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Major Ride Closures 2016

The Pirate Show is also meeting its demise for 2016. However, with the savage cuts to permanent entertainment technicians, it is little suprise.
Really gutted about this, although with the family shows in CBeebies Land it's hardly surprising. As a technician I can't help but feel sorry for those getting laid off.
So 2016 at Alton Towers is going to be thrill coasters and CBeebies Land and that's basically it.

Katanga Canyon aside (newest ride nearly 25 years of age) it's a very poor show for families.
Ultimately, this is probably the darkest period in Alton Towers long history.

The park, which has already been forced to make cuts over recent years, is now facing such savage cuts that it can no longer operate itself without closing a significant number of rides. The Smiler incident and downturn in guests is now allowing Merlin and Alton Towers to 'legitimately' make heavy cuts, without having to solely seem heartless.

The fact is, Alton Towers is a major tourist attraction who are in desperate need of good fortune and a pick-up in reputation. The park was already in dire need of a cash injection to improve existing rides, attractions and infrastructure. Now, with a loss of gardeners, entertainers, technicians and engineers - this will be made worse.

The current agenda will simply not do this. This could, and I believe will, make the park's reputation, experience and credibility worse while the competition rub their hands with glee.
With these cuts that are being implemented it's hard to see how or when the park will turn it around.

It's a very cowardly business approach to simply reduce overheads at the expense of customer experience. Especially when the majority of the attractions that are planned to close are aimed at the market they need to focus on most.
The problem with cutting things like gardeners, cleaners, and techies, is that once things have been left to rot, if they ever decide to re-invest in them it will take a hell of a lot more money and effort to get things back to even their current standard, never mind where they should be.
Not that upset about the loss of the pirate show, but annoyed at the loss of the entertainment. It really shows that the to-old-for-ceebebies-but-not-old-enough-for-bigger-rides are Really being left out next year. Driving school, Charlie, hex, flume and now the pirate show all cater for the often forgotten group of older children. Huge mistake IMO as majority of their attendance this year have been families.

Understand where people are coming from saying that it could be worse if coasters were shut or the arguably better rides like Congo or duel (I said arguably better), but at very least, it's the sheer number of rides closed that will be the biggest problem. If towers look like they're bad value for money then the GP won't visit and leaving rides SBNO won't help that. Also, the returning visitors "there used to be a ride here" if ripsaw and flume are removed. How sad will CATCF look with all copyrighted material taken from the enterence just sitting in CCL?
Long long time lurker.
I was one of the first to ride on the Corkscrew but got over its demise, as it was removed to be replaced by something better.
I was one of the first to ride the Log Flume and will miss it's passing. What hurts most is the lack of a replacement.
It is good that there has been no statement that The Smiler will not be running, so can we assume it will be running in 2016?
Personally I fell out with AT a long time ago. I was the type of customer who visited several times a year with the family, stayed in the hotel a couple of times a year. Spent £££ in their bars and restaurants.I have flexibility in my needs. I don't crave the newest ride or the biggest thrill, but I do want to be entertained. What I do want most of all is to feel like a valued customer, and that not an income stream. That is why I haven't been to AT in years even though in my heart I still love the place. However I do go to Efteling regularly. I love Efteling. It is everything that AT isn't, but everything I want it to be.
The current agenda will simply not do this. This could, and I believe will, make the park's reputation, experience and credibility worse while the competition rub their hands with glee.

As cruel as this might sound, Alton's passing would suddenly stimulate all other parks, practically in the North, to make a shot of glory and attempt to challenge Merlin's dominance. I'm sure the BPB would be tickled pink at being the main player in the North if things went this way.
Well my good man, we could form a consortium, buy the place for Hee Haw, sign a deal with Mack and give Scotland a decent theme park:D
We should definitely do that. It makes me laugh when they call themselves 'Scotland's Theme Park' they are hardly even an amusement park never mind a 'theme' park. They would never cut their ride line up :rolleyes:
We should definitely do that. It makes me laugh when they call themselves 'Scotland's Theme Park' they are hardly even an amusement park never mind a 'theme' park. They would never cut their ride line up :rolleyes:

Going off topic here but the irony is that despite all the jokes we give the place and all the crappy rides it has, its location and transport access works well in it's favour, not to mention it has an actual hotel that aren't shipping containers. I've gone from mocking them to feeling frustration and that if they had a set of owners who knew what they were doing, it would certainly have potential. Come to think of it, I should make a topic of how it can be improved.
Going off topic here but the irony is that despite all the jokes we give the place and all the crappy rides it has, its location and transport access works well in it's favour, not to mention it has an actual hotel that aren't shipping containers. I've gone from mocking them to feeling frustration and that if they had a set of owners who knew what they were doing, it would certainly have potential. Come to think of it, I should make a topic of how it can be improved.
Definitely has great potential (as long as merlin don't get their hands on it!) so close to Glasgow and Edinburgh. Much closer to major city's than Alton towers.

But anyway yeah merlin sending Alton down the toilet
If they are closing these rides for a season, what they need to do is reduce prices, have some great entry offers (including hotel stays) and get people through the gates.
CBB land will keep the kids happy. The coasters (hopefully well maintained) will keep the teenagers and adults happy.
Sadly, I can't see the above happening :/
A very valid point was made on another forum...

This is possibly going to turn into a vicious circle when the smiler re opens. The press will be very quick to jump on the closed rides as potential "stories" and put their spin on it.

I was hoping that maybe towers might have seen a substantial clean up for next year and effort to get the magic or even some kind of atmosphere back....wishful thinking.

Even on the Friday of fireworks, the place was soulless, no atmosphere, no feeling of "yay, I'm at towers"
They simply cannot put prices up for 2016. If anything, the headline price of £50.40 needs to be reduced.

If our story is confirmed by the park, the park's ride count will be down to 24 next year. This is very low.
Actually, you know what - I am not sure they will. They know they need positive headlines. Putting the (headline) price up is asking for negatives.