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[2025] Toxicator: New Forbidden Valley Suspended Top Spin

It's painted black, surrounded by manky looking concrete, LED screens and even the name 'Toxicator' could fit in with the whole marmaliser concept. It could be plonked in X-Sector and most people wouldn't bat an eye.

That said, i'm just happy we've got a new flat ride and they've put a bit of effort in. It's just a shame that we've lost other flat rides within the same year.
I don’t think it’s very x-sectory, I think because the Smiler has become grimy folk have forgotten that the whole point of x-sector was to be almost clinical and mysterious, whereas Valley was meant to be more organic and over time militaristic. If Smilers theming had been done well that would have been carried on with the whole ministry of joy.

Ripsaws theme was Toxic to some extent (prepare to be detoxicated by ripsaw!), I think Toxicator has a few visual cues that I would have avoided as they hark back to x-sector (chevrons and some of the bare concrete), but it not shouting x-sector to me.
Other then 2 led screens septic tanks and some yellow and black stripes on a dirty looking concrete structure, I'm not getting this amazing theming everyones raving about... am i missing something here..? genuine question
In perspective, it’s a flat ride at Alton Towers - it’s not meant to steal the show, it’s just meant to fill out people’s day. His isn’t Phantasialand; it isn’t Universal or Disney, it is entirely what I expected it to be. That being said, no, it is not particularly remarkable, but I’m pretty sure that’s the point.

It’s certainly more effort I’d wager most parks would put into it. The only concern I do have is maintenance.
Other then 2 led screens septic tanks and some yellow and black stripes on a dirty looking concrete structure, I'm not getting this amazing theming everyones raving about... am i missing something here..? genuine question
In fairness, I’d argue that it looks a damn sight better themed than the vast majority of flat rides, indeed including the ones that adorned the park during the Tussauds years.

Despite some personal scepticism around the platform, I have to admit that this looks very well themed for a flat, and I think they’ve executed it very well. It looks to have had a lot of effort put into it visually.
Other then 2 led screens septic tanks and some yellow and black stripes on a dirty looking concrete structure, I'm not getting this amazing theming everyones raving about... am i missing something here..? genuine question
i'd say i think the topspin itself does a lot of the theme just on its own because its a very industrial looking machine in nature, and well its themed to an industrial machine
Other then 2 led screens septic tanks and some yellow and black stripes on a dirty looking concrete structure, I'm not getting this amazing theming everyones raving about... am i missing something here..? genuine question

I think the word most people have used is “decent” rather than amazing but there is some theming around the base of the platform as well.
When Forbidden Valley was rethemed last year, everyone said how similar it was to X-sector.

It’s no surprise people are saying the same thing, that it feels like it’s an xsector ride in an xsector type of area.

If it wasn’t for Phantasialand very strict noise and planning restrictions. Talocan would have not had that wall built which adds to the theme but impairs the ride experience. That ride fits in with the theme of that area, toxicator fits with the theme of its area.
Regarding the X-Sector connections if it's either new look FV or Toxy, I suspect if/when X-Sector is next to see a new theme or at least a refresh into something different to make the two themed areas look different, these comparisons will soon drop.
true but i can't see them re-theming the whole area to fit around flat rides
The area dose need a bit of a refresh as it is, I don't think they would retheme it arround the flat rides, just retheme the area, and add flat rides (similar to toxicator in the process of retheming FV, Gal still is needed to be done)
I'm confused by the entrance location. Didn't the plans show it being on the other side of the ride and further up the hill?
I am concerned this new location will be a congestion issue. Plus it's easy to miss when you consider almost everyone will first approach the attraction from the other side.
I'm confused by the entrance location. Didn't the plans show it being on the other side of the ride and further up the hill?
I am concerned this new location will be a congestion issue. Plus it's easy to miss when you consider almost everyone will first approach the attraction from the other side.
I was convinced it was the other side as well until I saw it. If there’s a splash zone for off-ride as well (looks like there might be) some people will stand there and cause the underpass to be quite congested. I guess we’ll see how it pans out tomorrow