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TowersStreet Planet Coaster Speed Build Contest 2024/25: Week 17 ends 14th March

Hi Matt, would I be able to get an extension for this week? Really hoping to be able to get a bonus round submission in as I haven't been able to participate much recently.
So....I have a reputation to hold up with certain interesting ideas on this open round. Behold NemeGIB Rebound.
We were all caught up on replace or rebuild Nemesis, so why not both at the same time?




From: https://youtu.be/FfGKtGfWqgk

Yes this took far too long. Yes I am the worst monster ever to exist.

Great submission @Poisson! Nemesis as a Giant Inverted Boomerang is possibly your most unique Bonus Round submission yet, in my view, and I think it works well!
Hi Matt, would I be able to get an extension for this week? Really hoping to be able to get a bonus round submission in as I haven't been able to participate much recently.
Yes, that’s absolutely fine. I’ll extend until you and @Matt.GC (as he requested an extension earlier) are both able to get submissions in.
Week 17 Weekly Digest (8th-14th March 2025)
OK folks; that's the end of Week 16! Let's get into Week 17, shall we?

The Weekly Digest will be a short one tonight, so I'll cover the main matter of the Round 15 results...
Round 15 Results
There were 2 responses to the Round 15 Voting Google Form in total, and the winners of Round 15 were as follows:
The complete leaderboard for Round 15 is as follows:
3@Thameslink Rail600
5@Matt N300
By extension, the overall contest results are now as follows:
4@Thameslink Rail13212
5@Matt N13102
Great round, everybody!

Bonus Round voting is not yet available due to the round having been extended until a few additional participants can get submissions in, and as this is the last week of the contest before the end, there is no new round to build for this week either. As such, I think that just about does it for the Week 17 Weekly Digest!

Keep your eyes peeled for Bonus Round voting, folks!
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Gone for a Falcons Flight inspired mega thing.

Treasure Falls
Intamin LSM
Height 500ft
Drop 400ft
Max Speed 123mph
Average speed 59mph
5 inversions

From: https://youtu.be/SgagtENmlDk?si=zWjaiT31E832H96f

Wow @RicketyCricket; that's a great submission! Your ride is really long, with some great airtime and inversions and some absolutely huge drops!

For everyone else, I'm thinking I might extend the Bonus Round building deadline up to Friday 14th March 2025 at 11:45pm for both those who have requested an extension and anyone else who may want to submit a submission in this round and then run Bonus Round voting from 15th-21st March, extending things by a further week.

Remember, folks; this is your last chance to shine in this contest, and it's worth double the points of any previous round!
Just as a reminder to everyone; if you’d like to compete in the Bonus Round, you have 2 days left to submit a submission. We’re now over halfway through Week 17; the extended Bonus Round deadline is Friday 14th March 2025 at 11:45pm. If you’d like this to be extended further, please tell me; if you do not ask me for an extension either in this thread or via PM, I will assume that you do not want to compete in this round and move on after the posted deadline.

Remember, folks; this is the final round of the contest, it’s worth double the points of any other round, and it’s the only round where you can quite literally build whatever you want, so I’d strongly encourage you to submit for this round if you haven’t already!