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TowersStreet Planet Coaster Speed Build Contest 2024/25: Week 15 ends 28th February

For the length, is it track length or traversal length?
That’s actually a very good question that I’ll admit I didn’t think of!

I’m going to be harsh and go with track length here, as if I’m being honest, I think track length was more what I personally had in mind. I litmus tested the round beforehand, and I know it’s possible to build a 4,000+ft long coaster within the constraints.

That is a good question, though; thanks for making me think!
My Round 15 submission is now here... say hello to Jungle Rumble, a Maurer spinning coaster:
Jungle Rumble Overview.png

The ride stats are as follows:
  • Name: Jungle Rumble
  • Manufacturer: Maurer AG
  • Model: Spinning Coaster (Custom)
  • Height: 200ft/61m
  • Speed: 75mph/121kph
  • Length: 4,066ft/1,239m
  • Inversions: 5
  • Airtime Moments: 9
  • Maximum Positive G-Force: 5.5G overall/5.4G heatmap
  • Maximum Negative G-Force: -1.9G overall/-1.4G heatmap
  • Trains: 5 cars with 2 rows/4 riders
  • Throughput: 466pph (116-117 trains per hour, 1 train every ~31s)
If you'd like to play around with Jungle Rumble for yourself, here's the Steam Workshop link you can download it from: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3432989560

So that's Jungle Rumble, my Round 15 submission! I hope you like it; I normally try and go somewhat realistic, but I think the round constraints made that a bit difficult this week, so I decided to try something a bit more wild!