No Alton have confirmed on twitter and FB today that all three rides will open from 9.30Thought it was Oblivion, Enterprise and CBeebies opening at 9 with sonic opening at 9:30?
Thought it was Oblivion, Enterprise and CBeebies opening at 9 with sonic opening at 9:30?
Thats what the website says isn't it? All ERT rides at 9am, except Spinball.
I dunno man, toddlers get pretty pumped about being on the first train of octonaughts for the dayYou would have think after last years terrible incident and lost of public trust, that they would be doing what they can to draw guest back to the park.
Why put CBbeebies for toddlers before us adults, surely its us adults that are up first thing early in the morning waiting for those gates to open trying to catch the first rides, not toddlers.
That's Alton Towers Marketing team working their magic giving the illusion that it say's one thing but really say's another. More misleading advertising
Confusion over ERT is an internal communication issue rather than misleading advertising (ERT isn't a product that is sold so it can't be advertised as such). It's going to be a case of turn up on Saturday and see what opens when.
I personally think that Oblivion and Enterprise will open at 9am (as long as they are ready) and it's likely that there has been a total lack of communication regarding this.