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What have you learned in your years as an enthusiast?

Skyride at the Beach???

Oh, you mean the Cableway!
No, it closed around the millennium didn't it when Valhalla turned up.
Way before the wankle good sir.
Best way of using up your c tickets back in the day.
And the best way of scaring mum senseless with a little bit of rocking.
And to think I now (often) go for a little tinkle in the precise spot where I used to get off...if you pardon the expression.
The main thing that I learned is that a higher height restriction for a ride does not necessarily mean that it is more intense.
Well, during the course of being an enthusiast, I've learned I'm gay, so... :p

Nah, in all seriousness, I've learned so much that it'd be impossible to list everything. I think everyone else has probably covered things better than I could.

One thing I have learned, though, is this. 4am airport pints are amazing.
There will always be ‘bigger’ enthusiasts than you, I’ve met a lot of people at Towers where the park is IS their identity and this pretty much seems to be the same across every park, and is especially bad with Disney people!

If anything, becoming an enthusiast and burning out on it has made me interested in soooo many other things. Sports, theatre, politics, healthcare, the list goes on. I love how I can be introduced to someone/something and going down the Wikipedia rabbit hole for a little while and seeing how others see the world with their interests and passions!
I’ve learnt the best ways to contort myself so I can get on more wacky worms and runaway trains.

+1’s are more important than comfort.
There's only one ride I've ever had to cross my legs on in order to close the restraint. This was Dragon's Apprentice at Legoland. Technically, I can blame you for this, but I won't because I'm in a good mood. :p
I’ve learnt the best ways to contort myself so I can get on more wacky worms and runaway trains.

+1’s are more important than comfort.

Seconded. Dragon's Apprentice might as well be a B&M with the amount of room compared to a Go Gator or similar.