Your MPS there, wowBeing a petrol head I've spent silly silly amounts on the few cars I have had over the years. . .
My fabia vRS started the major modifying trend. . .
Had various interiors/wheels/suspension setups over my 11 years ownership. .it became my daily while I built my mazda 3mps.
Now currently own an Octavia vRS. . .also been played with while trying to retain "dad car" status . . All be it a pretty fast dad car - 310bhp
And very practical. . .huge boot 590litres or something silly. . .and I'm 6'2" and can sit behind my drivers seat without needing to chop my legs off.Wouldn't mind an Octavia VRS myself. Yours looks great. Sporty but still tasteful.
Never mind the horse power, that looks like a dad car.Being a petrol head I've spent silly silly amounts on the few cars I have had over the years. . .
My fabia vRS started the major modifying trend. . .
Had various interiors/wheels/suspension setups over my 11 years ownership. .it became my daily while I built my mazda 3mps.
Now currently own an Octavia vRS. . .also been played with while trying to retain "dad car" status . . All be it a pretty fast dad car - 310bhp
A busman's holiday?. . .Never mind the horse power, that looks like a dad car.
Must say my day at the towers in an MX5 today was a little er cramped.
Better headroom with the roof down, but it rained on the way home.
I had access to a Tesla Model 3 Long Range (affectionately dubbed by @Poisson as “the Uber”) for a while
The quote for insurance on my recent car purchase, from Admiral, was around £370 annually, as I only have a provisional license at the moment and haven’t yet passed a test.To put a slight spin on this thread -
How much was your car insurance last time you bought it and how much did it go up (or down) compared to last renewal?
Mine this year with Aviva fully comp was £289. It went up about £50 compared to last renewal.
To put a slight spin on this thread -
How much was your car insurance last time you bought it and how much did it go up (or down) compared to last renewal?
Mine this year with Aviva fully comp was £289. It went up about £50 compared to last renewal.