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Your UK motorway service station count

So, anyone been to Poplar 2000/Lymm services recently? I think I last stopped there on the way home from Blackpool many years ago and it was awesome, used to be a favourite of mine when I was in the North West.

Designed as a 'truck stop', it had a free standing CrapDonald's drive through and a little outdoor shopping precinct that had some clean bogs, a couple of shops, a Greggs, a barbers, and a pub! Pub was awesome and served a good quality slap-up meal. But just seen some online that it's now just a pretty bog standard and boringly familiar Moto set-up, with a Costa and Cornish Pasty Co etc typical lineup.
I can't say i've ever kept count but my work involves a lot of travelling around the country so i'd imagine i've been to at least 50 and probably way more.

Fleet Services is a favourite in the south of the generic options, mostly because it has a Pizza Express and the fountains outside. Beaconsfield is decent just for the food options (Nandos is a nice change).

There are a few more unique ones in the north that seem a bit more farm based. Can't remember the name unfortunately but there's one with a big pond and seating out the back.

Sadly the majority are pretty grim. Gone are the days of a sit down breakfast at the Little Chef!
That would be Tebay.

I can remember the upstairs at Forton!
We have a lovely blown up photo of it taken by my deceased father in law.
And we ate on the bridge cafe on Charnock Richard...with the Its A Knockout Final at Arena North (to be Camelot) next door.
It was used as the stage set for the film International Velvet with Liz Taylor.
Sad sad thoosie minutae.

Oh dear.
That famous line...
"Not as good as it used to be"...reserved usually for Viz.
Tebay has suffered with its popularity, and is now getting repeated low reviews.
Another one bites the dust.

Pleased to say we will be overnighting at the services near Heathrow next month.
Can't wait...
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