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2016: General Discussion

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Make the park look like it does in the ads, that's what I say (swirly clouds and all).

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The new path is nice, I hope this means more opening of the gates near Galactica. Even if it's just for hotel and AP holders. It's now open after park close to exit from which is good.

It would also be nice now if they extended the new path to the park entrance.

What happens when you ride the smiler too much !
TowersStreet Facebook said:
Great news for all those hot dog lovers! All of the dark forest food outlets have now reopened ready for the bank holiday!

Good to see. Now open Hex, Alton Towers, pretty please.
Will be interesting to see if these outlets close again after the bank holiday weekend, or after half term. It's odd, as we walked past this morning and they were all boarded up as per, then this afternoon they were open!
I just hope they cleaned everything really well after being shut up for so long, wonder how many people will have dodgy bellies tomorrow.. :rolleyes:
I bet the boards are kept out back somewhere and will return after the outlets close again. To be fair on Towers here, these outlets just haven't been needed on the quiet days I've been this year and at least they bothered to think about how the closed outlets looked rather than just pulling down the shutters.

It'll be interesting to find out whether this was a planned opening or whether the park has been busier than expected and decided adhoc that it was worthwhile. There could be hope for hex and NST yet!!

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It'll be interesting to find out whether this was a planned opening or whether park the park has been busier than expected and decided advoc that it was worthwhile. There could be hope for hex and NST yet!!
I suspect it was planned. After all, Oblivion was running two stations (5 trains) - the first time this season - so they would have been expecting a busy day. :)
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