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UK Politics General Discussion

What will be the result of the UK’s General Election?

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It would have to be held after the 1st of July to be held "in the second half of this year". They're held on Thursday's, so the first Thursday of July is 4th.

The Guardian (https://www.theguardian.com/politic...al-election-for-july-in-surprise-move-sources) and ITV News (https://www.itv.com/news/2024-05-22...-announced-but-date-still-unknown-say-sources) are both now reporting that they have spoken to sources that it will be announced today for 4th July.

All cabinet members have cancelled TV engagements tonight. Grant Shapps gas cancelled a foreign trip, David Cameron has come home from a trip early to attend cabinet.

July 4th would mean parliament may not be dissolved until next week, allowing the cross party smoking ban bill through. Possibly.
Not voting for someone who is fine with war crimes.

I know, what am I like with my lofty standards for people to run the country I live in?
If you're one of the 85,243 in his constituency, who is eligible to vote for him (as I was and didn't in two previous GEs), then I understand your sympathies.

If you're not one of the lucky 85,243, then you won't be able to vote for him either. You'll be voting for your local parliamentary representative.

The leader of a party can be changed at any point, by its membership, during a parliament. I think it's fair to say that we've witnessed our fair share of that recently.
If you're one of the 85,243 in his constituency, who is eligible to vote for him (as I was and didn't in two previous GEs), then I understand your sympathies.

If you're not one of the lucky 85,243, then you won't be able to vote for him either. You'll be voting for your local parliamentary representative.

The leader of a party can be changed at any point, by its membership, during a parliament. I think it's fair to say that we've witnessed our fair share of that recently.
This would be a sensational point if his would be Foreign Secretary and Attorney General didn't come out and defend his comments in the days after he made them. Who both now lie to anyone who brings it up that they never said what they did in an on-air studio with 4K quality cameras filming them.

The party (and thus would-be government) is frankly infested with apologists for Israeli war crimes. This isn't news to anyone standing under Starmer's party at this election, not one is worth your vote. Because come sunrise on July 5th, that guy is the one who benefits from your vote and will be running the country for five years and those two scumbags will be in positions of power in determining foreign policy and legal advice to his government.
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Presumably because the party are absolutely desperate to erase any form of apparent anti-semetism that was allegedly rife when Corbyn was in charge.
To be honest, for me, there are a few things that seriously need looking at in a radical way. These are housing, anti-social behaviour/crime and the old age nursing system. I havn't seen any messaging suggesting that any party is ready and motivated to tackle any of these issues in the serious and radical way that they need to be addressed. Therefore, at this point, I won't be voting at all because none of them are giving me anything worth voting for. I'm not going to vote for Labour just because they're not the Tories. That's not enough for me any more. I need a reason to get me out and to vote. I just get the impression that any party that gets in (Labour) will just preside over the further managed decline of the country with no real effort to make the changes that need to happen. If an official manifesto comes out that suggests otherwise then I'm open to changing my mind.
The Prime Minister has confirmed. He intends to hold a UK General Election on 4th July 2024. The race is on!

Labour polling 21 points ahead in the Poll of Polls currently. But a lot can change in a GE campaign. I expect that poll lead to diminish by quite a bit during the campaign, with the only prediction I can say with the most certainty being that I think that the Conservatives will not be the biggest party forming the next government. Still siding with a Labour majority, but of a far smaller scale than many pollsters are predicting. I still wouldn't rule out a hung parliament.
The folks at the end of Downing Street blasting out ‘Things can only get better’ over Rishi’s speech was a nice touch 🤣.
Starmer should adopt it as the party anthem again. He's already got a complete disregard for the lives of people in the Middle East in common with the last guy to use it.
To be honest, for me, there are a few things that seriously need looking at in a radical way. These are housing, anti-social behaviour/crime and the old age nursing system. I havn't seen any messaging suggesting that any party is ready and motivated to tackle any of these issues in the serious and radical way that they need to be addressed. Therefore, at this point, I won't be voting at all because none of them are giving me anything worth voting for. I'm not going to vote for Labour just because they're not the Tories. That's not enough for me any more. I need a reason to get me out and to vote. I just get the impression that any party that gets in (Labour) will just preside over the further managed decline of the country with no real effort to make the changes that need to happen. If an official manifesto comes out that suggests otherwise then I'm open to changing my mind.
If Starmer got the manifesto tattooed on his forehead he'd still tell you they were never policies when he u-turns on them.
To be honest, for me, there are a few things that seriously need looking at in a radical way. These are housing, anti-social behaviour/crime and the old age nursing system. I havn't seen any messaging suggesting that any party is ready and motivated to tackle any of these issues in the serious and radical way that they need to be addressed. Therefore, at this point, I won't be voting at all because none of them are giving me anything worth voting for. I'm not going to vote for Labour just because they're not the Tories. That's not enough for me any more. I need a reason to get me out and to vote. I just get the impression that any party that gets in (Labour) will just preside over the further managed decline of the country with no real effort to make the changes that need to happen. If an official manifesto comes out that suggests otherwise then I'm open to changing my mind.

Will always be the issue unless we got rid of the current FPTP system.

But that won't happen because power.

Whoever comes in either has to fix the past 14 years or will continue the decline. There's no real winner as the problems need far more than a single 5 year governance to solve.
I honestly don’t know who to vote for if I’m honest.

I don’t want the tories back in given the state they have got the country in. I don’t particularly want Labour either who don’t have a great track record either and I can’t stand Kier. Greens nope. Lib Dem, nope. Reform, nope.

Monster Raving Loony party it is then.
Due to a lack of suitable candidates for my vote, I will be voting Green.
Wasted vote I suppose, but like Maggie, There Is No Alternative.
So it's a bumper year for elections and another chance for me to earn some extra cash.

Can't see it being as quiet as the Mayor and Police Crime Commissioner elections though.

May have to stay awake for this one.

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