I feel like I should probably know this, but; what is a Super Trooper?
If the one at Folly Farm is anything to go by, then the Twist should be pretty fun! I’m not sure if the Waltzer will personally be for me, but if it’s not run on too much of an intense setting, I might give it a go. Dodgems appeal to some, but I’m not really sure if they’re for me, personally.
In terms of flat rides, they tend to be hit or miss for me. There’s some I love (I love drop towers, Rush at Thorpe is a ride I absolutely love, and I even remember Samurai being quite good; the classic flats like the caterpillar and twist are also good fun), but I tend to be put off things that are incredibly spinny or flip you upside down a lot (Air Race at Drayton made me genuinely think I was going to vomit).
I’m very much in favour of this move in terms of a capacity booster, however; I might even give 1 or 2 of them a go!