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2021: General Discussion

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It was truly very surreal walking around in the dark with noone around yesterday; towards the end of the evening we walked from Forbidden Valley to Mutiny Bay, only seeing another group by Katanga Canyon.

Sorry [mention]AstroDan [/mention] , I think I deprived you of a back row ride on Nemesis.

Started the day walking the Wicker Man queue alone, finished with a night ride with only a handful of people. Crazy.


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It looks as if the start time has been moved earlier next year, so I guess they could mean the rides open earlier, therefore park close will also be earlier. Guess it’s far too early for anything to be fully confirmed yet.
It seems my Merlin annual pass is lost in the post (thanks DHL) who should I contact on the matter
Wish I'd stayed until the end on Sat reading these reports. Tbf I was bored of walking round the full queue lines.

Nabbed a back row ride on Nemesis about 15 minutes after running the 10k which did very weird things to my body. Managed a few rides on the back row actually which is unheard of usually.

Also I'd urge anyone considering going next year on a spectator ticket to at least book the 5K run. I was v nervous about my 10k due to my lack of training but it turned out there were plenty of others in the same boat who just wanted to challenge themselves.
Oh heck yes!!!! I love this! Having a tour around d the ancient gardens with its interesting design and terrain, FOR FREE!!! This is the most British thing I've seen in a while, and I love it!!!
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