If weekends are in fact sold out then you can't help but feel they might be losing out on bookings with this new accommodation sitting there empty.
There might also be rooms sat empty at Splash and ATH, we don't know how they are choosing to operate. But with the Santa Sleepovers, the capacity of meals and time with Santa is more limiting than the number of rooms. Also with things like the pantomime there will be a limit as to how many people can fit in the room.
Sometimes staying the same is the best option from a risk/reward perspective. When you're an enthusiast looking in, you look at the event completely differently than when you're somebody who is there visiting, the scale of the event isn't really on your mind. If you provide the product to less people, it can stay premium. In that case it requires far less effort to provide the event for the same return - it depends how linear your costs are of course.Of course, but then shouldn't events at theme parks be there to grow rather than stay the same year after year? I'm sure they could find ways to cope with more visitors if they wanted to, especially if it was going to generate more money.
I can't help but wonder if the clean up of damp in these cabins from months of being closed is going to fall under the TLC project....
I would think they will have the heating on a low setting to prevent any damage from damp, particularly in terms of any damp smells when they reopen them.