TS Member
Obviously this is just hearsay and rumours but I have been listening to a few podcasts this week from usually reliable Universal boffins and they think a delay till 2030 is highly probable for this project now due to the pandemic and subsequent global recession. I hate to admit it but they are probably right too.
Interestingly, such is the expected delay that they believe Super Nintendo world could now very much be back on the cards to open in the original Universal Studios park in Florida again rather than in Epic Universe. With Japan now ready and Hollywood's version racing ahead they probably feel they need to change tactics and get Florida's Super Nintendo World back on the agenda too.
If Epic Universe ever does open later this decade or even in 2030 or later......I think it will be completely different to what they had originally planned.
I've read that as part of the agreement with Nintendo it may have to open within a couple of years of the agreement, so if it doesn't go in Epic Universe soon they almost have to put it in USF soon.