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Trip Planning 2023/24: Information, advice and questions!

You’ll find a lot more smoking abroad than you do in the UK, probably be lucky to see anyone vape really, where as in the UK anyone under 20 seems to vape but very few smoke.
Evening, some quick questions for you all:

1. How frowned upon is taking things (eg fruit, pastries) from the hotel breakfast for a morning snack?

2. Do the evening buffets have a time restriction in terms of how long you can be there? Some buffet places want the table back after a set time (normally an hour and a half or so), but I can't see anything like that here. My partner wants to go to the meat buffet (Castillo), if anyone has any opinions on it?

3. Possibly a controversial one... the hotel bars all seem to be much the same, is there a recommended one? Or, one to avoid?

Thank you!
1. Officially it is explicitly forbidden. I don´t think that they will say anything, if you just take one or two small pieces discreetly, but I would not take more in your place.
2. no restriction to my knowledge
3. They are very different in theming and atmosphere. Colosseo is the largest and busiest, Bell Rock is nice for the outdoor part, Andaluz is often overlooked but has the best service in my experience.
On that note, what I would say is that there can be smoking or vaping in queues sometimes. Not often, but I saw it at times during my trip there 2 years ago.

I'm not sure if Europa explicitly allows it, but I definitely saw the odd cigarette or vape around in the queues here and there. I'm not sure if it's a cultural thing in Germany, but it did seem a little more prevalent than it is in the British parks.
Officially it is forbidden to smoke in the queues, and there are reminders over the loudspeakers, but unfortunately not everyone behaves accordingly. And culturally it is even more of a French thing; one notices that is often the (many) French guests who smoke everywhere.
On that note, what I would say is that there can be smoking or vaping in queues sometimes. Not often, but I saw it at times during my trip there 2 years ago.

I'm not sure if Europa explicitly allows it, but I definitely saw the odd cigarette or vape around in the queues here and there. I'm not sure if it's a cultural thing in Germany, but it did seem a little more prevalent than it is in the British parks.
It was the one gripe that I had about the park when I visited last time. There were smokers everywhere so it was impossible to avoid smoke on the paths where it was busy. But worse still was that smokers were blatantly ignoring the few places where there were no smoking signs in the queue lines (worst culprits were the Euro Mir cattlepens and the outside bit of the Can Can queue) and there didn't seem to be any staff or announcements telling them to stop.

I went to Park Asterix last year where you might expect to see a lot of smokers because it is France but the park was actually almost entirely smoke free. There were designated smoking areas which were very discrete and pretty much everyone followed the rules about not smoking outside of designated smoking areas which I found pleasantly surprising.
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Does anyone know when the slots for next summer will open for booking?

Just had a week with the family there for the first time and loved it.

edit: sorry, just seen there’s a topic on this already!
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Spirit of St Louis isn't as uptight as the pianist bit makes it sound. Can recommend going in for at least a drink (although the food is great too)
Spirit of St Louis isn't as uptight as the pianist bit makes it sound. Can recommend going in for at least a drink (although the food is great too)
Yes indeed, the last time I was there the pianist was wearing a bunny onesie.

(It was Easter Sunday tbf.)

That singer was dire though!
Just wondering if anyone has any opinions on which shows in the park are worth watching and which can easily be skipped?
I would prioritize the ice show, then Globe. Teatro is great because of location and comfortable seats, but at the moment it is mostly a bombastic magician showing a lot of similar tricks. I love the Magic Cinema 4D, so I recommend fitting it in, too.
Hi all, I’ve bought my tickets but can’t see any email confirmation…I’ve checked the Mack one account and can’t see anything there either? Any thoughts?
Did your purchase definitely go through?

I had to go through the checkout process twice because my bank blocked the first attempt because it thought it might be fraud.
Hi all, I’ve tried to contact guest services over the phone…it wont ring? I’ve tried to call off my mobile and landline and no luck. Any suggestions? Thanks
Hi all, I’ve tried to contact guest services over the phone…it wont ring? I’ve tried to call off my mobile and landline and no luck. Any suggestions? Thanks
Are you calling correctly, dialling codes could be an issue?
How bad are the economy rooms? Anyone with any experience in them?

Was the noise fine, or did it spoil your visit?

Which hotel was the room in?

I did a week at EP a few weeks back, family of four, first time, we all loved it, but it felt too rushed. 3 days in the park which wasn’t enough with young kids (who would happily spend an hour or more just in the water playground in Iceland for example), two days in Rulantica and only a few pool days, could have easily turned it into a two weeker with pool days and trips to funny world / tripsdrill / holiday park so looking to extend duration whilst mitigating costs as much as possible.

Staying off resort not an option, we need access to all the pools and breakfasts as kids/wife loved them.

We’ve done the Colosseo economy rooms a few times. We’ve never had horrendous noise - the loudest thing was often the moving of chairs.

It probably helps that we’re normally in the bars causing said noise in the evenings, but I’d say unless you’re a particularly sensitive sleeper, take some earplugs and invest the room savings on cocktails.
Economy rooms in Colosseo are great - the location is in the middle, so the views are great.

You are more likely to get noise on Friday or Saturday evenings, as the bar tends to have live entertainment and music later (midnight/1am). But even then, I have never had a problem.

Economy rooms, when available, in Bell Rock - no sir. You'll have a window that looks directly at... a wall.