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UK Politics General Discussion

What will be the result of the UK’s General Election?

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So what's the difference between the two parties on this issue, that the Tories bring it up more often?

Both think transwomen aren't women, both want to implement the Cass review in full.
I think the difference is that for the Tories, their stance on gender ideology and similar “woke” issues is seemingly one of the key tenets of the Tory election campaign. On BBC News this morning, “clearing up the confusion around biological sex” was one of the top Tory pledges mentioned alongside the start of their election campaign.

Whereas with Labour, their stance on the issue does not appear to be central to their campaign. They may have a similar stance on the matter to the Tories in some ways when pressed on it, but they aren’t actively trying to draw attention to their stance on the issue and stoke a debate surrounding it in the way that the Tories arguably are.
I think the difference is that for the Tories, their stance on gender ideology and similar “woke” issues is seemingly one of the key tenets of the Tory election campaign. On BBC News this morning, “clearing up the confusion around biological sex” was one of the top Tory pledges mentioned alongside the start of their election campaign.

Whereas with Labour, their stance on the issue does not appear to be central to their campaign. They may have a similar stance on the matter to the Tories in some ways when pressed on it, but they aren’t actively trying to draw attention to their stance on the issue and stoke a debate surrounding it in the way that the Tories arguably are.
Ah, so their hatred is better hidden. Well that's me won over.
So what's the difference between the two parties on this issue, that the Tories bring it up more often?

Both think transwomen aren't women, both want to implement the Cass review in full.

Have you read the Cass review or just the reporting on it and the Tories weaponising of it?

It’s just a review of the peer reviewed evidence, and stated that there was no evidence puberty blockers benefited young people transitioning and that they do cause bone density reduction and prevent some brain and other system development (they historically were only ever used to delay puberty to an age it normally starts, not longer so the safety evidence wasn’t geared towards extended usage). It doesn’t state they shouldn’t be used but they should be used with caution and better quality peer reviewed studies conducted to settle the matter.

I’m passionately against the anti-trans rhetoric we are currently seeing and as a gay person it scares me that the same people will use the same playbook on gay people next (they have happily done it for centuries), but attacking the Cass review without reading it plays into the “LGBT+ militants refuse to look at the evidence” line.

Implementing the Cass review as written rather than as the Tories and media have stated it is written would actually force the NHS to engage in peer reviewed research to establish which regimes would be effective.
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I suspect that was, at least partially, influenced by there being very little overlap between people who want to ban the metric system and people who are computer literate enough to find and complete the survey

That said, having just 0.4% of people agreeing with him is probably about par for the world's most out of touch man.
His majority isn't want I thought it was, hopefully Labour and the Liberal Democrat vote isn't sufficiently split to keep him in.
Jeez what a choice we have for the next leader of the country:

Rich boy Sunak and his band of liars
Davros Darlek Starmer and his flip flops
Or Kermit the Frog Farage

I thought it was bad in the US with Biden or Trump but we are just as bad. Amazing how out of 60 odd million people in this country and 340 odd million is the US we have these to choose from.

Seriously have no idea who to vote for this time around. Don’t want any of them.
Have you read the Cass review or just the reporting on it and the Tories weaponising of it?

It’s just a review of the peer reviewed evidence, and stated that there was no evidence puberty blockers benefited young people transitioning and that they do cause bone density reduction and prevent some brain and other system development (they historically were only ever used to delay puberty to an age it normally starts, not longer so the safety evidence wasn’t geared towards extended usage). It doesn’t state they shouldn’t be used but they should be used with caution and better quality peer reviewed studies conducted to settle the matter.

I’m passionately against the anti-trans rhetoric we are currently seeing and as a gay person it scares me that the same people will use the same playbook on gay people next (they have happily done it for centuries), but attacking the Cass review without reading it plays into the “LGBT+ militants refuse to look at the evidence” line.

Implementing the Cass review as written rather than as the Tories and media have stated it is written would actually force the NHS to engage in peer reviewed research to establish which regimes would be effective.
So just to clarify, the Tory ban on puberty blockers outside of medical trials isn't part of Cass' recommendations?
So just to clarify, the Tory ban on puberty blockers outside of medical trials isn't part of Cass' recommendations?

It is not no, it says they should be used with extreme caution as the long term usage of puberty blockers has not been tested for safety and there is very little scientific evidence that early use of puberty blockers benefits trans teenagers or improves outcomes and has advised the NHS engage in peer reviewed blinded research. That said the report explicitly states puberty blockers should not be blanket banned.

The Cass report is very positivist science based report as that was what it was commissioned to be. Basically a lot of the clinical practice used in gender clinics was based on limited scientific evidence and the report says this has to be rectified before a clear pathway can be recommended. It doesn’t exclude any of the existing methods but says they were based on little to no peer reviewed scientific evidence for safety or success and as many of the treatments are not reversible or may have lasting physiological impacts we need to understand them better.

Indeed Stonewall generally supported the recommendations of the review, they note though that people have mis-represented the review for political ends.
It is not no, it says they should be used with extreme caution as the long term usage of puberty blockers has not been tested for safety and there is very little scientific evidence that early use of puberty blockers benefits trans teenagers or improves outcomes and has advised the NHS engage in peer reviewed blinded research. That said the report explicitly states puberty blockers should not be blanket banned.

The Cass report is very positivist science based report as that was what it was commissioned to be. Basically a lot of the clinical practice used in gender clinics was based on limited scientific evidence and the report says this has to be rectified before a clear pathway can be recommended. It doesn’t exclude any of the existing methods but says they were based on little to no peer reviewed scientific evidence for safety or success and as many of the treatments are not reversible or may have lasting physiological impacts we need to understand them better.

Indeed Stonewall generally supported the recommendations of the review, they note though that people have mis-represented the review for political ends.
So Streeting supporting that decision by the Tories is going against the review?

This is where I ask where the two parties differ again, I think.
So Streeting supporting that decision by the Tories is going against the review?

This is where I ask where the two parties differ again, I think.
The difference has already been pointed out to you. Can you not just go research both parties approach to this and go from there?
The difference has already been pointed out to you. Can you not just go research both parties approach to this and go from there?
How do I best research 'Labour only spout trans hatred when asked, the Tories are worse because they say the same things but they don't wait to be asked' ?
So Streeting supporting that decision by the Tories is going against the review?

This is where I ask where the two parties differ again, I think.

You are going to have to link to that statement I’m afraid as a quick Google news search doesn’t bring up anything around Wes Streeting saying puberty blockers should be blanket banned.