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What re-themes' would you like to see?

I was thinking about thus, and I had an idea I think TWODW and cars would be a perfect place to build a this new area.
They could make it themed to stories of the towers (similar to hex) the facades replaced with brick work (to look like you are in the center of the tower) it would mainly be a dark ride area

I am not sure on the space behind the facades, but there is the former theater they could use and make a shambolica like ride from eftling of you exploring the towers, with some fun scenes.

GG I am not sure what to do as it is quite low throughput, if that could be improved (perhaps new quicker ride scenes) but I think a shooter ride could be good, as it is something the park is lacking. There are quite a few themes I could think of, perhaps some arround removing curses, killing haunted spirits etc

The carousel could stay and be rethemed to an older victoriana style, the Dungeons could perhaps be themed to caves/mines of alton towers with some funny scenes, and then I would remove the burger kitchen and build an open stage and seating area to replace the stage on the lawn.