A few weeks in now, and I have made good progress of some, not so good progress on others.
I have started running every other day, need to make sure I go this evening. Been running for about 30 minutes, problem I have is that I live on top of a hill, so the first half is all down hill, which is nice and easy, but the last part is up hill, which has meant that last 5/10 minutes has been walked back. Managed to run a little bit further each time, and going to try and keep it up until I can run the full 30 minutes before making it a longer route.
Budget wise has been an interesting one. Actually making a budget, and deciding what I am going to spend my money on in advance has been an eye opener. It was shocking how much money we spend eating out or on takeaways, but putting a limit in place for the month has meant we have thought more about eating out, or ordering something, than we normally would. Its also a nice change to look at the budget, when deciding if I have any money to spend, rather than the balance sheet.
Learning German has been the one I have failed at the most, I need to make a bit more effort to try and spend 30 minutes doing some learning each day.