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What will the 2020s hold at Alton Towers?

Matt N

TS Member
Favourite Ride
Shambhala (PortAventura Park)
Hi guys. Not too long ago, we entered a new decade; the 2020s! Because of this fact, I've seen all sorts of YouTube videos and articles online about what the next decade might hold for various different theme parks, so I thought; what do you guys think that the next decade might hold at Alton Towers?

There are various things to discuss, but I think that on the whole, the next decade will be a really great one! Merlin re-entering private hands could potentially make things very interesting, and the park really seems to be on the up at the moment after a hard few years following the Smiler accident in 2015.

My first prediction is that I think SW9 will be some form of water ride that will open in 2022, probably a water coaster. A real e-ticket water ride seems to be the key gap in Alton Towers' lineup that is on a lot of people's minds at the moment, and something like a water coaster would also be an additional attraction for that mid-range family market (i.e. the "too small for The Smiler, too big for CBeebies" market). As for location, I think that either Forbidden Valley or the Rita site could be a potential location, although I could also see the site of the current Dungeons building working if the Dungeons are a temporary attraction like some are implying.

My prediction of SW9 being a water coaster leads me on to my next prediction; controversially, I think that Congo River Rapids will either be removed or majorly overhauled within the next decade. It's still a fun water ride, but it really seems to have lost some of its mojo ever since the removal of the waterfalls and the other water effects, not to mention the fact that rapids rides in general seem to be becoming more unpopular within UK theme parks. So, my personal prediction is that if SW9 turns out to be a water coaster somewhere within the park, then I think that SW10 could potentially be an Intamin Blitz Coaster (or any form of modern launch coaster) in Katanga Canyon on the site of the rapids. As much as everyone's saying that a multi-launch should replace Rita, the rapids sits on a huge plot of land that provides far more scope for a thrill ride, in my opinion, and if SW9 in 2022 was to be a major water ride, then it would kind of give them an excuse to remove the rapids. Also, I can imagine a launch coaster interacting with Runaway Mine Train like Congo River Rapids does now would be pretty amazing!

Moving away from the SWs, I personally think that we will see the gradual replacement and replenishment of areas of the park that were removed and/or had their lineups reduced during the low attendance period post-Smiler. We're already starting to see this now (Wicker Man, The World of David Walliams, Alton Towers Dungeon), and I think that we will see other areas of the park receive some new attractions and get some love. For example, I could see some new flat rides going in on areas like the Ripsaw site and the Submission site, and I could see something being done with the Mutiny Bay courtyard (maybe a new show?). So far, Alton Towers has done a great job in giving these areas their momentum back, so I think it will continue into the 2020s!

Furthermore, I definitely see another expansion of CBeebies Land on the horizon, as well as an expansion or two to The World of David Walliams. I personally think that Spinball Whizzer will get removed and the remaining remnants of Adventure Land will be done away with entirely in favour of a CBeebies Land expansion; I don't know what it would entail, but I definitely think CBeebies will encompass that area within the next decade. I think it would strengthen the area even more for the young families, and I think there's something strangely satisfying about the thought of CBeebies taking up that entire bottom left part of the park! As for the expansion to TWODW, I think that we could see a couple more rides added into the remaining blank areas as well as Driving School encompassed into the area.

So, those are some of my personal predictions for the 2020s at Alton Towers! Whether these come true or not, I don't know; I'm sure nobody predicted the 2010s would turn out how they did! What do you guys think will come to Alton Towers in the 2020s?
In my honest opinion:

Monorail closure.
Coach park removal.
New hotel on the former coach park.
Re-location of the Dungeons towards said new hotel.
Removal of The Blade.
Removal of Enterprise.
Duel re-theme (IP based).
A phase 2 and phase 3 of David Walliams world.
Fireworks cut back to 2 nights a year.
In my honest opinion:

Monorail closure.
Coach park removal.
New hotel on the former coach park.
Re-location of the Dungeons towards said new hotel.
Removal of The Blade.
Removal of Enterprise.
Duel re-theme (IP based).
A phase 2 and phase 3 of David Walliams world.
Fireworks cut back to 2 nights a year.
Don't give them ideas!
Can't see Towers going 12 years without a new coaster so we should see a least one.

Don't think it will be a water coaster cos a) they're crap b) Merlin don't seem to like moisture.
Can't see Towers going 12 years without a new coaster so we should see a least one.

Don't think it will be a water coaster cos a) they're crap b) Merlin don't seem to like moisture.
There is some cool stuff that can be done with water coasters these days; for example, I believe Intamin unveiled a launched water coaster at IAAPA one year, and as the Mack Power Splash exists, I'd assume Mack would be happy to do one as well!
I think

Monorail removed, the substation retasked to feed electric vehicle charging stations

Entrance plaza removed and Disney style hotel over entrance, coach park to become car park for the new (very expensive) hotel.

NST, Blade, Enterprise sold for spares or scrap.

Duel re-theme to electric vehicle are great sponsored by vauxhall (PSA Group)

David Walliams world takes over all the areas behind the towers. With it own entrance via the old gate house.

Fireworks cut due to new laws after the destruction of the london eye in the new years firework massacre.

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2 new SW coasters to replace 2 existing ones

A new hotel

Blade removed, no replacement

Another new hotel

Enterprise removed, no replacement

Another new hotel

Cbeebies extended, Spinball removed

Another new hotel

10 - 3 opening and you'll be expected to think yourself lucky

Monorail replaced with a new hotel

Duel mechanisms smothered in UV paint with LEDs illuminating them with other broken features being replaced with TV screens with a new, Z list IP on them

Towers street replaced by a new hotel

A new rule in place on the rapids that means anyone who comes off with even the slightest bit of wet on their clothes or with even half a smile on their face is removed from the park immediately

SW 11 ends the decade with a bang - by ending up being a new hotel.

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We might get (yet another) new coaster and lose Enterprise but I think the sad reality is the park will look almost exactly the same in 10 years time. Maybe a bit more run-down.

I don't think Walliams World will last until the end of the decade.
-Multiple expansions to Walliams World as we have seen with CBeebies

-SW9 & SW10 for sure, perhaps SW11 if we're lucky

-Blade, Rita & Spinball removal

-Dungeons closure for Walliams dark ride

-Rapids overhaul, marketed as new attraction a la Galactica of course

-CBeebies expansion into Spinball area

-One or two new hotels

-Little change to opening hours, maybe a bit of an increase when numbers really pick up again but nothing drastic
With all the jokes of new hotels does anyone know the occupation rate of the existing accommodation? I’m guessing it can’t be that high given some are closed for decent chunks of the season.
I can't seem to find any stats online, but I could have sworn I heard someone say roughly 80% once. This might have been some time ago, however.

Even though I don't personally think Alton Towers needs any more hotels, I definitely see more accommodation being built during the 2020s if Merlin's accommodation strategy still holds true; Alton Towers currently operates 694 hotel rooms, and Merlin reportedly wants to get Alton Towers as well as Gardaland to over 1000 rooms each. This might have changed following the buyout, however; KIRKBI and Blackstone may have different ideas now they have a greater stronghold upon the company again. I certainly don't think that Merlin was anywhere near as accommodation-orientated under private hands, as they didn't actually build accommodation at any of their properties until 2013, as far as I'm aware...
The relatively few nights where the resort is full command high room rates, which in turn makes it worthwhile for them to add more sheds which are easily mothballed for long periods of time. The room rates charged for just those couple of nights a year have likely already paid back the capex for the pig stys.

PA operate a similar model, albeit they haven’t lowered themselves to passing off a refugee camp as “resort accommodation” yet.
2021 coach park redesigned to give service bus better terminals bays at plaza. And new surfaces and marking across the coach park.

2022 automated monorail system opens. After closed season upgrade.

2023 spare parts for blade are no longer available. Fireworks incorporate drones lighting system.

2024 due to national security issues. Turn styles are integrated body scanner

2025 duel ride system ends its life in a big way. Closed for new ride system and retheme.

2026 SW9 opens ( based on david walliams book)

2027 duel reopens as alton manor, a haunted house using image mapping and augmented reality systems.

2028 blade has a failure. Due to no available spare parts. It is removed.

2029 AT sign a deal with CV rail to provide transport from off site car park and stoke railway station.

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AT, Thorpe, Chessington, Gardaland, Heidi Park and Warwick Castle spun off as a seperate entity. Entity bought up by some larger corporation, allowing Kirkbi to concentrate on Midway and the smaller Legoland parks.

AT will add a few things to the scale of David Walliams, but will see another decade of general stagnation on theme park investment. The water park will get an expansion, and new dedicated entrance, with an extension to the conference facilities and hotel alongside, providing some bland management style suites to the hotel.