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TST Pub Quiz 6: Sat 3rd April


TS Team
Favourite Ride
Voltron Nevera

Ohai there... it's been a while hasn't it!

Some of you may have cottoned on to our teaser on Facebook last month, but today we are officially announcing the 6th (christ...) and LAST* TowersStreet Quiz, in 4 weeks' time! To celebrate the anniversary of the first, frankly rudimentary, TowerStreet Quiz, we’ve mixed up our favourite bits from quizzes 1 to 5 with some new rounds as well, to create one final quiz before the lockdown restrictions allow theme parks to reopen once again.

We're scaling it back slightly this time and following a format more similar to quizzes 1-4 as opposed to the shenanigans of the Not-New Years Eve special. And yes, that means finishing at a more reasonable hour than 1am...

8pm on Saturday 3rd April 2021, although as always we'll have a selection of theme park music playing from 7.30pm.

Register now
Organise yourself a group of up to 3 team members, and register yourselves now! You’ll need to be signed up by 7.50pm on the night in order for us to be able to organise the answer forms, so don’t leave it too late.

Take part
Played before? Great, you can skip this bit. Newcomers are very welcome, as always, but to take part, you’ll need to join our discord server and hop into the “quiz” voice channel which will appear on the night. Only the hosts will be able to speak so there’s no need to worry about having to vocally participate! We will also be having a live YouTube video stream, so we recommend a second device or browser window to be able to enjoy everything we throw at the evening. The link to this will be provided shortly before we begin.

Answer forms
We'll be posting the links to the answer forms on the night over at http://towersstreet.com/quiz, and we'll also post them in the quiz text chat in Discord so that you don't miss them.

So, that's about it for now! We'll relay any further information and reminders in due course.

*Until lockdown no. 4, obvs
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Is question 1 going to be ‘For how long will Sammy stay sober this time around?’ :p

Looking forward to this. Always been a great laugh...though my head’s rarely thanked me the following morning. :p
Yay, my favourite way to get liver poisoning under the guise of socialising in this hell of a lockdown has returned. Can't wait for it to be an even bigger trainwreck than the previous The Benderlinos/Pretendolinos/Whatever terrible train based name we have this time around.
Just registered my team, Cap'n Fred is annoyed with me after our disaterous performance in the last one we took part in.
So...When's the next quiz? :p In all seriousness, tonight has been absolutely excellent as per usual, and I frankly don't care how the Bendolinos did. The whole evening has been hilarious.
After 6 quizzes and 1 radio event, it's time for the very final leaderboard post! Last night there were 346 points on offer, 18 teams registered and 16 teams that played (so we had 18 points for the quickfire round.)

Quiz 6 scoreboard
  1. Slaw and Order: the Strange Case of Sue Perb (@AstroDan, @khalichanan, @Cheese) - 268pts
  2. We watched Pierre get stuck in the Copperhead Strike airgates and you didn't (@BigAl, @Danny, @Pedro) - 267pts
  3. Quiz all over your face (@Josh, @Ellie) - 254pts
  4. Thameslink Rail (@Thameslink Rail) - 222pts
  5. Plinko Plonkers (TN in disguise) (Austyn, Dean, Hannah) - 202pts
  6. The Three Mouseketeers (@Rob, @Russell, @Sazzle) - 194pts
  7. Top Thrill Drag Racers (Ben, Reece, Ethan) - 190pts
  8. Lottie Flying Solo (@Lottie.) - 187pts
  9. Deans Diamonds (@djtruefitt, Dan, Will) - 177pts
  10. Once upon a team (@Rebecca, Luke, Mollie) - 137pts
  11. The Bendolinos (@Jonathan, @Mike, @Poisson) - 109pts
  12. Revenge of Cap'n Fred's Wooden Spoon (@MattyH) - 90pts
  13. The team that will get all the general knowledge questions correct and literally nothing else (TTTWGATGKQCALNE for short) (Zoë, Elliott, Joe) - 86pts
  14. Twurdieland (@evilcod, @Alex T, Beth) - 76pts
  15. Team Anne (@Ben) - 20pts
  16. It's only gay if you push back (@Joel, @Ian) - 15pts
Congratulations once again to the latest incarnation of Slaw and Order: the Strange Case of Sue Perb, and commiserations to It's only gay if you push back! Your winner's and wooden spoon signatures will be distributed in due course. However, there's a couple more things to report back on. Firstly, the quickfire round results, with times being from the second the answer form was posted.

Quiz 6 time stress results
  1. Thameslink Rail - 1:45 - 18pts
  2. Quiz all over your face - 1:48 - 17pts
  3. Slaw and Order: the Strange Case of Sue Perb - 2:39 - 16pts
  4. Deans Diamonds - 2:46 - 15pts
  5. We watched Pierre get stuck in the Copperhead Strike airgates and you didn't - 2:47 - 14pts
  6. Plinko Plonkers (TN in disguise) - 4:32 - 13pts
  7. Top Thrill Drag Racers - 4:37 - 12pts
All other teams were incorrect, so it really did pay off to take your time with this round! And now, for something completely different. I've taken the liberty to work out each team's total points from all 6 quizzes, taking into account the changing of team members as best as possible.

Total quiz series scores (quizzes 1-6)
  1. Slaw and Order - 1542pts
  2. Wrightwater Valley/We've done this and you haven't - 1541pts
  3. Quiz all over your face - 1486pts
  4. The Three Mouseketeers - 1388pts
  5. Thameslink Rail - 1058pts
  6. Bendolinos/Pretendolinos/Penguilinos - 1014pts
  7. Dean's Diamonds - 993pts
  8. Pendery Sisters/Once upon a team/Three Caballeros - 887pts
  9. Laydee/B&M Fangirl Lottie Flying Solo - 884pts
  10. Parent Swap 4 Lyfe/Your child is too small to ride/Europa Park Junior Club/Joris Bohnson/Willow is smarter than us - 881pts
  11. Th13teen Fan Girls/Drunk On UBC/Pope Alexander/The Dancing Tealights/Tealights Over Bethlehem/Twurdieland - 864pts
  12. Thrill Nation/Plinko Plonkers - 745pts
  13. Matty And His Minion/Cap'n Freds Crew - 579pts
  14. The best part of Europa Park was Paddington on Ice/Tom's Cool Friends/Give 'em the old quizzle drizzle/The team that will get all the general knowledge questions correct and literally nothing else (TTTWGATGKQCALNE for short) - 457pts
  15. The FASH/Sanbrooke's Storybook Worm - 361pts
  16. the uk's first multi launch experience - 267pts
  17. Team Nüsse/Rock'n'Roland - 223pts
  18. Top Thrill Drag Racers - 190pts
  19. Team BS - 185pts / Fromage - 185pts
  20. Martin - 162pts
  21. ThisGuy's Team - 160pts
  22. Die Baren - 142pts
  23. Big Fact Hunt - 141pts
  24. Flick & Dom in Da(ds) bungalow - 137pts
  25. Adventurously Riding Mia - 134pts
  26. Tentin Quarantino - 133pts
  27. Mediocre At Best - 132pts
  28. JAMMYD778 - 125pts
  29. Team Corkbrew - 117pts
  30. bLaSt BoYs - 98pts
  31. The Wooden Spoon - 80pts
  32. The covid roller - 72pts
  33. Sam's Receding Hairline/Sams Dignity and Self Respect/Team Anne - 69pts
  34. Lonely Dan - 66pts
  35. Breakdown! - 65pts
  36. It's only gay if you push back - 15pts
As you can see it was very, very close at the top... and no, we're not doing a recount before you ask! And now, we move onto the overall leader board in terms of finishing position (ooerr) as a mean average over all 6 quizzes.

Average placings
  1. Slaw and Order
  2. Wrightwater Valley/We've done this and you haven't
  3. Quiz all over your face
  4. Team BS
    =4. Fromage
  5. The Three Mouseketeers
  6. Martin
  7. Laydee/B&M Fangirl Lottie Flying Solo
  8. Top Thrill Drag Racers
    =8. Thrill Nation/Plinko Plonkers
    =8. The FASH/Sanbrooke's Storybook Worm
    =8. Die Baren
  9. Dean's Diamonds
  10. Tentin Quarantino
  11. Bendolinos/Pretendolinos/Penguilinos
  12. Parent Swap 4 Lyfe/Your child is too small to ride/Europa Park Junior Club/Joris Bohnson/Willow is smarter than us
  13. the uk's first multi launch experience
    =13. Thameslink Rail
    =13. JAMMYD778
  14. The covid roller
    =14. Th13teen Fan Girls/Drunk On UBC/Pope Alexander/The Dancing Tealights/Tealights Over Bethlehem/Twurdieland
    =14. Team Corkbrew
    =14. Big Fact Hunt
  15. Pendery Sisters/Once upon a team/Three Cabelleros
    =15. Lonely Dan
    =15. Flick & Dom in Da(ds) bungalow
  16. Mediocre At Best
  17. The best part of Europa Park was Paddington on Ice/Tom's Cool Friends/Give 'em the old quizzle drizzle/The team that will get all the general knowledge questions correct and literally nothing else (TTTWGATGKQCALNE for short)
  18. Adventurously Riding Mia
  19. Matty And His Minion/Cap'n Freds Crew
  20. ThisGuy's Team
    =20. It's only gay if you push back
  21. Team Nüsse/Rock'n'Roland
    =21. bLaSt BoYs
  22. Sam's Receding Hairline'Sams Dignity and Self Respect/Team Anne
  23. The Wooden Spoon
  24. Breakdown!
THERE. IT. IS. And with that, it's time for us to sign off from the quizzes! It's a wonder you're not all bored of us by now (or if you are, you're doing a good job of hiding it.) I'm sure @Rowe, @Sir Queer Llama, @Craig, Dawn and Heather will join me in thanking each and every one of you for playing over the course of the last year. It's been an immeasurable amount of fun (and stress, but mostly fun!) for us to put them together, and we really hope you enjoyed taking part.

A huge thanks as well to @Squiggs who has put together 4 rounds of Alton Towers History for us, as well as to Shawn Sanbrooke and John Wardley for being our special guests and going along with our antics!

We look forward to seeing you all on resort!
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Thanks Tom. And thanks to all for the effort of creating the quizzes.

They served a purpose during difficult times - providing fun, humour and a place to feel together again.

Hopefully the next time can be on the lawns.
