're trying to be much more. A video every day basically has to be "we went here and did this" because making it any deeper would take much more time.
I also sometimes get the impression that their trips don't reflect what the average person might experience.
Out of interest, what do you mean by this? Do you mean to say that Shawn has a different experience at these parks to the average consumer for some reason, or is it something different?

I don’t see how Shawn could have a different experience at parks to the average visitor. Aside from free admission on the odd occasion, it’s not like they often give him VIP treatment or anything.
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Again I don't watch the channel at all but, maybe with people having an issue with the food thing it's second hand embarrassment that it's a bit of a nerd stereotype that we don't like food that's not basic and plain? I get it's maybe a weakness of the chanel if they show you lots about a park or where it is, but don't get into the food, but I agree it's weird to care about it really, especially when we don't know what the reasons are. If I wanted to watch Anthony Bourdain's Parts Unknown I'd watch that (for the dozenth time)
Out of interest, what do you mean by this? Do you mean to say that Shawn has a different experience at these parks to the average consumer for some reason, or is it something different?

I don’t see how Shawn could have a different experience at parks to the average visitor. Aside from free admission on the odd occasion, it’s not like they often give him VIP treatment or anything.

Two examples that stick out are they tend to visit parks off peak mostly (though not exclusively) and they use single rider lines a lot. Whereas the majority of theme park visitors are much less likely to do this. So in that sense you're more likely to see a best case scenario of a day at said park.

You don't really see them going to Alton Towers on a Saturday to face 2 hour queues and broken rides. Understandably given the choice and it also would be a poorer quality vlog but it was something i liked about the condensed videos of Coaster Studios, they seemed to cover more what you would typically face at a park, the highs and lows. Not to say TPWW are biased, i don't think that at all, they just choose to focus on the positives due to their personalities.

The recent Universal Osaka video was particularly notable because it's famously one of the busiest theme parks in the world with queues for the major attractions often having 2-3 hour waits and people queuing from 7am to get Nintendo World access. However they were getting on almost every ride in around 30 minutes and managed to walk in to Nintendo World twice in a day without a reservation.

Similarly with the Tokyo Sea video, most people will not be able to get the unlimited fast-passes (in fact many people will be unable to access the new area at all without intricate planning) but they didn't really cover this much (though they did mention it). Again i understand because having the time to re-ride for in-depth reviews and not having to rush around whilst gathering lots of scenic footage makes for a nicer viewing experience.

It's not really a criticism, more an observation. And of course they make other videos such as construction updates or ride openings.
Actually one of things I respect about Shawn and the channel is that they almost never use fast track and prefer to get the most out of their trips by going off peak or using single rider lanes. Compared with Coaster Studios who seem to fork out for fast track quite frequently and will have a much better day than the average visitor as a result. Seems a lot more egalitarian to me
Actually one of things I respect about Shawn and the channel is that they almost never use fast track and prefer to get the most out of their trips by going off peak or using single rider lanes. Compared with Coaster Studios who seem to fork out for fast track quite frequently and will have a much better day than the average visitor as a result. Seems a lot more egalitarian to me

Same difference really, they're both using advantages that most people can't use, not that i begrudge either.

The one time i saw Coaster Studio use fastpass they were very open about it (just as TPWW were) but i felt like they were vocally justifying it as an illustration of how busy said park can be, whereas the off-peak thing doesn't seem to get mentioned much as far as i can recall or give a reflection of how crowded some parks can be.

I think ultimately it depends what you're looking for in these videos. If said vlogger wants to show as much of the park as possible and go on as many rides as possible then naturally they are going to be tactical about it and there's nothing wrong with that (certainly not accusing anyone of being deliberately deceptive). For me i enjoy TPWW for the in-depth footage, descriptions and enthusiasm whereas i prefer Coaster Studios for their brevity, cinematic footage and practical advice. Above all i tend to watch videos on parks i'm planning/hoping to visit so between them i think you can get a pretty good picture!
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It’s bizzare how different two vlogs of the same place can be. As an example, I’m not a big watcher of Lift Hills and Thrills, but have really been enjoying his recent videos from Disney World, as someone lacking the expert knowledge and visiting for the first time. Compared to TPW who are lucky enough to visit every year, but their vlogs become repetitive, going on the same rides, having the same favourites etc.

Luckily YouTube is full of content and generally there’s something for everyone, you just have to find it.