Very good news I wonder if the stage will actually stay that long. I further wonder if the there is a plan to build a permanent show venue on park in the next few years as that would make a lot of sense.The planning application that the park submitted a while back for temporary permission to keep the stage on the park lawns in summer and on Fountain Sq in Winter has been granted.
They applied for 5 years, but have been granted 3. So can keep the stage until August 2024.
One of my best friends has gone to Alton today for the first time since the Smiler incident. Was insistent he didn't want to go on the ride, but I encouraged him to do so, despite me thoroughly disliking it.
About 16:00, he text and said they were going into the queue. At 17:00 I got "Someone's phone just flew off smiler missing heads by inches. Hit the track and smashed it to bits. Only area where there is no overhead netting!".
Safe to say he sacked it off ... God I hate that ride. I wish they had never built it.
The opinion of the ride is caused by the incident. The issue described in the post is caused by a misguided queue set up.Personal opinions aside, how is any of that the ride's fault?
It was caused by a guest not using their common sense.The issue described in the post is caused by a misguided queue set up.
The opinion of the ride is caused by the incident. The issue described in the post is caused by a misguided queue set up.
Take Millennium at Fantasy Island for example. It stands above public paths and there's no netting, but sections of the track are so low that guests could easilly reach up and touch them.No, the issue described in your post was caused by a rider having their mobile phone on them - that is the primary cause of what you described, not part of the queue having no netting.
There are many rides around the world where you walk under parts of the track with no netting above. Are they all badly designed rides that shouldn't have been built? What about Galactica? Parts of that you can walk directly under, even if you're not actually in the queueline; no netting above whatsover. So if someone's phone fell out then and hit someone, would Galactica be at fault?
I'm not for one second denying the ****tiness of Smiler's queueline. But it feels like a massive, slightly biased reach to suggest the ride is a deathtrap because someone dropped a phone out their pocket whilst riding. No one has ever been hit by a phone on that part of the ride before, which suggests it isn't endemic of today's phone-mad society that people will ride with their phone. Most people have more common sense than that.
The problem is in Towers not checking thoroughly enough who does, or doesn't have loose items on them before riding their rides.
Remember that Towers (and Merlin as a whole) are very strict when it comes to on-ride filming, and will stop rides in order to confiscate items. Controversial I know, given that other parks aren't as strict, but I think it's a good thing for guest safety. Plus, there are already plenty of POVs on YouTube, so why do we need even more?Does no one else see the irony in blaming a phone-mad society on people taking their phones on and subsequently losing them on rides when surely people so obsessed with their phone nowadays wouldn't take any risks that may lead to them losing their phone. I have quite distinct memories as a child of seeing several flip phones and other pre-smart phone phones caught in the net under spinball and I'd argue more phones were lost in the 2000s before smart phones were the norm than they are nowadays, however I could be wrong. There's obviously the argument of people who try to film or stream on rides and lose them that way however again I really don't think that's too common and do have memories from when I was younger of rides being shut due to people using cameras
Thorpe does that too; all of their major rides have themed signs with smashed phones inside them in a similar fashion. For instance, Nemesis Inferno has something along the lines of “your phone can’t stand the heat of Nemesis Inferno”and Colossus has something like “Your phone can’t take the awesome power of Colossus”.I quite like how Cedar Fair parks display all the smashed up iphones they've collected...
I haven't seen any of these has anyone got any pictures?Thorpe does that too; all of their major rides have themed signs with smashed phones inside them in a similar fashion. For instance, Nemesis Inferno has something along the lines of “your phone can’t stand the heat of Nemesis Inferno”and Colossus has something like “Your phone can’t take the awesome power of Colossus”.
I don’t remember what they said exactly, but all of the major coasters have similar ride-specific signs, all with the underlying message of “don’t ruin your day, put it away”.
I didn’t take any pictures, sorry, but I certainly remember them being there!I haven't seen any of these has anyone got any pictures?