I will say this. The ride will require HUGES amounts of investment every year to keep drawing a crowd. And I don't see merlin doing that. After riding today they must have spent a fortune to get it that way and if they don't keep tweaking it every year then it will just be a meh ride. A huge waste of money. I can't help but think that another coaster would have been better long term.
A coaster also costs a huge amount to maintain, buy parts, service, pay labour to disassemble and reassemble every year, send parts off for testing and take track inspection, etc.
Difference is, that stuff is H&S mandatory, wheras Merlin don't see show & audio-visual maintenance as mandatory and never budget specifically for it, despite being so deep walleted and despite it being so fundamental to keep a dark ride working.
They shoot themselves in the foot by building DBGT to be the most expensive and technically overcomplicated thing they've ever built, and not even made it entertaining enough to justify it (judging by the wider response). It's the most expensive 'fad' ride ever. The VR will be extremely dated incoming years when everyone has much better VR in their living room and can get up, walk around using it, not sitting down on a chair watching a man talk to you and an utterly patronising, boring 'story' about drilling and gas. Yawn!
Hasn't this story been done on every Merlin dark ride ever now? Do they ever have any entertaining, surprising ideas anymore? Just swap the fictional 'company' out with a different name and a different logo, add a warehouse/facility and you have yourself a theme. It's the most boring story thread ever, no drama, just company names, corporate videos and 'company operatives' shouting in your face to get out. A terrible formula.
If Derren Brown's Ghost Train was used to its full potential, with illusion, drama and amazing theatricality, cutting the Sub Core Energy trash and VR gimmickery, then it could be a masterpiece. At least now it has a better add-on ending. But that won't save the ride for when it inevitably, quickly becomes old hat and not justifiable to spend the ridiculous regular costs just to keep it open.