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Which major coaster will be the next to go?

Which major coaster will be the next to go?

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Spinball, Curse and Nemesis have all had new computer control systems in the last couple of years, it seems Merlin aren’t adverse to spending cash on this for both ‘new’ and existing rides. Galactica could be next in line for a similar upgrade.
Spinball, Curse and Nemesis have all had new computer control systems in the last couple of years, it seems Merlin aren’t adverse to spending cash on this for both ‘new’ and existing rides. Galactica could be next in line for a similar upgrade.
To me, I think Galactica might be redone in a similar was to Nemesis. Whilst not needing a total retrack, I can see either a 'Return to Air' kind of rebrand to maybe turn the ride back into the 'hero' of FV like it was originally envisioned. Maybe adding in the cut theming elements the ride was concept with but never got to boot as well.

Either that, or they redo the major ride computer systems and maybe get in new trains to replace the older one if they are causing lots of issues due to their age.
There is no doubt in the slightest that Rita will be the first coaster to go. It’s had multiple days already this season where it’s closed most the day. Looks like the ride is struggling as time goes on and I think it’s days are now numbered
There is no doubt in the slightest...

One of the fastest launches in the country, and the fastest many happy people will ever accelerate in their lifetimes...
Always has a queue.
Decent pops of airtime.
Queuemuncher when well operated and staffed.
Launches can be fixed.
Reliability can be managed with proper funding.

But every opinion is sacred.
I don't think any of the coasters are going anywhere soon.
New stuff being built, other spaces available.
There is no doubt in the slightest that Rita will be the first coaster to go. It’s had multiple days already this season where it’s closed most the day. Looks like the ride is struggling as time goes on and I think it’s days are now numbered
To be fair, so has Nemesis Reborn. Didn't open until 4pm on Monday. Think they're about to scrap that?
Airs layout is fine for what it’s designed to do. The simulation of flight.

As soon as it needs to do more - ie a war with Nemesis theme, then it’s lost.

Airs issue is not the layout per se, it’ll be computer systems that will be the major issue and what cause downtime currently.

Then you have the ‘theme’ - or lack of.

All in all, £6m would sort the lot - replacement systems and trains potentially- and a theme.

Question is - £6m vs £15m for a new ride……
Are B&M flying coasters known to be unreliable then? Or is this just Galactica, given it was a prototype and first of its kind.

I had thoughts of a slight layout change, only as I hear people speak about how its not as fun as other rides in the park.
I have always shared opinions with keeping it to its original concept though.
One of the fastest launches in the country, and the fastest many happy people will ever accelerate in their lifetimes...
Always has a queue.
Decent pops of airtime.
Queuemuncher when well operated and staffed.
Launches can be fixed.
Reliability can be managed with proper funding.

But every opinion is sacred.
I don't think any of the coasters are going anywhere soon.
New stuff being built, other spaces available.
Rita isn’t bad but it’s running on old tech, hydraulic launches are a dying breed. We are lucky that we have three of them in the UK but I don’t think that will be the case in half a decade’s time. If Rita was replaced with an Abyssus style Vekoma multi launcher or a Taron style Intamin Blitz I don’t think too many would miss it.
Surely they could just chuck a different system in though...it is flat on flat.
Three airtime hills, hard fast bends, decent launch.
All it really needs is a hard left turn where it currently hits the brakes, and a nice cruise in and around thirteens outdoor section, back to the station on a slow roll.
Surely they could just chuck a different system in though...it is flat on flat.
Three airtime hills, hard fast bends, decent launch.
All it really needs is a hard left turn where it currently hits the brakes, and a nice cruise in and around thirteens outdoor section, back to the station on a slow roll.
Sure, it’s possible to convert a hydraulic latch to an LSM one, as seen on Top Thrill 2. But the difference between that and Rita is that Top Thrill Dragster was a special ride that the park wanted to keep (it was the second tallest coaster in the world). Rita isn’t special at all, it doesn’t have the wow factor that Stealth arguably has with its big top hat, and it’s not even a special weapon. It is what it is, an Intamin Accelerator with probably the weakest layout of that particular model. That doesn’t mean that it can’t be fun, but that, it’s very awkward location, and aging technology mean that it’s probably not an untouchable at the park for Merlin. All parks need to evolve and grow and part of not becoming stagnant is the periodic removal of old rides, wether in some cases they have reached the end of their operating life, or in other cases it’s simply a matter of the park wanting to introduce something else new or free up some land for a future development.
I think it would be out of the question for Alton Towers to have two coasters out of action for a whole season. The impact on queues around the park would be horrendous. I guess demolition can happen over a closed season and they can sort out the access for Thirteen at the same time.
That's easy, you'd just access Dark Forest/Thirteen via the path above Swiss Cottage and if needed slightly re-route the queueline to skirt around the edge a bit more.

Edit - I see now that someone had already pointed this out. Soz.
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Sure, it’s possible to convert a hydraulic latch to an LSM one, as seen on Top Thrill 2. But the difference between that and Rita is that Top Thrill Dragster was a special ride that the park wanted to keep (it was the second tallest coaster in the world). Rita isn’t special at all, it doesn’t have the wow factor that Stealth arguably has with its big top hat, and it’s not even a special weapon. It is what it is, an Intamin Accelerator with probably the weakest layout of that particular model. That doesn’t mean that it can’t be fun, but that, it’s very awkward location, and aging technology mean that it’s probably not an untouchable at the park for Merlin. All parks need to evolve and grow and part of not becoming stagnant is the periodic removal of old rides, wether in some cases they have reached the end of their operating life, or in other cases it’s simply a matter of the park wanting to introduce something else new or free up some land for a future development.
Na...come on, a good popular ride, nothing wrong with the location, and it doesn't matter in the slightest if it isn't special, the "general public" love it, for the acceleration, and triple airtime hairpin layout.
The location is absolutely fine, what is wrong with the placement???, same bit as the Corkscrew, but a superior ride.
People go on about the acceleration...my wife still does.
One trick pony, just like oblivion, but acceleration, not a single drop into a small hole, is the lead factor.
No other ride at Alton does this!
The fact that it is not, and has never been, a special weapon, is obviously devastating to the average thoosie, but 99.99% of the general public neither know this nugget of thoosieism, or care about it.
No major ride at the Towers needs pulling, for at least a decade.
There are a million more important issues regarding development and keeping up standards at the Towers...a "new coaster replacement for old" is at the very bottom of the list.
Na...come on, a good popular ride, nothing wrong with the location, and it doesn't matter in the slightest if it isn't special, the "general public" love it, for the acceleration, and triple airtime hairpin layout.
The location is absolutely fine, what is wrong with the placement???, same bit as the Corkscrew, but a superior ride.
In terms of placement its removal would allow for the part of the park to be rethemed and for something better to be built in its place, perhaps opening up the section of the park a little better.

Parks need to grow and evolve and one part of that is looking at ways to introduce new rides by removing old ones. If a park doesn’t introduce new rides it ends up like Pleasure Beach, stagnant.

Are you saying that you wouldn’t theoretically prefer a Voltron, a Toutatis, a Helix, a Ride To Happiness or a Taron over Rita? Because that’s what the park is really lacking in, a modern multi launcher. Even Pleasure Beach understood this trend and got Icon. As much as the public might like Rita I suspect that they’d love a Mack or Intamin multi launcher a hell of a lot more and I suspect that Merlin know this as well.
Na, I fancy the new stuff, love Icon for my retirement rocking chair, but I just don't get the hate for rita.
There are better similar rides than many of the coasters at Towers...the one trick of Oblivion, the weakness of thirteen as a family coaster.
Rip the spinny one out to make dippy happy, and stick something low and launched round there.
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As I’m sure many have said already - regardless of “what’s next” we’re probably talking 10 years down the line since we have flat rides on the horizon (hoho) , horizon to come.
And my gut feeling is we might see some sort of theme improvements along the way here and there too
Na, I fancy the new stuff, love Icon for my retirement rocking chair, but I just don't get the hate for rita.
I don’t think that people here have been hating on Rita, they just see it as one that that might be considered the most likely to leave the park, and some have mentioned that they aren’t that fond of it but I don’t think that’s hate. It’s not a ride that people here tend to have a very strong opinion towards, it’s certainly not a Hero or an Infusion that people can’t stand.
I find Rita one of the most uncomfortable and unpleasant rides in the country. More so than Smiler, Saw or Grand National. Not sure if it's a height thing (I'm just over 1.5m) but every time I ride I'm constantly trying to keep my head from smashing into the OTSR and always come off with a banging headache. It's a torture device. Surprised more people don't experience this, like I said maybe a height thing.

An LSM in its place would be a dream, but in its existing form it doesn't have a layout good enough to be worthy of an upgrade. It just needs to go.
All you naughty haters.
As devils advocate...(what...me...)...can I just add that I always thought the combination with the psychohorrorshow family coaster with scaffolding next door, is an absolute waste of a good terrain coaster site.
But that would be agreeing, so I won't.
I find Rita one of the most uncomfortable and unpleasant rides in the country. More so than Smiler, Saw or Grand National. Not sure if it's a height thing (I'm just over 1.5m) but every time I ride I'm constantly trying to keep my head from smashing into the OTSR and always come off with a banging headache. It's a torture device. Surprised more people don't experience this, like I said maybe a height thing.

An LSM in its place would be a dream, but in its existing form it doesn't have a layout good enough to be worthy of an upgrade. It just needs to go.
Saw gave me an injury. You can’t be serious