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2021: General Discussion

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Is anyone on park tomorrow? It feels like everyone’s going to Paultons tomorrow for Tornado Springs, so I’d merely be intrigued to know!

My first visit is on Friday...

I am definitely not going to Paultons tomorrow. It'll be swarming with vloggers and I would be spending most of the time trying to avoid the cameras - similar to why I refrain from the usual opening shenanigans at BPB. It's also too far for a 1-day trip from the midlands. I'll be waiting for hotels to open up so I can stack it up with some beer in Southampton.

I look forward to a day in the sun in the most beautiful surroundings up at Alton and TowersStreet will be reporting on Facebook all day!
I am definitely not going to Paultons tomorrow. It'll be swarming with vloggers and I would be spending most of the time trying to avoid the cameras - similar to why I refrain from the usual opening shenanigans at BPB. It's also too far for a 1-day trip from the midlands. I'll be waiting for hotels to open up so I can stack it up with some beer in Southampton.

I look forward to a day in the sun in the most beautiful surroundings up at Alton and TowersStreet will be reporting on Facebook all day!
I will be refreshing the FB page from my desk at work! :(
I’ll be at home all day tomorrow, so I’ll look forward to your updates @AstroDan; can’t wait to hear your thoughts on the rides, as well as Alton Towers 2021 in general!
Looking forward to seeing the airgateless Monorail platforms as one of the first updates!
I’m wondering what changes the monorail might have had in order to make it COVID-secure... will the team be riding the monorail tomorrow?
Will the monorail even be open? I was expecting it to be closed until at least May.
Happy 2021 season all!

Now that the season is in full swing, we know some people like to obsess over the queue times/ride operations on a day to day basis via the app or reports on social media.

However with all the changes at the park this year with new events and the temporary rides, there's going to be a lot of discussion which will get mixed up with it. So, we've created a dedicated topic to allow day to day queue and ride operations discussion. Obviously any major changes or updates can go in this general topic, but if you'd like to shout out how Wickerman has a 2 hour queue, the dedicated queue topic is now your place to do it.
I’ll be checking your guys updates in between essay writing and revision for uni :unamused: so jealous! Have a great opening day everyone who’s going!
With a bit of frost and snow on the ground at towers today. Wonder if this will affect any ride openings such as wickerman.
Looking at the weather forecast I would be surpirsed if Thirteen was able to open until sometime in the afternoon. Pretty sure they don't run it under 7C these days.
My thoughts are the snow around it is indicative there might be some coaster delays today:weary:
seriously though, i think it looks fine. Filler ride at the end of the day, the branding is fine.
Love it ngl. Think the waltzer is the only one I'm not too keen on
Yeah I agree. Will be interesting to see how that looks.
Looks like there is Towers staff working on it, although it could be fair staff in Towers' uniform.
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