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Ug Swinger Site & Other Dark Forest Developments


TS Member
Favourite Ride
Gotta be Oblivion tbh!
I feel it is long overdue that we discuss the possibilities of what could go on this site. Some of us may remember some of the Dark Forest concepts involving Robot Arms and spider themed rides. Yet since 2010, nothing has been rumoured to go on that site?

Lets face it, the Dark Forest is by far the most badly landscaped, badly laid out and cluttered areas of the park. It seems this cannot be avoided due to the size of a certain Intamin Accelerator coaster that dominates the area. "Rita"

What do we thing the park could do to turn this area around? Well first I think we all agree that the area needs a supporting ride to go with the two coasters, preferably a flat ride. Or maybe even more than one?

The area seems to have just so much potential in my view, it has a great concept and has a fair amount of space, its just utilising it that seems to be the park's problem. I have some ideas for development, but I'd like to hear some other members ideas & thoughts first, so I will save mine for later.

Discuss! :D
I've said it before and I'll say it again: a Huss Jump 2 themed to a giant evil tree. (May need a hole digging to stay under the hight limit).
DiogoJ42 said:
I've said it before and I'll say it again: a Huss Jump 2 themed to a giant evil tree. (May need a hole digging to stay under the hight limit).

This, this and this again! However when speaking to a former member of upper management at Towers at the end of the 2010 season I was told that one of these is just too big for Towers. It would be hard to physically install it at the park for a start. So basically we need Huss to come up with a Jump 1.5!

They could do it if they were willing to spend the money on digging a pit.
Towers and Huss need to put their heads together. Completely new style of ride, showcased at Towers please.
They can't get a Huss jump 2 on site, the largest part is too big to bring in via road. They looked at getting one but this was the main problem.
Re: Ug Swinger Site & Other Dark Forest Developments

There's always a way around a problem like that, whether they could be bothered going through that much trouble is another story.

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I'm sure they could find a way if they wanted to. Th13teens drop mechanism needed special transport, after all. In fact, if they can get massive cranes on site, I'm sure they can get the central tower of a Jump there.
If they were willing to spend the money, they could probably even get Huss to re-design it so it splits in to smaller sections. Or just have it shipped out in it's componant parts and assembled on site.
Re: Ug Swinger Site & Other Dark Forest Developments

EuroSatch said:

Think that was the only solution

The central piston on Jump 2's are huge, not sure if you can strip that down, think its the width thats the main issue.

Suppose the issue is the more silly steps it takes to get one in to the park increases the cost and ultimately flat rides have limited interest in the GP so eventually the cost gets beyond a practical point.

On top of that Jump 2's are very unreliable beasts

Plenty of other good flats they could get :)
I've always thought one or two (duelling) Top scan(s) themed to wild, cursed trees would work well at Towers?

Fairly reliable, not too tall and small enough to transport!
That far end of the Dark Forest is just crying out for something. Currently the area ends by Th13teen's entrance and that whole part of the park is already crowded enough as it is thanks to the scaffolding. Stick something down the end, create a themed entrance on the path to the left of the Towers and people might actually start circulating easier - rather than crowding in and out at the same point.
With any luck they will have to rip out Rita one day meaning that they can completely rework the area. I don't particularly dislike Rita, it does it's job, but it does pretty much ruin the area and severely limits what can be done in the area. I can't see it happening for a very very long time but you could turn it into a really cool family thrill area, maybe more of a mystical forest rather than a dark and evil forest. I wouldn't want it to happen at present though as I don't think Merlin are currently up to such a potential project. The quality of the Ug Land to Dark Forest re-theme was extremely poor.

One day, when the time will come (hopefully sooner rather than later), they'll be able to rip out rita.

At the same time, rip out the outlets lining the pathway, and use the area currently used by Zombies.. that'll open out the area giving it a nice big spacious feel. Put a few things around the outside (I dunno what, i'm not creative), then shove that cross valley coaster with it's plaza being where Ug Swinger was.

Sorted then! ;)
As others have already said, Rita is the big problem for the Dark Forest if you ask me. Normally, when you're a bit short on space, you put these sort of rides along and edge, or go multilevel. You don't just plonk it in the middle of the area, and waste all that space! At least Th13teen sort of considers this, and is quite nicely tucked into the back corner.

Something I've often thought could work would be to take all the shops on the left as you enter the area, and to move them all in front of Rita's launch track. At present it feels like a bit of a waste of space, and they could make the area wider and possibly get another flat or two in down the left if they could go back onto the service area. It'd also be a nice way to hide Rita's track so they could perhaps ditch all that scaffolding. A row of themed buildings with some form of archway connecting them at one point for people to walk under the track to Th13teen.

The main thing Dark Forest needs is support rides. Rita suffers terribly on busy days, and that usually seems to result in Th13teen acting as the relief ride for it. They need a flat ride to occupy the bottom of the area, just to try and ease the load a bit.

There's actually quite a fair bit of space down the bottom end where Ug Swinger used to reside, and you could pack quite a decent sized ride in there with a bit of creative thinking.

If they planned to build closer into the existing area the proximity to Rita is something to consider, which is where a proper flat flat ride would work best (Huss Breakdance, or Mondial Shake for example), but if the ride could be set as far back as they could get it there's a lot more room and potential.

I like Dar's idea of a Top Scan, though I think two would perhaps be a little overkill (Plus, isn't there meant to be an epic waiting list for Mondial rides?). Alternatively, going along the same style, but higher throughput there are things like the Inferno. Imagine that with each side of the gondola themed as half a hollowed out log. Or there's the Diablo, which as far as I can tell just looks like the floorless, lower capacity version :p

Needless to say, there's no shortage of rides they could choose for the bottom end of Dark Forest. I've said it time and time again, flat rides are something Towers really need to look into for expanding and replacing. The rides they currently have are all knocking on now (Birthday shoutout to Enterprise turning 30 next year :p ), and are a little worse for wear. A gradual introduction of new rides, starting in Dark Forest would be the next logical step for Alton if you ask me :)
Re: Ug Swinger Site & Other Dark Forest Developments

As much as I like Dark Forest (yeah, I actually like it!) I think that before they add something new there, for one they need to sort out a more permanent solution to that awful scaffolding under Rita, and they also need to invest in other areas of the park first to pull crowds away, as Dark Forest is already (probably) the busiest area of the park, and the addition of a new ride would just cause way too much congestion, which could potentially be both unsafe, and cause huge queues for both Rita and Th13teen. Having sad that, I think some of these ideas for flats would be amazing, the potential for a fantastically themed ride is huge.

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Bump...ideas...surely something new is due in dark forest soon. It's dying on its ass