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Vloggers/influencers at parks and attractions- Is filming or photographing others without their permission ok?

How would you feel if you saw yourself in a video/photo or being filmed/photographed?

  • I'm happy with it, don't mind

    Votes: 31 52.5%
  • I'd be happy with it if they asked first

    Votes: 7 11.9%
  • I'd rather not, even if they asked

    Votes: 16 27.1%
  • Don't even try, take it down!

    Votes: 5 8.5%

  • Total voters
Interesting to see that staff can ask to look at what has been captured to check. Seen a few people say "they can't do that...." They can. Don't have to show them and they can't just look. They can enquire.

And as its part of the T&Cs they can follow it up with kicking people out who chose not to allow them to look.
The rise of vlogging and influencers, is something that I haven't, as of yet got my head around. To me, they are nothing more than the bores who used a camcorder their holidays thinking we are all interested in what they got up to in Malta. I am also very aware that these things are not aimed at me. And so do my up most to block and avoid. Because I like this site on the Facebook ™, the algorithm seems to think I'm interested in these blerts. One in particular (whom I will not name.) with his stupid grinning face and his grinning other half, keeps popping up on my feeds like a stalker. He's even punched a way on to my you tube™ feed.

I've ranted before, after the nemesis reopening. Make it interesting. Make me want to watch it. let us see what you are seeing and not with you in the foreground. I'm not interested in you and ya mates. I'm interested in the ride behind you. And in some cases, just enjoy what you are doing first before filming for ya vlog. Someone has said about, social media can be a drug. I can see why, the colour schemes are all designed and to pull you in and it has to be said. The little red dot with a number is so thrilling isn't it. Don't lie to ya self. Since that very dot has probably drawn you here to read this post now. A small little part of ya brain went "yes.........oh no it's that Muppet. Let's see what badly written thing he has wrote today."
For years watching what seemed like it would be an innocent POV came with the risk that at any moment the camera would turn around and you'd get a screen full of Rob Alvey, so it's always been a bit of an occupational hazard as an enthusiast that your viewing experience can be ruined by someone desperate to insert themselves. My issue with it though is more practical, I just want to watch whatever it is that the title or thumbnail is suggesting. In the Hyperia thread there's a video of the splashdown testing, and that's what the thumbnail shows. But when you press play it's a 7 minute video with lots of someone talking in their car. Nothing personal to them (or whoever posted it on here) but I just want to see the ride. There's obviously a market for videos that are more than just that but I feel like they should be advertised as such.

As to the main point, I don't mind being used for content (as opposed to being incidental in the background) as long as I'm aware of it. If you want to use me in a video or get a vox pop or whatever, just ask first. Unless I really don't like you or you work for a certain newspaper there's an organised boycott of I'll almost certainly say yes. There's no reason not to ask, I'll almost certainly give better value if I'm prepared and know who you are first. I'm a bit different as I've had media training and have done a fair few interviews for various outlets, but the principle applies to anyone and most traditional press understand this - my partner, my friend and myself were actually interviewed at the weekend by a German TV station for the football 😂 we had a little chat first before they started filming and it gave them some good content.

With things like Nemesis reopening or the backstage tour, yes there's more chance of there being vloggers there, but I don't think that's an excuse for them or that people who aren't comfortable with them should have to limit what activities they take part in because of them. If something is explicitly held as a media/vlogger event then fair enough, but that's different to a public event that happens to have above average press or vlog interest.

As for waterparks, DON'T DO IT JESUS CHRIST
I think it’d be my personal nightmare if I was to go on a rapids, spinning coaster or similar to notice someone like Shawn or similar was filming on a chest mount directly at me for the duration of the ride.

Not particularly arsed about a passing shot or being included in a crowd shot, have appeared on Sky Sports a few times just through being in crowds.

But would still rather get on with my day without having those intrusive thoughts as every other person walks round with their phone in record mode.
For years watching what seemed like it would be an innocent POV came with the risk that at any moment the camera would turn around and you'd get a screen full of Rob Alvey...
Unimpressed Viola Davis GIF

I think it’d be my personal nightmare if I was to go on a rapids, spinning coaster or similar to notice someone like Shawn or similar was filming on a chest mount directly at me for the duration of the ride.

Not particularly arsed about a passing shot or being included in a crowd shot, have appeared on Sky Sports a few times just through being in crowds.

But would still rather get on with my day without having those intrusive thoughts as every other person walks round with their phone in record mode.

I actually never thought about rapids until you mentioned them and it's a great example for this topic overall. They are one of my favourite rides and love love love POVs from an empty raft, but I simply cannot when there are other people on it. It genuinely makes me want to scream. When you're essentially forcing someone to be filmed within a confined space literally a few feet in front of you, it's too much. It's possible to blur people's faces without impacting the POV, though it does require some technical ability and time which doesn't really work for YouTubers pumping out videos every other day or from their phones.

I've actually been trying to revisit Mocha to do just that myself. I've my first trip to Efteling planned in September and want to take my gear and do some filming (more of a narration-free park exploration vibe, less 'welcome to my channel guys' lol), but would hate to be a hypocrite.
The other habit that's crept in.

The begging for money. I'm sure it is expensive to jet off here, there and everywhere to film theme parks. That's a fancy expensive camara and kit you have used. How about funding your own hobby.
The other habit that's crept in.

The begging for money. I'm sure it is expensive to jet off here, there and everywhere to film theme parks. That's a fancy expensive camara and kit you have used. How about funding your own hobby.
I don't even want to know who, but thats so cheeky - was it a blatent 'please donate money to me' thing? Do what everyone else does and grow your channel and don't go above your means until you can.

Donations during live broadcasts etc are just part of the platform, as are subscriptions etc so idgaf about those personally.
I think it’d be my personal nightmare if I was to go on a rapids, spinning coaster or similar to notice someone like Shawn or similar was filming on a chest mount directly at me for the duration of the ride.

Not particularly arsed about a passing shot or being included in a crowd shot, have appeared on Sky Sports a few times just through being in crowds.

But would still rather get on with my day without having those intrusive thoughts as every other person walks round with their phone in record mode.
I’ve had this on storm chaser. Kid with a chest mounted camera ended up facing us pretty much the whole way round. He skarpered before I could ask him if he was actually filming and what he intended to do with it. He was only about 13ish so fingers crossed it never ended up anywhere
Not overly bothered about it really. You can’t get away from cameras anywhere these days. From tik toks in the street, concerts, theme parks, any events. I’ve spotted myself numerous times on vlogs before it’s very difficult to avoid them especially on events like Nemesis closing and opening day.

There are far too many doing it however, I think the general views are being spread out more now and they are slowly strangling themselves to death. Still can’t believe it’s considered a full time occupation in all honestly. It wouldn’t be if YouTube was a paid subscription service like Netflix I bet.
At this point in the theme park youtube game unless you've got some really new ideas the idea of becoming a big channel seems minimal barring them going viral in someway. Not to mention anything that's not just going to a park and vlogging will take even more time and money to achieve. You'd need to be doing it for the love of doing it, basically thinking your documenting your trips to have something to look back on.

Can only applaud people who got in early and have made a career out of an interest. Not sure if I'd want to do that myself though.
I miss Some Jerk With a Camera. He made actual curated content, rather than just aimlessly wandering around shouting "HI GUYS LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE!"
The market has been extremely over saturated. The issue is, there isn't really much anyone can do change the format.

We have, naturally. Drifted away from topic.

Some channels I follow, do tend to have good social sense, in that they try and keep it focussed on themselves and or the object of the piece. Some have just have complete disregard. They are the star. I have yet to see what would happen if someone does ask them to not film them?

There is a lot about this fandom I don't understand. Or the mindset of youtuber™ at the theme. I don't understand why you wouldn't want to live in a moment. Have we lost this as a society?
The market has been extremely over saturated. The issue is, there isn't really much anyone can do change the format.

We have, naturally. Drifted away from topic.

Some channels I follow, do tend to have good social sense, in that they try and keep it focussed on themselves and or the object of the piece. Some have just have complete disregard. They are the star. I have yet to see what would happen if someone does ask them to not film them?

There is a lot about this fandom I don't understand. Or the mindset of youtuber™ at the theme. I don't understand why you wouldn't want to live in a moment. Have we lost this as a society?
Life is not real anymore unless it is through a lens.
When I have asked not to be filmed, twice, I wasn't filmed... and told, "yes fine, you are not alone...".
Both well known vloggers, not a problem at all...they are used to a polite refusal.
The unknown ones...wouldn't have a clue.
But I don't do busy days and openings...just too old...got past that now.
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@Slugjc you only have to look at images of concerts, events and sporting events to know people don’t live in the moment. They’d sooner miss the show to get that key instagram image to look good to their mates.
Ridiculous really.

Watched a video of Fatboyslim at Brighton Beach the other day, reminiscing and all that. Not one mobile phone in sight. And boy was it a good night.

Conversely, I have just watched some highlights of Olly Murs tour with take that. Nobody dancing everyone on their phone.

The world has gone mad and is so lit of touch with reality.

Back on topic. I wouldn’t mind if, say, I was recorded walking past a vlogger in the background or whatever. But not a chance would I want to be recorded in any detail without my permission. I’d politely ask, and if that got nowhere I would consider ripping that damn camera off them and shoving it where the sun does not shine.

Would they like it if I was to setup camp outside their home recording the post man coming daily for instance? Just because I love post boxes? No they’d have a fit….

For the record I’m not a post box fanatic….
I'm sick of posting something and @Jb85 nagging me for an image of said post box. I use same one every time mate.

And Another thing. The god awful gushing we get from vloggers. Just in case someone corporate will get upset and not give them a freebie if they didn't. and they can't do a video of them opening a box (in a bedroom at their ma's)

It's like watching the fast show, with some of these vlogs BRILLIANT!!

Possibly as a result of feedback from the previous Super Fans event at Paulton's Park, this statement was tucked away in the FAQ for this year's coming event:

"We kindly request that you refrain from filming other families and visitors during the park's standard opening hours for their own privacy and enjoyment. There will be plenty of opportunity to capture exciting content of the park after 5:30pm when the main event kicks off."

Possibly as a result of feedback from the previous Super Fans event at Paulton's Park, this statement was tucked away in the FAQ for this year's coming event:

"We kindly request that you refrain from filming other families and visitors during the park's standard opening hours for their own privacy and enjoyment. There will be plenty of opportunity to capture exciting content of the park after 5:30pm when the main event kicks off."

Didn’t know they were doing another event, where are the details on their website?