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TV Alerts Thread (Theme Parks)

This is not a TV alert as such, but more a recommendation of something to watch.

Coaster Studios have released a documentary about RMC called This Is How We Roll. It is 1 hour 20 minutes long and can be purchased for £8.74 or rented for £5.10 on Vimeo.

I watched it with a couple of friends on Friday night and we all agreed it was more than worth the rental price. It is a high quality professional production with great insight from both Fred Grubb and Alan Schilke. Don't assume it might be somewhat ameteur just because it is made by a YouTuber; if you did not know any better you would think it was produced by a season TV documentary producer/channel.
I was waiting for someone to mention it to see if it was worth the price. I wish it was free with adverts but I suppose with the amount it must have cost them to make its fully understandable that they are going to want to turn a profit.
I think I'll rent it and watch it at the weekend.
An early heads up. On Thursday 16 December at 9pm on Channel 4 a new four part series starts called 'One Night In'. Alex Brooker and Josh Widdicombe get to spend nights to themselves at some of the UK's top attractions. The first episode starts with Alton Towers. Later episodes include Legoland Windsor, London Zoo and the Natural History Museum.
Could be worth taking a look.
Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond the Lobby currently focusing on Tivoli Gardens on BBC Two. Some great shots and discussion of the park itself as well as the hotel.

Season 4 episode 4 if anyone ends up looking for it on iPlayer.
Sorry for being vague but Bradley Walsh does some travel programme with his son, saw a trailer for the next series yesterday and it contained footage of him on Zadra at Energylandia.
Sorry for being vague but Bradley Walsh does some travel programme with his son, saw a trailer for the next series yesterday and it contained footage of him on Zadra at Energylandia.
The show is called breaking dad on ITV

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The latest episode of The Dengineers on CBBC is absolutely delightful.

Each week the Dengineers create a themed den for a child and in this week’s episode they make a roller coaster themed den for a 9 year old enthusiast who name checks John Wardley as his hero. There’s plenty of footage filmed at Drayton Manor including some construction of Vikings and the young lad even gets to video chat to John Wardley himself. It’s a great show and you can tell that the lad is a proper little junior enthusiast who knows his stuff.




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Sorry to bump the thread, but I managed to watch When Theme Parks Go Horribly Wrong, broadcast on Channel 5, this evening.

It’s always fun to see theme parks on TV, but as theme park TV programs go, it was on the weaker end of the spectrum for me. It seemed like it was mostly random celebrities reacting to recent viral videos of theme parks, and I didn’t learn an awful lot from it.

Surprisingly given the program title, it also seemed like half of the “incidents” shown weren’t even incidents. The quiet theme park in Dubai, the theme parks in Nepal and Uzbekistan and the boy bawling his eyes out on Minifigure Speedway, for instance, weren’t even incidents.
I also watched Channel 5s: When theme parks go horribly wrong tonight.

I’d heard about it on Twitter last night and it's seemingly divided opinion amongst enthusiasts. The negative critiques seemed to target the notion that the documentary title and content were painting theme parks and rollercoasters to be ‘unsafe’ or were trivialising fatal incidents at theme parks.

In general, I think the documentary had good moments but could have been cut into a smaller run time (it’s 90 minutes) and focused on the more light hearted elements of theme park clips that had gone ‘viral’ on social media, some of which were genuinely amusing. I found some of the more tragic elements of the footage hard to watch, especially when the editing cuts between funny moments and quite literal near death experiences.

Enjoyable to watch
  • Gotham city escape getting stuck on the top hat and having to be pushed off by a guy with a stick in a cherry picker
  • A small dragon coaster getting stuck and the operator pushing it back to the station while the parents are in hysterics
  • A dad having to spider man style climb up a water side as his young daughters dingy is stuck
  • Two friends going on Kingda Ka, one of whom is having full on face morph from the forces exerted by the ride
  • A young lads reaction to his first ride on Minifigure Speedway - His face is an absolute picture

Lacklustre / Could have been cut from the program
  • A family going on a dinosaur dark ride where all the animatronics are broken
  • A visit to a Dubai park where there are zero other guests in attendance
  • A animatronic catching fire at a Disney park

Distasteful / Shock value
  • A fairground ride in the Philippines throwing multiple people out mid ride
  • A swinging chair ride collapsing on top of people
  • A slingshot ride snapping in mid air and a comical ‘BOING’ sound effect being added over the top as it snaps.
  • A young woman dangling from a sky ride clearly distressed
It felt a little bit like you’ve been framed but for theme parks. I think some of the more serious accidents were framed in a way that felt slightly incentive or trivial, this was heightened by the sensationalist commentary and reactions by the journalists being interviewed.

I feel like the enthusiasts on the show came across better than the celebrities and journalists, their commentary seemed to come from a more knowledgeable place and the love for the rides and industry was evident, whereas the other people seem slightly randomly placed.

The Smiler incident segment

There is an attempt to make this section a more sombre and serious part of the documentary, but against the backdrop of the rest of the programmes shock value, it could be argued that it takes the serious element out. The guy reliving his experience of being in the queue as it happened does have a sensitivity to the situation and at recalling the memory from that day does appear to be quite moved by it. ‘We drove home 2 hours and nobody said a word’ is very poignant.

An interesting watch but jumps around a lot in terms of the editing and IMO does trivialise the more serious incidents. It justifies the safety standards with the ‘24million to 1’ chance of something going wrong but this may be too little too late for some of the general public after being bombarded with harrowing footage for 90 minutes!
Well, we are talking about Channel 5 here.
Exactly this.
Lowest quality product from C5, again, using their own in house "celebrities" to talk over Youtube videos.
How cheap can you create television.
The absolute pile of repeated poop I expected, gave up at the first adverts at my good ladies insistence.
She has taste.
Will watch the rest some day when I get round to it...probably.
More actual interesting new information in two minutes of that nice Mr Zola's videos.
The schmaltzy Christmas film Christmas At Dollywood is now available on channel 5s on demand service, was on TV yesterday.

Doesn't seem realistic as not once has anyone mentioned how unreliable Lightning Rod is or whether it's now classed as a steel or wooden rollercoaster.

Saw this a few days ago, it's in German but it's basically a kid vs an adult in who can guess 4 coasters each from the povs.